Im Hopeless - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Today I threw myself to the wood chips on a playground out of embarrassment because one of my friends called me out for missing my girlfriend

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3 years ago

I have read so many fanfics here and on many other platforms. Most of the fics are romantic and revolve around love. When I read this fic, I start to believe that someday this love will come to me and fill my heart to the brim. But here I am. 20 years almost 21 years old. A forever single. I didn't have a proper crush (BTS not included, of course) let alone any boyfriend in my entire life. I am like the most single person in my whole city. *Sigh* When I will get the love I think I so much deserve 😔

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3 years ago

do you still take requests

I do, but it takes me a while to get to them bc I'm very busy with school and my mental health gets all fucky,,,if you'd like to request i promise i'll try my best ❤❤

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3 years ago

What I am?

Who I am?

A hopeless.



That's all I'll ever be.

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9 months ago

Rating Walter's Faces

to my preference, because I'm bored and I wanna

The Original

Rating Walter's Faces

What's not to love? 10/10. I absolutely love how he looks. He's like a mix between Boo Radley and Frankenstein. Grim to the bone with Crayola Red hair (that seems to be carrot orange or a mauve depending on the lighting. God I love the coloring in this freakin' book). A face to fit a haunted man--You poor, poor redheaded stepchild, you

2. Before Watchmen--Rorschach

Rating Walter's Faces

7/10. While I really really dislike this depiction of his character, the art really is killer...TOO killer. He looks way too handsome! Sure, I chose a picture where he's all beat up...but just look at him! He's gorgeous! It's all wrong

3. Tom King's Rorschach Series

Rating Walter's Faces

Girl who is this? 2/10

4. Before Watchmen--Nite Owl

Rating Walter's Faces


Wait! I hear you cry out. How is this Walter rated higher than the original? This story is yet another one I am not too fond of--the Nite Owl/Twilight Lady moments are great, the retcon of Dan's family life is not needed, and this Walter is pretty bad in terms of depictions. But Listen...Look

Rating Walter's Faces

He's all dolled up in his Sunday best. His hair all neat and tidy. This is what I needed.


Cover Art

Rating Walter's Faces

9/10. Wish I could see his entire face but I love his expression regardless. Interestingly, his freckles have been depicted here as skin tags or moles. Kinda love it

The Movie--


Rating Walter's Faces
Rating Walter's Faces
Rating Walter's Faces

I know I docked off points earlier for being too handsome...but I mean c'mon. He's so. He;s. Yeah

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