Ian Beale - Tumblr Posts - Page 2

it is so late right now but I had to
You can click this for a minor surprise if I did it right
the haunting of ian beale, 2/?
uh this one got long lol. part one here.
Ian looked around him.
He looked at who was next to him, and what he was wearing and sighed deeply.
"Well, it's not the Symbolism Room at least."
Henry nodded. "It's the Symbolism Beach, which will obviously be better."
"Was that a joke?"
"Rest assured, I do not engage in any type of jokes, frivolity, japes or shenanigans."
"Well as long as that's settled."
The beach was... endless, sand in all directions on either side of him, water in front of him. Ian didn't look behind him; something inside told him that he wouldn't like it. Normally that would have had him immediately looking from sheer spite but his gut was telling him
he would see Nothing
truly, Nothing.
could he handle seeing Nothing? no, okay, let's move on then because
this chair was very comfortable.
Henry and Ian were in Adirondack chairs, and Ian knew it wasn't his mind supplying he beach because he had never heard that term in his life. Thankfully, something knew him well enough to pair his swim trunks with a shirt and sun hat.... though considering his trunks were covered in yellow triangles, and his shirt had a Radical Dude Doing Sik Sk8 Trix on it, he was still clearly being fucked with.
Henry, Ian was bemused to see, was still in his weird pre-Transcendence 'preacher' outfit, though tonight at least he had short sleeves on.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?"
Ian looked out at crashing waves, water so dark as appear to black, a blue cloudless sky. It felt... calming. Meditative. The waves were just enough to provide sound, but not so violent as to actually disturb the sense of calm tranquility.
His brain, Ian realized, was quiet.
Quiet in that every time he felt the panic rise, it felt like a big fist came to kindly push on his chest until he settled down.
He should probably be worried about that but
oh. hey. A fruity tropical drink in his hand. Convenient, that.
"What brings you here this time?" Ian asked. "I"m not sure how many after school specials I can handle."
Henry frowned a bit. "I'm not entirely sure myself. Quite frankly I'm amazed I'm here spea-"
Henry disappeared. Ian took the opportunity to will his drink from a virgin pina colada to a margarita.
He looked out at the ocean.
He didn't look behind him.
"My apologies." Henry was still the same, though his glass had now turned into a mug that read 'World's Best Grandpa.'
"Not exactly fun being constantly in the midst of an existential crisis, I get it."
Henry looked around him. "This... this is my daughter's beach."
The mindscape of someone dead a thousand years. But
"You seem... relatively calm, about that," Ian finally ventured.
"You mean, as compared to Alcor?" Ian must have pulled a face, because Henry let out a bittersweet little laugh.
"No. I am sad my daughter is gone. But I am happy knowing since then she has had a hundred different life times to experience joy-"
"-and pain-"
"-and that too but one is not outweighed by the other. It just is. We see each other in-"
Henry kept talking but for a minute all that came out was radio static. Ian had a feeling that even if Bill or Alcor were here, they too would only hear that static as well.
"-also, with all due respect for my brother, it has been a millennium. Everyone and everything involved has moved on."
"But not him," said Ian with full disrespect.
"No." Henry took a drink and adjusted his visor. "in a way, I pity him, deeply. I think he will forever be locked in the trauma of losing everyone and everything he knows. There is a part of him that cannot change, cannot move on, and he knows it."
"Okay, but that's bullshit though?" and oh, was he mad? Okay, he was not only mad, but pretty mad, even with the chest pushing blanket on him.
"I'm sorry, but a thousand years, and nothing has changed? Seriously? Also have we forgotten that vampires also can live a very long time, or dragons, and I don't see them doing... doing-"
Ian waved a hand to indicate everything Alcor had done, ever.
"Vampires don't have infinitely expanding and growing power at their beck and call."
"And that makes a difference how?" Man the combination dreamarita, dream beta blocker, and the constant rage that bubbled under his skin was actually a really good combo, the words were flowing but the heart rate was not accelerating, 12/10 feeling.
"My life, Mira's life... they're different because Alcor is in them- and not always for the better."
"Bill might have happened anyway."
"Point. But would I be missing an eye, would-"
Ian stopped, because he didn't want to tell Henry about the pain, the sadness, the absolutely tremendous amount of stress on all of them, because the preteen with the power of a god decided to come into their lives and play with them like dolls.
He didn't deserve that truth, yet.
Everything was silent for a minute, save for the breaking of the waves and the cry of the gulls.
Finally, Henry managed to say, "I think, I am a little upset to hear you say that. But if I put my emotions aside for a second, I do not think you are entirely wrong, either."
