I Was Pumping Out Almost Everyday And I Felt Unstoppable - Tumblr Posts
6 months ago
I just hope everyone can remember they deserve to be cherished on tumblr dot com for who they are, as people and friends. you don't have to earn or deserve your free time here. I hope artists know they don't need to continuously produce art and I hope writers know they're allowed breaks. you're allowed to talk about what you had for lunch or how you're planning your trip. it's your blog. we are not our performances. we are not here to entertain. we're just sharing this corner of the internet, occasionally doing something we love
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I've been thinking about this for a while
i know in 2021-22 i was drawing non stop
i was pumping out almost everyday and i felt unstoppable
but for the past couple years i definitely slowed down
mainly because i felt so burnt out and art blocked an tired
i felt like i was running out of ideas and stories to make up to the point i find myself drawing out of force
and i started hating drawing
which i never thought could happen
i think this year i realised that i was making myself hate art
so i had to take a step back
and surprisingly i find myself way happier these days drawing twice a month
and i post doodles and sketches instead of properly rendered out pieces
i do studies that i never post online as well as drew for friends and family
i felt like me again
so yeah
i think it’s so easy to get into the performance mindset once you had that swwwt taste of recognition
seeing the numbers go up from 20 nites to 1k is addicting but…
didn’t you do this for fun? whats with the obsession with numbers?
you’re just training yourself to be disingenuous that way
i definitely had to teach myself that and relearn why i drew in the first place
sorry for venting in your post V
this is good advice what I’m trying to say
♡ reblog ♡