2 years ago

The IceHell Resurgence of 2022

Hello! I am A Person On The Internet, and this is the announcement of something that just recently came to me on a whim - The 2022 IceHell Resurgence, a movement inspired by @aboringredmop !

What is IceHell?

IceHell is a genre of DHMIS fanfiction/fanart and a group of people who wrote/drew for this genre. It was mainly active in 2014-2015, and is now dead. IceHell works would revolve around the human versions of Tony the Talking Clock and the Sketchbook, who would be referred to as Paige, with the original designs from Aishaneko:

The IceHell Resurgence Of 2022

It then exploded in popularity because of art of the designs made by modmad on tumblr. Modmad added details that later became canon for most IceHell works, such as Tony using a sword and Paige using a pencil or pen as a weapon, as well as the strange dynamic of the two being both lovers and murdering/torturing each other in increasingly graphic ways, as well as torturing the students.

Despite the horrifying content, IceHell exploded in popularity, with Padlock, the ship of Tony and Paige, running rampant across both tumblr and ao3. People found the sadistic lovers very entertaining, if a bit edgy. You can still find a plethora of IceHell fics, with the most popular and notable being by Oryx_Gazella on ao3.

However, in present day, the DHMIS fandom has taking a less edgy turn, and IceHell is something that has been abandoned as a thing of the past. Many people believe that the death of IceHell is for the best.

I disagree.

What is the IceHell Resurgence of 2022?

The IceHell Resurgence is a movement, which is founded by me but not led by anyone, which will be a push to revitalise the DHMIS IceHell genre! On an undecided day, most likely the 19th of June, the IceHell Resurgence will commence, with all participating members publishing artwork and fanfiction that falls under the IceHell banner. This can feature the original Padlock, IceHell versions of other dhmis teachers whose appearance was after IceHell, or anything that could fall under the IceHell banner. Gore is not only okay, it's highly recommended given what the subject material is.

IceHell, while dated and overly edgy to the point of being comical, is a cornerstone of the DHMIS fandom, and I feel that we should pay tribute to the group and genre that kickstarted our fandom!

How do I join the IceHell Resurgence of 2022?

Reblog or comment on this post saying that you want to join. Then you are in. That's it! It is highly recommended that you tag other people who might be interested in joining, although it is not necessary.

We, the IceHell Resurgence, welcome you to the cause, and thank you for your time.

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