If Only He Was Real - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago












oh yeah and what @cvnt4him said about him minus the part where he’s gonna have my babies

Giggling and kicking my feet

Its All Over The Screen Dattebayo!!
Its All Over The Screen Dattebayo!!

It’s all over the screen dattebayo!!😁🤣

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5 months ago



It had been one of your more stressful days. Work seemed to keep piling up with no end in sight. You grew increasingly frustrated with every new document on your desk, shoulders slumping more and more as the day went by. Finally, it was 5:00. Quickly tidying up your space as best you could, you made your way home.

Mingyu had an off that day. He slept in (he kissed you goodbye ofc). Woke up around 12:30; had a nice cup of tea with some butter toast. He spent the rest of his day doing little chores around the house. Dusting, mopping, vacuuming (he even went out and restocked on milk, butter and eggs). Now, he was sitting on the couch watching some TV, a freshly baked lasagna sitting on the countertop behind him.

He perks up, hearing the muffled sound of keys jingling outside, the dull click of the door unlocking and the muted thump of your bag landing on the floor. He watches as you trudge in, dropping the keys in the bowl. Your fatigue is evident in your posture.

“Hey, baby. Long day?”

You wordlessly walk to where he’s sitting on the sofa and plop down in his lap, your head tucked snugly in the crook of his neck.

“That bad, huh?” He mumbles, fingers finding their way to your shoulders to try to relieve some of the tension. You hum into his neck as he finds a particularly tense knot. “You hungry? I made your favorite.”

You sigh. “Can’t move.”

“Not a problem, sweetheart.”

Next thing you know, his hands are securing themselves under your thighs and he’s off the sofa, walking towards the island.

He sets you down on one of the stools and pulls out two plates and forks for the both of you. You watch drowsily as he plates some lasagna and pushes it towards you before getting some for himself. You buffer a little before reaching for the fork.

“Wanna talk about it?”

Very very slowly, you tell him about your day and all the deadlines you have to meet which you’re falling behind on and how the workload just keeps increasing with no end in sight. It just seemed to get so monotonous to the point you think you’d actually go insane. Mingyu was your breath of fresh air, but even he could only do so much. You needed a break. The bags under your eyes only got darker and your posture, worse. You were being overworked. Any more of that and it would become a serious health concern. Not that it wasn’t already. Mingyu never failed to remind you of it either, making sure you were taking all your necessary vitamins and eating healthy.

“Y/n, if you don’t ask your boss for a week off tomorrow, I will barge in there myself and do what I have to do to get you one.”

You smile at him. “Tomorrow‘s Saturday, baby.”

He flusters a little. “Whatever, on Monday, you know what I mean.”

He was adorable. You could watch him yap about health and food and exercise and proper rest forever. Leaning over, you lay a hand on the side of his face. He stutters his words a little before going silent, looking at you with those puppy eyes of his, the picture of innocence. You feel your heart swell up with this feeling of immeasurable love and affection. You don’t really know what to do with it. So, you do what you’ve always done in such a situation. You kiss him. Slow and sweet. A little aggressive but that was your M.O at this point.

“I love you.” You manage between kisses.

“I love you more.” Mingyu returns.

Pulling his lip between your teeth as you break apart, you smile at him. “I love you most.”

“I love you 3000.” He laughs, obnoxiously, as though he’s won a really important argument.

“Whatever, most is still most.” You argue back, already feeling some of the tension from earlier leave your body.”

He chuckles a little, tucking your hair behind your ears. “Okay, okay, whatever you say. Now, finish eating and then how about a shower?”

“Only if you join me.” You wink at him.

He gasps, a hand over his mouth. “Y/n! That is most inappropriate.”

“Fine then, I’ll just take it alone.”

“No, that’s not what I mea-“

“Nope, one time offer. You passed on it.” You tut.

He pulls out those puppy eyes of his. “One last chance.”

“Okay, fine. But no funny business, mister. I’m tired.”

“Yes ma’am.”

You laugh, taking a forkful of the lasagna. “This is amazing, by the way”

“Yeah? Good, I’m glad you like it.”

“You’re an amazing wife.” You shoot him a finger heart.

He chuckles. “Yeah, well you better watch and learn cuz that’ll be your title someday.”


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5 months ago



It had been one of your more stressful days. Work seemed to keep piling up with no end in sight. You grew increasingly frustrated with every new document on your desk, shoulders slumping more and more as the day went by. Finally, it was 5:00. Quickly tidying up your space as best you could, you made your way home.

