If Your Life Is Improved By Using Wireless Then Great But Not Eveyone's Is And They Should Have The Option To Stick With What Works - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

a lot of the comments on this post are going something along the lines of "gotta disagree, I much prefer bluetooth headphones" and they're missing the point. That's great! If you like that then good for you! The point is that not everyone feels that way and major brands like apple are modifying phones so that people no longer have the option to stick with wired if they want to. You can prefer wireless and still believe that tech companies should not force people to switch to wireless by taking away all other options. "Just buy a different brand" it's also not always that easy, with the way modern cellphone contracts are set up. Just because the railroading aligns with your preference doesn't mean that it's not still railroading.

capekelpie - CapeKelpie

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