I Write This Stuff In My Drafts And There It Rots - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Something nobody ever talks about is how Homestuck^2, (or rather I suppose HS:BC now,) doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and how recreating what was possibly the most overtly toxic and abusive relationships in the comic with their new shipkids, going as far as to give them the same exact names and clearly inspired personalities, is kinda strange.

Especially when you remember those were the same people who well, I don’t know, went on tirades about how the aggressor did nothing wrong, or how the victim was “in the wrong actually” due to “being an obvious chaser,” and whatnot. It just feels like something that should be talked about more, they have the same exact names for goodness sake! The dynamic is obviously meant to be more sanitized, sure, but the fact that they’re depicted as a healthy blackrom relationship can’t just be coincidental. Like, if we’re being objective here, one could even argue that those who wrote it wanted to recreate that relationship, and from what we’ve been shown it doesn’t seem like it was done for any substantial “meta commentary.”

Something Nobody Ever Talks About Is How Homestuck^2, (or Rather I Suppose HS:BC Now,) Doesnt Exist In
Something Nobody Ever Talks About Is How Homestuck^2, (or Rather I Suppose HS:BC Now,) Doesnt Exist In

When the two writers of the media property said this I’m sure it had no effect on how the media property was written. I’m also positive that their opinions had no effect on the attitudes of their team at large. You’ve got my vote of confidence that they were putting such mindsets aside whenever they were preparing to write a story where TavVris^2 happens.

Vriska appearing as a prominently likable character who gets everything done in ways that are only acknowledged as “cool” and/or “badass” was just a completely separate writing decision all together. The original Tavros (now colloquially known as “gcat-Tavros” (sprite affiliation),) being poignantly excluded is also unrelated to everything as well I’m pretty sure. It’s all super cut and dry really, innocent fanfiction fun that looks to do right by everyone, no ulterior motives or underlying bias.

I just think it’s highly suspect, is all. TavVris^2, completely unproblematic and the most normal relationship they both have, done for normal reasons, brought to you by the authors that have always kept self indulgence out of their continuation.

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