I Would Love To Hear It! - Tumblr Posts
Yooooooooo!!!! This is so cool! Okay so may I add on a bit and ask more about it? Because I really like the idea of Techno being a bounty hunter but in secret. Taking the secret identity idea from the Antihero AU and combining it with the goal of the Bounty hunter AU… you could even make all the osmp members heroes, and give reason to Techno for going after them. But like of course he gets attached and stuff, or he already was and finds out about it(see: Tommy being his brother in the Antihero AU)stuff like that!
But overall this sounds really cool!
It finally returns… Dream SMP challenges!!! Take two of your favourite or most interesting AUs(or concepts for whichever fandom you really desire) and merge them together! How does this impact your original plots? Enjoy ;)
my 2 favorites AUs is where Techno is an antihero and where he is a bounty hunter, if I merged them I think it would have a steampunk kinda vibe, basically in the antihero au they have this very advanced gadgets and technology and the bounty hunter au it takes place in the osmp, so maybe there could be this cool technology to kinda buff the abilities they already have

Ok I did stuff today! It's not perfect but I like it a lot, I've been playing around with this jacked thing for a while and I just like it too much to just let go,,,,,,,,
Also some stuff I would like to note about the design and genshin designs as a whole:
>Making a genshin-passable design is an absolute nightmare. Specially if it's for a man, and if that man is tall; >Short guys in genshin tend to use shorts or puffy pants and they're in a very thin line of looking childish or feminine and looking sporty, and none of these apply to Enjou, specially the being short part; >Tall man on the other hand tend to look extremely formal or use some sort of shirt+pants style, Itto was the first one to break this mold for real (Kaeya has the top different but still follows the general fancy formal vibe) and so far no other character has really broken the mold again to that extend; >This means that making a tall man character will often fall under the "fancy suit" vibe as I tend to put it, which is *very* limiting on what you can do with a design; >Genshin also doesn't give characters closed and/or long skirts, I assume that's so to not restrain the characters' movements since they all share the same walking/running animations, which means an actual kimono is impossible to design if you're thinking about it for an actual in-game design; >Also might as well comment here: I went with an Inazuman style for Enjou because,, well,,, we met him there, and he was at least pretending to be from there, and I think designing him with that in mind was more interesting than trying to figure out Khaenri'ah style purely based on Dainsleif, Kaeya and that one npc from the Chasm Quest; >Another general genshin style thing: They tend to give asymmetrical bits to all designs, some have more than others but they all have at least some asymmetry. On my case, I ended up with little asymmetry because I didn't want to mess his clothes just because.
And yeah that's all, I also tried to incorporate some of the Lector's details there but this is all just a concept, but I really wanted to post it or else it could easily be just one of my forgotten projects...
If you're also an Enjou fan and you got through all this text tell me what you think, do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you think I could make some changes? I rarely see someone out there that also likes this silly npc as much as me so my takes on him end up being very isolated hahah
What if I tried to make a playable character Enjou design... What if...