I Was Just Thinking About Hannigram - Tumblr Posts
No but...look at this. I need you guys to pay attention to these three clips real quick.
When Vegas asks them to leave and Porsche starts ushering Pete out, he looks reluctant. Hesitant even, like he doesn't actually want to leave. Like he wants to stay. To watch. He looks almost curious.
Which explains the second clip.
He's so focused. Almost like he's cataloging every single movement in his mind. It's like he doesn't want to miss anything. He's so interested... so in tune.
My personal favorite. The way he looks at him. Not in disgust, not in horror or in unease like literally everyone else but in... interest? Curiosity? Maybe he's impressed? Maybe Pete refuses to back down, to look away, to show his true negative feelings Or maybe he isn't even experiencing negative feelings at all. Maybe he isn't perturbed by the violence. Maybe he fascinated.
My point?
Holy shit this just got interesting. Having read the novel, I've been very on the fence with vegaspete from the very beginning. but this.. this just got me on board.
I hope they don't disappoint me but they can do soo much with this. Maybe the smiling, cuddly, sweet Pete isn't so sweet after all. Maybe he's going to show Vegas his real side. The dark one.
Hannigram vibes anyone??