I Totally Did Not Make My First Post A Couple Days Before Halloween Intentionally No Sir - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago
Welp. Time To Get The Balling Rolling Here Too.

Welp. Time to get the balling rolling here too.

Anyway, hello there! Name’s ChaotikJack but you can just call me Jack. Jackie’s fine too though. I’m just a simple woman who simply likes drawing and drawing shit I geek out about.

Some of you may have seen me before on my good friend @atomi-cat‘s blog as Jack Anon, be it on her streams or really REALLY old art stuff I submitted way back when.

Buuuut anyway, after some time, I decided to finally go ahead and open a Tumblr too now that I’m starting to post my own stuff on other platforms. That and so I can also post some stuff for friends of mine or any other folks who still use or drop by this platform. No, I don’t mind whether or not it’s borderline dead here.

You can also find me on Instagram and Newgrounds. I’ve already started posting a couple things there but I’ll also post them here later on for Tumblr. I’ll also go ahead and open the ask box shortly for anyone who wants to ask me stuff at any point.

I honestly don’t know how active I’ll be here or those other sites MAINLY cos of college right now, but hey, I’ll do what I can. I got a loooot of things I wanna make anyway :V

Hope you end up enjoying your stay around here! And for old friends/acquaintances from back in the day who are still around, if you happen to see this, nice seeing you again!


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