Ian was still. He had seen Henry crush the plastic armrests under his hands, caught the hot iron tang of blood in his nose and a flash of meat in the antlers.
"Has he told you, about my children? His nieces and nephew?"
"No. He hasn't? I'm... sorry?"
For a minute, Henry disappeared. But this time it felt like it was because he chose to do so himself.
Henry blipped back in, now also holding a dreamarita. "My apologies. I did not realize how that would affect me. And I did not hold space for your extremely valid criticisms."
Looking at him, Ian felt a wash of pity come on him. What was it like- no, what had to have happened that even a thousand years later you felt the need to exert that level of control over oneself?
"Anyway," Henry went on. "We had triplets- Acacia, Hank, Willow. They were our everything. Alcor was their fourth parent." The math must clearly have not been mathing on Ian's face because Henry added "We also had my father-in-law with us. No but... I don't regret having Alcor with us, having Alcor raise the kids. He loved them, more than anyone or anything else-"
"-except Mizar."
Henry looked like he bit a lemon.
"Yes. Well. My point is, I don't regret it but thinking about it... we were all affected in some way, letting a demon into our homes, into our bed. And... it wasn't always all good." Henry paused. "But it wasn't all bad, either."
Ian thought about it, really, truly thought about it for a minute.
"It's not all bad," he finally agreed. "But he seriously needs to fix his shit."
"I'll have a talk with him-" Henry's hands and feet blipped, appeared quickly hanging from his antlers, then appeared back where they should be. "Or I'll try to anyway."
They drank their drinks. At some point, a goat wandered onto the beach.
Ian still didn't feel tempted to look back behind him. It felt like being fourteen. It wasn't a good feeling and oh, the calm down hand was pushing him down again-neat!
"I am a little embarrassed that I am just now having this realization," Henry said as he began his second dreamarita. "It feels like something I should have recognized a long time ago."
Ian was now three dreamaritas in and beginning to see 5-D colors. "I wouldn't sweat it, it's probably because your consciousness was violently ripped apart and the resulting energy used to power a demon and now the million fragments of your soul are slowly beginning to piece themselves together and wait, how do I know this?"
"You know the answer."
"Ugh. Him."
"But you are probably correct."
"Orrrrrr, and just throwing this out there- none of this could be real and it's simply my brain trying to process the absolute shitshow of the last few years."
"Perhaps. I know that I, personally, do not feel very 'real' right now, which is also very disconcerting."
They sat. They drank their drinks. The goat was eating a seagull, an image that Ian was almost going to immediately throw on a storyboard for the next episode when he woke up.
"Why are you here? Doing this?" Ian finally asked.
"I don't have anything else better to do. Dipper won't listen to me."
Ian was not going to touch that with a ten foot pole but he went on. "That's not your vibe, that's what assholes like me say."
"I am trying to be witty, but that has never been my strong suit."
Which was why Ian wasn't going to point out that that had been nowhere near wit but-
"-I thought you could use someone to talk to, about all of this."
"Okay, but we already had this conversation and I am pretty sure you are not a licensed therapist."
"Very much not; I was a librarian."
"That tracks."
"So no, I am not a therapist. I certainly can't 'fix' you, nor do I have any intent on doing so."
That flare of anger again. "Okay, but my life would be considerably easier if my brain wasn't constantly trying to crash into the ocean and explode, so I'd rather like some fixing, thank you very much."
Henry held his hands up in supplication. "My apologies, I was trying to go for more 'we are defined by our life experiences.'" He looked down. I'm not always the best with.. talking to people. Understanding them. That was all-"
"Mira." Unbidden, her name out of his mouth.
On Henry's arms, Ian could see dozens of little round scars, up and down. His hands clasped his mug, and Ian could see that two or three of his fingers were crooked.
Ian had a feeling why Henry had a hard time with people. It wasn't a good feeling.
"But look. One good talk won't fix everything forever. I think you could use someone to talk to about this a little more regularly. I don't know all of what you've been through, our experiences aren't a one to one comparison but, I get it. Really. And I know in retrospect, I should have talked to someone myself."
"Wait. I'm sorry, you didn't have a therapist? Or anything?"
It was disconcerting to see a middle aged man who could instantly obtain and wear the mantle of Death blush beet red.
Ian could see where this was going. "Henry did you ever talk to your wife about any of this?"
"A... a tiny bit, I think. I hope. But, I think I didn't want to burden her... which in and of itself created a burden on her. I trusted her, more than anything else in the world, but I... I couldn't talk to her."
Henry looked down at the drink in his hands. "It was always so much easier to talk here, than it was in the real world."
