If I Only Kept What Brings Me Joy I'd Have Nothing To Wear And A Lot Of Clothes I'd Fantasize About Turning Into A Quilt - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

I'm sorting clothes. Throwing away anything I can bring myself to part with. Does it have a stain? What if there's a cat on it, though?

And Marie Kondo came to mind. Full disclosure my only exposure to her aside from the "I love mess" meme is the Gilmore Girls miniseries, so I fully admit I have no idea if my understanding of her approach to getting rid of clutter is accurate.

I was just thinking how the "Does it bring me joy" question just wouldn't work. I just put a tee shirt I got when I was 13 in the trash, not because I don't love it--not for lack of it bringing me joy. I have memories attached to that tee shirt and it's such a product of the fashion of it's time! But it has a stain and it's coming apart at the seams. It has to go.

Reader, I kissed it goodbye.

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