I'm Always Not Good At Saying Goodbye ... - Tumblr Posts

🦒 Invitation from Nowhereland 🐳 14/15
Nobody used the word explicitly, but next it's Kristina's turn. She muttered feeling nervous. "I wonder if I can fly like a Thomas or Toneriko... because I'm neither a witch child nor a magic stuffed animal... Sei, What will you do now?" " I..., Spoty will find me soon, so I'll go on an adventure again on Discover. Besides-, sometimes there are children who fallen into the Nowhereland like you, I'll have to find them, right?" Sei grinned when he said that. Kristina's heart wavered for a moment, but Hawthorn slowly interrupted it before she said it. "Look in your pocket, you must have always used that power for something. What was the source of that power? All you need to do is believe it." Kristina gazed at Sei again. Then she noticed that her pocket was full. It's the same with Sei. And everyone who met her was each pocket was full. "...Every leaves, and..., Everything that project to your eyes can be an Invitation from Nowhereland. Yes... Invitations are everywhere. hm... If you don't forget it..."
Everything that has a beginning has an ending, the last time of Kristina adventure has finally come...
🍂 Beginning / Previous / Next 🍁
Special Thanks: Kristina Baker by @honeyteasims🥰 / Pose by @madebycoffee / Tree Swing @kalino-thesims / And, Thank you so much to all the amazing creators!