Ian thought about the control it took to keep the anger at bay, keep the temper cool, keep everything inside, at all times.
Control, that was more akin to a prison.
Aloud though, all Ian said was "Oof," because honestly he wasn't sure how to handle this level of honesty from a guy he was only talking to for the second time ever, also who was super dead.
"My apologies, I know that was a lot of- as my kids used to say- 'oversharing.' But I just dont want you to make the same mistakes I did."
A chill trickled down Ian's spine. "Um, I'm actually emotionally available and talk to my fiance like a real person, thank you very much. To say nothing of the multiple therapists I am currently seeing."
Henry ignored Ian's barbs and went on. "I know you talk to Mira-"
"I can see inside you," Henry said, nonchalantly.
Not even magic airborne anxiety medicine would keep Ian's heart from immediately jackhammering in his chest, stop his temper from instantly snapping like a twig."
Ian's voice was low. "I am sick and TIRED of people, especially people I don't know, RUMMAGING inside of my head."
Henry was flushing but this time there were stormclouds in his face, which tough shit.
"It all comes down to BILL, always and forever, and apparently that's a legitimate reason to invade my privacy? In the most violating way possible?"
"That was certainly not my intention, could I please explain?"
Ian was standing up now, albeit wobbly because those dreamaritas were hitting hard, and looked out to the ocean beyond. He resisted the urge to dump a devastating one liner and began to wade out into the ocean. He'd just swim until he woke up, and then put "learn how to lucid dream" on his calendar so he could peace out right away next time this happened.
"Wait, Ian you should not go out in that water-"
Ian flipped him the bird and kept going.
"No, seriously, I think that's a rip tide-"
Suddenly, it felt like two hands grabbed Ian's ankles and pulled and now he was flying through the water, further and further from shore. He tried swimming sideways, but the not-hands on his ankles held on tighter and pulled him under."
It was a dream so obviously, Ian didn't need to breathe.
Everything around him was wine dark and suffocating. Underneath his feet was tens of thousand of feet of water and more than that was a deep crushing M A W, a great big stingray's mouth that sought out pray and sucked it in to crush it between it's two great grinding plates and he was drawing closer and closer and
Something else wrapped around his waist. Something... wood? It wrapped and it Pulled
And the maw and the wine dark sea and the bird eating goat and the beach were gone, all gone, and it was just him, and Henry, in a blank white space.
"I'm sorry, I tried to take you to my space but-"
For a second, everything flickered around Ian and he was in a forest but flicker again and it was the blank white room.
"-but I think that part of me is gone, right now."
"So. Thank you for saving me, but counterpoint, what the fuck was that murder beach?"
"I did not realize that her beach had.. not quite gotten a mind of its own. Say was akin to a machine left on way too long, running the same processes until it burns out-"
"And those processes are?"
"Eradicate intruders by destroying them, and dispersing their energy."
"And," Ian said after a long minute, "that was your daughter's mind."
"She was going through some things." Henry paused. "In retrospect, quite a lot of things."
Ian sat down, and Henry next to him.
"I don't- it's not on purpose, I promise."
Ian sighed. "I had a feeling. Honestly, you don't give off that kind of vibe. It's just-"
"You've been violated. Several times." There was an edge to Henry's voice and for a second the air around him smelt of blood and pine and wait, was he getting mad on Ian's behalf? Oh, that was... unexpected. But cool, thanks!
Henry closed his eyes, took a breath, and the air cleared. "I want to let you know I am not reading your mind-"
"Oh my stars, is that one theory that souls just watch the living like TV true? Because I got to tell you, I am deeply not sure how I feel about that existentially."
"No. I mean, kind of but-" radio static, again.
"I didn't catch any of that but I'm guessing no one is watching grandma go to the bathroom from the afterlife."
Henry shuddered. "Absolutely not. I can just..." He paused, clearly trying to think of a way to phrase it so that mortals could understand. Finally, he just reached out and gently tapped Ian's chest.
"I see that."
"Are you telling me you can see my heart? Because that is unimaginably corny."
"I can see that you are a good man, who loves and is loved in return."
For once, Ian had nothing to say.
The room began to dim, and Henry looked around. "I think you're starting to wake up."
"Oh, uh... okay."
There was an awkward pause, but finally, Ian extended an olive branch. "It feels like you still have more to say."
"I do."
"Then, I guess I'll see you around."
A pillow smacked into his face.
"Dude, why are you groaning so much?"
"Love you too, starshine."
"Seriously though, you practically woke yourself up. Weird dreams?"
Ian's brow crinkled. He couldn't remember anything but-
"Did I drink last night?"
"Um, unless you managed to do it in the 2 minutes we were apart before bed, no?"
"Huh. It's weird but I feel... hungover?"

