IiSuperwomanii - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Please spread this around and show that girls shouldn't fight each other will be friends and support each other.

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8 years ago

Our mind is an intricate house filled with secrets, stories and levels. In the rooms of that house live our voices, the ones that whisper to us throughout the day. Being a good person doesn’t mean you don’t have evil voices, it just means you’ve learned to navigate through them. We all have these voices that compete within us, contradicting each other, trying to pull us in different directions. Your ego fights your loneliness. Your desire for love fights your insecurities. Your silly ways seem ideal until your mind opens to those who are suffering around the world. We’re constantly hearing our voices and therefore it’s in our best interest to befriend them. But true strength lies in deciding which of our voices govern our actions and which ones define us.

It’s not about having voices in our head, it’s about what we do with them. These are my voices.

Catch me performing “Voices” at YouTube FanFest Toronto on Saturday, August 13th at the Molson Amphitheatre.

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