Mingyu had an off that day. He slept in (he kissed you goodbye ofc). Woke up around 12:30; had a nice cup of tea with some butter toast. He spent the rest of his day doing little chores around the house. Dusting, mopping, vacuuming (he even went out and restocked on milk, butter and eggs). Now, he was sitting on the couch watching some TV, a freshly baked lasagna sitting on the countertop behind him.

He perks up, hearing the muffled sound of keys jingling outside, the dull click of the door unlocking and the muted thump of your bag landing on the floor. He watches as you trudge in, dropping the keys in the bowl. Your fatigue is evident in your posture.

“Hey, baby. Long day?”

You wordlessly walk to where he’s sitting on the sofa and plop down in his lap, your head tucked snugly in the crook of his neck.

“That bad, huh?” He mumbles, fingers finding their way to your shoulders to try to relieve some of the tension. You hum into his neck as he finds a particularly tense knot. “You hungry? I made your favorite.”

You sigh. “Can’t move.”

“Not a problem, sweetheart.”

Next thing you know, his hands are securing themselves under your thighs and he’s off the sofa, walking towards the island.

He sets you down on one of the stools and pulls out two plates and forks for the both of you. You watch drowsily as he plates some lasagna and pushes it towards you before getting some for himself. You buffer a little before reaching for the fork.

“Wanna talk about it?”

Very very slowly, you tell him about your day and all the deadlines you have to meet which you’re falling behind on and how the workload just keeps increasing with no end in sight. It just seemed to get so monotonous to the point you think you’d actually go insane. Mingyu was your breath of fresh air, but even he could only do so much. You needed a break. The bags under your eyes only got darker and your posture, worse. You were being overworked. Any more of that and it would become a serious health concern. Not that it wasn’t already. Mingyu never failed to remind you of it either, making sure you were taking all your necessary vitamins and eating healthy.

“Y/n, if you don’t ask your boss for a week off tomorrow, I will barge in there myself and do what I have to do to get you one.”

You smile at him. “Tomorrow‘s Saturday, baby.”

He flusters a little. “Whatever, on Monday, you know what I mean.”

He was adorable. You could watch him yap about health and food and exercise and proper rest forever. Leaning over, you lay a hand on the side of his face. He stutters his words a little before going silent, looking at you with those puppy eyes of his, the picture of innocence. You feel your heart swell up with this feeling of immeasurable love and affection. You don’t really know what to do with it. So, you do what you’ve always done in such a situation. You kiss him. Slow and sweet. A little aggressive but that was your M.O at this point.

“I love you.” You manage between kisses.

“I love you more.” Mingyu returns.

Pulling his lip between your teeth as you break apart, you smile at him. “I love you most.”

“I love you 3000.” He laughs, obnoxiously, as though he’s won a really important argument.

“Whatever, most is still most.” You argue back, already feeling some of the tension from earlier leave your body.”

He chuckles a little, tucking your hair behind your ears. “Okay, okay, whatever you say. Now, finish eating and then how about a shower?”

“Only if you join me.” You wink at him.

He gasps, a hand over his mouth. “Y/n! That is most inappropriate.”

“Fine then, I’ll just take it alone.”

“No, that’s not what I mea-“

“Nope, one time offer. You passed on it.” You tut.

He pulls out those puppy eyes of his. “One last chance.”

“Okay, fine. But no funny business, mister. I’m tired.”

“Yes ma’am.”

You laugh, taking a forkful of the lasagna. “This is amazing, by the way”

“Yeah? Good, I’m glad you like it.”

“You’re an amazing wife.” You shoot him a finger heart.

He chuckles. “Yeah, well you better watch and learn cuz that’ll be your title someday.”


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3 years ago


imagining love

description: iwaizumi finally gives into his desires and allows himself to imagine love

pairing: iwaizumi x reader

genre: fluff

warnings: language

a/n: to the anon that requested this, thank you! ALSO this can be read as a stand alone as well <3

pt 1

Iwaizumi never thought he was cut out for love. Not in a cynical, self-loathing way– he just couldn’t imagine it.

He couldn’t imagine himself being vulnerable and raw with anyone. The thought of having to put himself on display made him want to immediately hide and never speak to anyone again.

Maybe that was why Iwaizumi was so drawn to you. You had known each other for years, walls had already been torn down and boundaries have been set in stone for ages. Conflicts were easily solved and rarely even arose, but even though things were simple, they were never boring.

You challenged him in a way that never pushed too far. You liked to tip-toe on the edge, teasing him, but you never overstepped. Emotions weren’t easy for Iwaizumi. They made him second guess himself and shy away, but you never charged ahead to leave him behind; rather you kept your speed gradual so he could catch up when he was ready.

