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3 years ago

MOTHERBOARD: Fallout Fan Synth

I'm going to share more fallout oc's on here in time, but this one I woefully don't have any art of outside of concept sketches. Rip 😔

Most of my characters so far are apart of my Courier story, but this one came long before Fern, and I believe was my first fallout oc I had created! Though with the plan I have for Fern I could see MB fitting snuggly in somewhere.

MOTHERBOARD (they/it/she) is a mock-up of a generation-2 synth, inspired off of DiMa/Nick and created in juxtaposition to them, but with a twist.

They were not created by the institute and are completely stationary. They have a faceless mostly gen-2 synth body attached to this tall stable tower of scrapped together tech and hardware, isolated in a dark expansive room littered with several monitors and stray devices. A large attachment is linked to the back of its gen-2 body that runs all the way up and into a large circular gap in ceiling. Attached to their head is a cress of bulbs and attachments, giving their silhouettethe illusion of a crown, completing their look with painfully luminescent white spotlight eyes.

The extent of her mobility at body is that parts of the tower can swivel and click in places to turn her. This gives mobility to observe her direct surroundings, but of course they can't leave the tower, since they ARE the tower.

MOTHERBOARD was a attempt to create a synthetic human but from the wasteland, but lacking the resources of the institute resulted in trying to cram human akin sentience into a ridiculous amount of hardware built out of salvaged and scrap materials.

Despite being stuck in place, they have influenced outside of their holding chamber, over they're time in isolation they have built their own eyes, ears, and hands in the form of small animatronics, coming in a few difference forms. Some built out of laser turrets, scrapped assaultrons, etc.

My favorite is this little spider eyebot thing made out of gen-1 syth hands that scutters around and records audio, I love him. <3

These bots retrieve information, holotapes, software, and other scrap as MB keeps expanding and building. They also serve as lovely defense and deterrent for visitors. :)

Maybe their creation was by a dysphoric gen-3 synth in the dark about what or who they really are and made MOTHERBOARD as a result, perhaps a escaped institute engineer gone mad dreamt them up, or some long forgotten project left buried- Who knows!

All that is known is this chamber is buried somewhere in the wastes, and if you happen by you might pick up on a faint radio broadcast at the entrance to a dilapidated bunker. Daring to go in the signal becomes more clear as you travel deeper down sets of metal stairs, unlight warehouse rooms of pre-war military equipment, and abandoned living quarters, but finding no evidence of roaches, vermin, or scavvers. Its only you interuppting the tomb stillness, illuminating the long corridors with the light of your pip-boy, the tunes from the boardcast making this exploration increasingly unnerving.

After a while it became apparent there is a complete lack of terminals to find, that would normally help explain the story behind a government installation like this, but the further you get, everything really is lacking clear signs of salvage or life.. The broadcast reaches clarity as you approach two large freight doors, a bright white light sweeping from inside them cycles passed, then suddenly coming back and illuminating directly on you through the cracks.

The broadcast crackles, before its abruptly cut off-air.

~Abandoned bunker broadcast ~

There's more to talk about but leaving it there as I polish this character.

When I find the concept doodles I'll be sure to share.

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