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1 year ago

More Bayverse lore, now with included generations!

More details: The Star Harvestor was originally built as Alpha Trion, receiving a prediction of the future, warned Solus of the Allspark one day getting lost and that something should be built. Without this information, Solus would have built the Harvestor as more of an addition to the Allspark instead of its own individual tool that could be used without the Allspark. When the Allspark did become lost, this method was used by the Primes. 

Types of Cybertronians: 


Built by Creators using Primus metal

Built by other Cybertronians using Primus metal 

Built by Quintessa using Transformium 

Built by other Cybertronians using Transformium 

Built by Allspark


Built by Cybertronians using Transformium 

Unless a very specified generation (Primes, Knights), Minicons, Beastformers, Combiners and etcetera are included

During the first couple of generations, the Allspark could only give life. At some point it could make protoforms but they had to be modified to be completed before giving life. The Allspark then became completely sufficient and could, at the same time, create a protoform and give it life. 


Primes - these seven were built by the Creators using the metal of Primus, they have incredible abilities and were built to be formidable and assist in building more into the army. The Creators gave them life. Can create protoforms. 

Knights - these 12 Cybertornians were built by Quintessa and Prima. They were built to be the protectors of Quintessa’s staff and were to be loyal to her. The other Creators did not have their own “Knights” as they believed Quintessa was being paranoid and didn’t see it as important. As the Allspark was being built at the time, they were given life by the Creators and not the Allspark. It was deemed their job of protection was important and they were not taught how to create protoforms. (24/7 job)

Warriors - these Cybertronians were built by the Creators and had the abilities of their Creators, they are superwarriors. A great number of them became Seekers as their abilities were seen as useful to the Fallen to find the matrix of leadership. These warriors had powers similar, but not the extent, as the Primes. Jetfire is part of this generation. Creators gave them life. They can create protoforms from scratch.

Soldiers - these are old Cybertronians who were built by the Primes to be part of their army. Unlike Warriors, they have no special abilities at all and are mostly seen as disposable. Many in this generation died. This generation had to create protoforms from scratch. 

Explore and Conquest - This generation is the start of transformium being used to create Cybertronians as the metal on Primus was already depleted enough. They are Knights and are the first to be built to explore, however, they were still soldiers. They are not as disposable as Soldiers. The main ones in this generation are the Dinobots. This generation is built both by Quintessa as well as the Primes. Sentinel is part of this generation and gained curiosity. He soon became closer to Quintus and became more of a scientist. (Might make Shockwave and Soundwave part of this generation too, IDK.) This generation was greatly loved by Quintus and he taught them many things.

Soldiers Transformium - Though exploration was starting to become important, soldiers were still being built, only this time, with transformium. Megatron and Starscream are part of this generation. This generation happened during the Explore and Conquest generation and after. They know about the Creators. They know how to modify protoforms but not how to make one from scratch. (As a side note, I like to think Jetfire was the one to mentored and trained Starscream. Megatronus chose Megatron to be his student.)

Hunters - This generation is the last generation to know of the Creators. Lockdown is part of this generation. Unlike Soldiers Transformium, they are built by Quintessa to hunt down those Quintessa deemed a threat (not following her orders). This was unknown to the Primes. To the Primes, the Hunters were simply those who kept order and were known as Enforcers instead. The Primes believe this generation was the start of the Allspark believer but this is false. Quintessa never taught them creation.

Allspark - This generation truly believed in the Allspark. It is also around this generation that more freedom was given. Ratchet is part of this generation. The Allspark was at its best during this generation and all Transformers were built only by the Allspark and Transformium with no help from Primes or Quintessa. This was mostly due to the great research from the Explore and Conquest generation that was implemented into the Allspark. During this generation Quintessa still built Knights which included Optimus. He did not know he was created by Quintessa as whenever she created a protoform she would leave the protoform near the Allspark so they could be given life. She built Optimus as one of her lower knights disobeyed her and she wasn't going to let that precious metal go to waste. (During the Explore and Conquest generation there was a long period of getting transformium and placing a stache within Primus. The Allspark created life by using that stache. Seeds were only used in the Explore and Conquest generation. Once it was deemed sufficient, seeds were placed in stock until the stache on Cybertron ran out) 

War - The Primes were dead and the war started. The Allspark was lost during this time and this is when Hatchlings were introduced. The Star Harvester could not create protoforms like the Allspark. Cybertronians discovered the stache of transformium in the core of the planet but barely knew how to use it. Sentinel used his knowledge from Quintus to create Hatchlings. As transformium wasn’t exactly like the metal from Primus himself, even Decepticons created Hatchlings. The difference was that the knowledge of modifying protoforms and creating from scratch from the metal of Primus led to their Hatchlings mature much faster than Autobot Hatchlings and be highly more efficient. (For my timeline, Starscream before the war was a protector of newly created protoforms instead of Hatchlings and during the war watched over hatchlings whenever he wasn’t busy in battle. He won’t admit it but he has a soft spot for them. Unlike him and Megatron, these hatchlings have somewhat of a “childhood.”) In the beginning of the war, many Decepticons just wanted a better life and cherished the Hatchlings as a generation who will have a better life. Hatchlings only grew faster as the Decepticons simply wanted to give them great opportunities and offered greatly built upgrades. It was only after power corrupted the faction that more Decepticons only upgraded the Hatchlings to be soldiers and weren’t too affected if a Hatchling died as the parts can be used for weapons or something else. (Btw in my story, Optimus adopted Bumblebee when he was a hatchling.) 

I'll most likely edit this as time goes one like the first one I posted lol.

Edit: I forgot Dragonstrom was actually the Knights of Iacon. I thought the Knights controlled a giant dragon combiner, not that they themselves were the combiner. Whoops. It should be fixed now

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