If I Don't Remember To Come Check Out If There's Any New Chapters - Tumblr Posts

Surprise. Sadly, we're not getting off that easy since these final moments are important. Krang 1 is actually pretty fun to draw but so time consuming. Some themes of self worth and life vs death are starting to be brought up here that I do want to seriously talk about, but I think I'll wait until a better moment a little later in the arch. It's a talk that I think is worth discussing within a safe space, though I can only go as far as to give my own personal experiences. Until then.
Also, Mikey's starting to learn how to make sacred circles! He'll get better at it eventually. I know there's quite a bit of scene jumping going on as of late but it's kind of the running theme of this arch as we hop back and forth between each of these different stories. Hopefully it won't be too hard to follow once we wrap up the final recording.

Also also, I know the Krang's hand should probably MUCH bigger in the last panel since he's so huge, but for the sake of keeping the shot legible just go with it. As always, thank you so much you guys for your patience and all your kind words!