I Would Be A Cecaelian In A Frigging Heartbeat - Tumblr Posts

4 years ago

Omg, @crazyconglasses thank you for the tag! I love merfolk, and this was so much fun! Of course it’s going to look nothing like me in actuality because where’s the fun in that when I could look like THIS:

Omg, @crazyconglasses Thank You For The Tag! I Love Merfolk, And This Was So Much Fun! Of Course Its

I’m gonna tag @triggerlil, @sunnyeclipses, @welpslytherin, @withgreatelan, @moondraconis​, and anyone else who sees and wants to be a sea creature!

Live out your most fabulous mermaid dreams with this new picrew.

Live Out Your Most Fabulous Mermaid Dreams With This New Picrew.

Tagging @slytherco @shealwaysreads @p1013 @eva-eleanore​ @tackytigerfic​ @caroll-in​ @sitp-recs​ @stavromulabetaaa​ @fw00shy​ @onbeinganangel​ @lqtraintracks​ @fangqueen​ and anyone else who wants to play!

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