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This is attention to details man

Ganon holds a bow straight while Link holds it at an angle.

Ganon also draws the bow like a samurai, (since this Ganon is more samurai like) he positions/aim the bow then draws.

(Not shown here) Even if Link uses a long bow like Ganon he will still aim at an angle since he is a soldier. He positions/aim the bow and draws at the same time.

The bow Ganon uses will recoil meaning this is a heavy bow. (They didnt need to add that detail in, but they did man)

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the-reach-between-our-hands - The Reach Between Our Hands

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figured out how to steal a giant ball from a shrine to create the ultimate vehicle

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Still Waiting For You

still waiting for you

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【TOTK】  💧

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4 years ago
My Requested R6 Art So Far~
My Requested R6 Art So Far~
My Requested R6 Art So Far~
My Requested R6 Art So Far~
My Requested R6 Art So Far~
My Requested R6 Art So Far~

My requested r6 art so far~

Iana, dokkaebi, Mira, ela, Hibana, ela

I absolutely love rainbow six siege and am definitely glad my friends do too!

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5 years ago


さて、どうしたものか…🤔と思っていた矢先、友人から「そのページは自由に使ったほうが良い。ジャーナルをしたいのなら、良いサイトがある」と教えてもらったのが、Bible Journal Love という、Etsy で販売もしていますが、たくさんFreebie も公開しているサイトです。



というわけで、プリントアウトして、カットしてデコってみました❗️アメリカのfree printable は他のサイトも調べると、たくさんあったので、いっぱいプリントしました。プリントしたままにならないようにしなければ…。


日付シートは、かわいいmira さんのを使用しました🌸

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1 year ago

Старший брат Миры

Старший сын Ванессы и Рома.

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1 year ago

Мира младшая дочь Ванессы и Рома

Младшая сестра Николая

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5 years ago
I Feel Like Its Been A Long Time Since I Have Done Art Of Dear Mira From The Trancendence Au. I Have

I feel like it’s been a long time since I have done art of dear Mira from the Trancendence au. I have been watching a lot of clothing hauls lately and I remember it being stated Mira wears a lot of fashion from Korean online shops so I used that and my new knowledge of Pastel fashion to create a really cute outfit for her.

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5 years ago

Just had this cute little headcanon that at some point Ian and Mira colab on a children’s storybook. They plan the story together and then Mira does the writing and Ian does the art. It’s a moderate success, by no means an instant classic but successful enough to help Mira expand her audience she can write books for if she so chooses to.

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1 year ago
Some Valentine Conversation Of My Bunny Villagers But I Could Only Capture These Two From Lazy And Big
Some Valentine Conversation Of My Bunny Villagers But I Could Only Capture These Two From Lazy And Big

Some valentine conversation of my bunny villagers but I could only capture these two from lazy and big sister

Jock villagers told me that they preferred chocolate-flavoured protein shake instead of chocolate; smug villagers asked me if I didn't have a date with others they would be on my waiting list (they just want to date with me!); snooty villagers asked me to find the finest dark chocolate for them during the rest of the day lol 🍫

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2 years ago

hi athena !! for the ask game, i'll order darjeeling and pue-rh tea(i think that's what it was help)

omg hi mira!! tysm for sending in an ask for the tea ask game 💓💓 (even though it took me so long to respond 😭 i’m sorry)

darjeeling: what languages do you speak?

fluently, i speak english and pidgin 🤥 i understand yoruba, but can’t speak 😞 and then i also speak arabic & french at around the same (beginner to intermediate) fluency level 😁 sooo i either speak 2, 3, or 5 languages, depending on the way you look at it LMFAO

pu-erh tea: what is a book you can recommend to others?

(you were so close! Actually... i think their spelling is wrong and You’re correct 💆🏾‍♀️)

100% anytime anyone asks for a book rec, i’ll always recommend Cinderella is Dead. it may not be a whole literary analysis and dissection but it is just... so good. the issues it tackles are are taken seriously, while keeping the fantasy element very much alive. it’s a very good book, especially for queer poc so i deffo recommend giving it a read! 😚

for the sake of nostalgia, i’ll deffo throw in the percy jackson series (esp the 2nd one since i’m just realising a lot of ppl never got to it/finished it). i don’t think i need to give any reason except we’re getting a black annabeth chase and a south asian grover let’s GOOO 😋😋

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