Reincarnation Bluesverse + Will Wood lyrics
1.1 & 1.2 (couldn't decide which I liked better so have two of them) & 2
Fic: @reblogincarnation-blues's The Mirrored Heart chapter 1
Song: ... well, better than the alternative
Fic: @marypsue's What Friends Are For
Song: BlackBoxWarrior - OKULTRA
4 & 5
Fic: @marypsue's Something Borrowed, Something Blues chapter 17
Song: Mr. Capgras Encounters a Secondhand Vanity: Tulpamancer's Prosopagnosia/Pareidolia (As Direct Result of Trauma to the Fusiform Gyrus)
Kept these very fast and loose to try to break out of a creative slump. Based more off of vibes than silly trivial things like canon and facts and anatomy. None of these should be taken literally or metaphorically or physiologically or radiologically. Twice divorced gray eyesed Ian still lives rent free in my head sorry

whole slew of ian doodles from various @reblogincarnation-blues writings!
From left to right, top to bottom:
Badass Mindscape Ian from Chapter 4 of All the Old Familiar Places
Same as 1
Very normal Bian (he's ok) from Chapter 5 of The Mirrored Heart
Soulmate AU Ian as Mira meets him in Chapter 3 of The Mirrored Heart and an older version because he survives to a happy ending and I'm giving him one (1) break (soulmark design inspired by this awesome art by @that-ghost-pal!)
pissy little baby Ian!Bill from Chapters 4 and 9 of All the Old Familiar Places
Twice divorced gray eyesed Ian (my favorite chew toy) from Chapter 1 of The Mirrored Heart
Sick of this bullshit Bian from Chapter 5 of The Mirrored Heart
This bullshit Bian from Chapter 4 of The Mirrored Heart

just hanging out and watching the sky
click for higher quality and closeups under the cut

Okay so I know that reincarnation in this au doesn't work this way, but what if bill reincarnations had a messed up eye embedded in their 3D bodies that could see the fourth dimension

Experiment in rendering and negative space inspired by @reblogincarnation-blues's Chapter 9 of All the Old Familiar Places
This doesn't quite fit the canon of the chapter but ahhh stage five of grief or something
Also I don't know what the hell I was thinking trying out a new method of rendering with this lighting setup. Backed myself into a corner with this how the hell do you do omnidirectional?? lighting. also he started turning out too realistic and it was scaring me. fear/hate relationship with how this came out
Click for higher quality and closeup under the cut

quick and loose (24 hours and counting) thing i tried to finish before move-in i'm calling it here i was defeated 😔 let's see if i can finish it before classes actually start (no) featurnig partial view of my krita setup (default) god be with ye all i need to be doing last minute packing in five-odd hours and then i will not sleep for four entire months god be with y'all

content dryspell have this Ian doodle I did in class like two weeks ago I actually liked

ok wait I have one more wip I can offer up for Alcor's government birthday

I am mildly obsessed with chapter three from @reblogincarnation-blues ‘s The Mirrored Heart and needed to draw the scrunklies with their mismatched marks ^-^
(I was gonna post this later but I’m impatient so you all get another post haha)

I’ll ask you one more time, Ian. Is that your choice? Yes.