But on that day when he visited you while you were sick, Iwaizumi had been the one to act first. It had felt so natural, he hadn’t even realized your hands were in his until he saw your wide-eyed expression.

It was almost comical. You were always the one to reduce him into a blushing mess that he couldn’t help but be amused by your nervous smile and sweaty palms.

The idea that maybe you just might reciprocate his feelings made his chest warm.

But what was the next step? Oikawa told him to “follow his heart” which seemed like good enough advice, until he had remarked how Iwaizumi was a “heartless brute” who “picked on his best friend for no good reason.” Therefore all advice from Oikawa was immediately scrapped, and now Iwaizumi had to start again from the beginning.

Which is what brought him standing outside your classroom, holding the same tote bag packed with an extra lunch that he had made last night for you.

If food worked last time, it had to work again– right?

He waited anxiously off to the side, searching for your familiar bobbing head in a sea of students.

Would you think it was weird of him to be waiting for you? It wasn’t out of the ordinary for him to meet you outside your class, but Oikawa was usually there with him.

Iwaizumi didn’t have much time to overthink it before you met his gaze and shuffled over to him.

“I’m loving the tote, Iwa,” you smirked teasingly, “it’s very trendy.”

“It’s my mom’s, dumbass, and for that comment you’re not getting any of the food that’s in it,” he grumbled, gripping the handles of the bag impossibly tighter.

“Okay relax, relax,” you tugged on his elbow, which sent shockwaves coursing through his whole body. “What I meant to say was: ‘very nice man-satchel, Iwaizumi-san, it’s so very manly and the flowers complement your biceps perf-’”

“Alright enough,” Iwaizumi didn’t think his face could get any redder, “let’s just go eat.”

You straightened. “No Oikawa today?”

Iwaizumi shook his head. Did you prefer it when Oikawa was there? He was starting to feel very awkward about the 5,000 yen he had paid Oikawa to eat lunch with someone else today.

“Good,” you said softly with a slight nod, and his heart did cartwheels.


You usually ate lunch on the steps outside the volleyball gym; however since the winter had been so cold lately, you and Iwaizumi ate inside the gym, sprawled across the floor.

You looked pretty today. You always looked pretty, but today especially so. Something about the way your hair was framing your face, and lashes brushing against your cheeks every time you blinked, made his stomach twist and turn.

How did you see him? Iwaizumi knew that he wasn’t unattractive, and you liked to tease him with flirtatious jokes. But did you mean them? He always brushed your words off as trivial, trying to not get his hopes up, but the possibility of the smallest amount of genuineness plagued his thoughts.

“What ’cha thinkin’ ‘bout?” You asked with a mouthful of rice.

“About how I’m going to have to tell you that you have soy sauce all over your face.”

Your brows wrinkled as you wiped your face, and Iwaizumi wanted to reach out and smooth the furrow with his fingertips.

“Did I get it all?” You asked him, and your eyes looked so clear and bright that he longed to stare into them forever.

He could feel his face starting to heat up again. “Hold on there’s just a little left…” Iwaizumi trailed off while brushing his thumb against the corner of your mouth.

Shit, shit, shit.

You were so close– only a breath or two away, and wow did your hair always smell that good?

This was so ridiculously cliché, practically out of a movie, and yet Iwaizumi couldn’t help but feel giddy, despite his whole body nearing volcanic temperatures and his heartbeat echoing loudly in his ears.

Your own expression mirrored his, except you looked expectant– like you were waiting for something.

Him, he realized, you were waiting for him.

In any other situation, you would just plow ahead, trusting that Iwaizumi would easily catch up. However, whenever the conditions became nuanced with emotion, you always let him make the first move. You never pressured him into anything and left the situation entirely in his control.

Which he needed. When everything got too overwhelming, Iwaizumi was desperate to grasp onto every ounce of control possible. 

And you let him too. You didn’t have to be this patient with him, but you were. All of this was uncharted territory for Iwaizumi: the vulnerability, the emotions, and the desire.

So he gave into everything, leaning forward and pressing his lips against yours.

It was a gentle kiss, just a brushing of lips, and he was about to pull back before you leaned in further and deepened the kiss. You were both left breathless when you pulled away from each other, and Iwaizumi couldn’t fight the grin that reached his face.

“Got it,” he mumbled against your lips.

You stared at him wide-eyed and speechless before throwing your head back and laughing at his remark.

“My hero,” you teased. 

He flushed deeper, getting impossibly redder. He wanted to do it again, and again. 

It still scared him. This added layer of emotions would leave him more exposed, but he knew that you would never push him past his limits, and for this he was forever grateful.

So no, Iwaizumi couldn’t imagine himself in love,

with anyone but you.

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