Whumptober: Oops, I Did It Again
They were about nine when Leonardo's asthma started getting bad. He had always had it, and they all knew it, but the symptoms were less before, now they were persistent. It was probably the more advanced training they got, which was why he had to tap out more often when it acted up, moreso in the winter. It wasn't terrible, but was definitely annoying for him, especially when he was striving to be the best out of them.
God, NO, why right now?
There it was, the growing wheeze, an inability to breathe, the growing urge to cough, right when Leonardo needed to not have an asthma attack. Splinter had promised to teach them something special on their eleventh mutation day, and low and behold, he had a flare-up right after warm-ups.
Leonardo grit his teeth, swallowing his anger, and clenched his hands into fists before opening one back up and raising it.
"Excuse me, Sensei?" he began politely, catching the attention of his brothers as well, "Can I tap out for this session?"
Splinter looked almost surprised- Scratch that, he was astonished that Leonardo was leaving a lesson he had been so excited for for months. He looked as though he was about to ask why, but the faint wheeze coming from Leonardo filled the silence and answered the question as to why he was asking to sit it out. Splinter nodded, and Leonardo spent the rest of the lesson with a quick-relief in his hands, watching the others go through katas.
Occasionally, his brothers glanced over to him, seeming concerned and guilty, but nothing was said and he only waved, smiling to reassure them.
By the time the lesson was over, the attack had ended, leaving him in a frustrated bubble. He sat there, just a little longer, then shook his head to try and dissipate the anger he felt and stood up.
Maybe next time.
He was about fourteen when his symptoms started fading. Slowly but surely, he started getting less and less attacks, until they one day faded all together. By the time they were almost fifteen, he was completely free. Donatello said maybe he outgrew his asthma, but he couldn't care less about what happened that caused it, he was free from it!
And just in time for them to go up to the surface.
The air on the ship was cold.
It was like being in a fridge if you weren't up and active, and even then you'd end up in an uncomfortable, cold sweat. The effects of space, they presumed.
Leonardo didn't realize that his asthma was acting up again until he was wheezing, pausing his katas to figure out what was happening.
Oh heck no.
He thought it was over!
He thought he outgrew his asthma, he wouldn't have to deal with it again!
Leonardo growled quietly, sheathing his katanas and going to Donatello. They always had a good quick-relief on hand, just in case, he had just hoped that they would never need to use it again.
"Don," he whispered to get his brother to look at him, then came closer, “Don, it’s back.”
Donatello tilted his head, confused. “What?”
“My asthma is acting up again. I was just training and it suddenly flared up.”
The genius’ eyes widened in concern as he reached over for the medicine Leonardo was all too familiar with and handed it over to him. Taking a quick puff, Leonardo sighed. The relief, the first time he had done that, was like a miracle, but now it was nothing more than some fast working medication, used to the feeling that followed.
A little while later, the symptoms passed, leaving the two in uncomfortable silence.
“Well,” Donatello started, sounding unsure.
“Well,” Leonardo repeated.
“I guess this means it’s back. Be careful, would you? We don’t want to have a severe attack.”
Leonardo stared at the ceiling, laying in bed, awake.
A familiar wheeze filled the room, making no space for silence.
He groaned softly, sitting up. There would be no sleep that night, he could already tell. Looking over to the inhaler that Donatello had given him, he considered using it, then shook his head. It wasn’t too bad, he could do without it.
Instead of staying in his room, he decided to move to the common area. Maybe he could wait it out? Leonardo grabbed his inhaler and moved slowly, not wanting to aggravate it too much.
The wheezing got worse.
It was getting increasingly difficult to breathe by the minute, and breaking down into coughing didn't make it any better.
He grit his teeth and took a short breath of the medication, leaning back against the wall and sliding down.
Seconds ticked by, then minutes.
The quick-relief wasn't working, why wasn’t the quick-relief working?
Leonardo tried to steady himself before the panic grew unmanageable. Worrying would only make it worse, he needed to stay calm.
...Too late, apparently.
His heart trimmed nervously against his ribcage, trying to free itself from his prison. It was getting worse. He needed Donatello soon.
Leonardo fumbled for his shell-phone, he always had it with his brothers on speed dial. A low, quiet ring started up, waiting for Donatello to pick up. He tapped the phone case, waiting, waiting-
"Don," Leonardo gasped, "It's happening again. The quick-relief didn't work."
Donatello's breathing hitched. "Where are you?"
"Hallway between the common room and my room."
"Alright, I'll be right there."
Donatello hung up almost immediately, and a few moments later, he was in front of Leonardo, holding a pill bottle and a glass that was mostly filled with crushed ice, and just enough water to take one or two pills.
"Do you feel alright enough to drink without choking?"
Leonardo nodded stiffly, and took the pill and water handed to him, sipping carefully so he wouldn't end up accidentally drowning himself.
A little later, breathing got easier, and Leonardo reveled in it, taking deep breaths and sighing softly. He sucked on some of the ice while waiting to see if Donatello would initiate the conversation. When the other remained silent, he swallowed, paused, and finally asked.
"Why did this happen?" he asked softly and traced shapes into the condensation on the side of the glass, "Why is it back?"
"Well…" Donatello began and faltered, then shook his head, "I'm not sure. Sometimes asthma can be triggered by extreme stress, and there's been plenty of that around lately. Also, cold, dry air helps in triggering attacks as well. It may just be the environment and current mood.
"...So, I guess we're back on asthma watch?"