(I'm Just Trying To Get Some Attention Please This Took Forever) - Tumblr Posts
♡Hêår†§†rïñg§ wïll †µg♡

Synopsis- Argenti's insecurities couldn't have hit worse than today, especially with him getting injured while on duty, and his lover walking in on him-!
Characters- Argenti x Boothill (romantic)
Warnings/Extras- Hurt/comfort, blood, potential gore?, body horror?, many many insecurities and mean thoughts about self, implied ED, overstimultation, usage of pet names, incorrect spelling?
Notes- Sorry that this story is a bit late! Some stuff happened, and I was unable to post it at a reasonable time. But I promised that I would post it on Thursday or Wednesday, so here it is today :)

When the light hit Argenti's soft face, he could tell something was wrong. It seemed... duller, just like the energy he had for today. It felt... a bit numb, like something was trying to connect to his brain, but it only lingered in his gut.
Nonetheless, the redhead hopped out of bed, a soft smile already forming on his pinkish lips. He had to get ready for the day. He was a knight afterall!
Knight of beauty. Beautiful... Argenti.
Argenti hid his insecurities behind kind smiles and poetic words, tossing them out to hopeless romantics who hid their grins and blushing face. No one could tell.
No one could tell, let alone even take a glance at the redheads' pitiful thoughts for himself. They would never know how many nights he spent staring in his mirror, inspecting every cell of his skin, or the times he took too long in the bathroom due to him dissociating in the tub, his emerald gaze a bit numb as he stared into the reflection of himself in the water.
Or even the times he took extra notes on how much he weighed...
How could anyone notice? He was a delusional freak afterall.
But someone noticed... Boothill, oh, his beautiful Boothill.
Argenti never opened up much. He felt a sense of guilt. He was a knight. He had to be brave.
He has to be brave.
But when the knight did open up to the outlaw, he stared at his with those soft, smokey eyes, each word that rolled off his tongue dripped into Boothill's mind. His robotic thumb occasionally rubbing circles into the back of his hand, silently telling Argenti to continue. He noticed, and he knows.
But with everyone else? He played oblivious to his insecurities that loomed over his shoulder.
The knight’s armored boots softly rumbled with each step he trudged through the dirty ground of the large building he was searching through, his emerald gaze carefully scanning the rooms before he continued walking.
Recently, another knight of beauty had been attacked by a few bad monsters. He was able to fend most of them off, but the mission was overall a failure.
So of course, Argenti being one of the most trusted knights, he was out continuing the rest of the mission for the other knight.
Argenti would've brought some extra knight’s for precautions, if not for the knight explaining how a lot of the monsters were now dead. The proof sealed as Argenti hadn't noticed a single strange figure, not even a noise or anything.
Of course, the knight was still careful, and the silence would've heightened his anxiety, but he was more confused than anything at the lack of action.
But the peacefulness would soon be swept away as Argenti head something drop.
The knight swirled around with a scowl as his grip on his spear tightened, his expression firm as he glanced around the room.
When Argenti didn't hear anything, he took a few hesitant steps before continuing his path, not wanting to investigate and potentially get injured, but with how fate is. One way or another, he'll be walking home injured.
Suddenly, the ceiling above him collapsed as figures dropped down, just barely avoiding the redhead as he stepped back, standing in defense as Argenti noted the gloopy mess of the 'people' as they quickly molded nto a sharp physique, taking their own positions in fight before the other quickly launched itself at the knight.
Argenti quickly slid out of the way from the goopy monster, watching as it hit the floor with a splat before it quickly tried to form again. Meanwhile, the second one rushed up behind the knight, only to get cut as the male took a deep stab through its 'body'.
Only the knight paused once he failed to pull back his spear, a look of anxiety rushing through his already high adrenaline.
The goop that splattered onto Argenti's red spear quickly spread around it. The 'person' trying to absorb it.
The knight froze in shock before quickly brushing off his feelings.
Be brave. Something echoed in his mind as he took out a switchblade that was gifted to him by Boothill, just in case if he'd get caught in extra trouble. Which was all the time.
Urgency running through his veins, Argenti chopped the sludge from the figure, peeling his blade out and accidentally sliding the other persons 'face' as it was reforming again.
The knight swiftly stepped away from between the two, swirling the rest of the muck off of his spear before rushing back up and hitting the figure down into the second one, watching with a pant as the figures cried, trying to rekindle and untangle into their own forms.
Abruptly, the knight would be joining their cries as he let out a yell, pain shooting through his body as the world started to turn a bit slow and heavier.
Without thinking, almost instinctive to fight. Argenti turned around, slid his spear through whatever attacked from behind, lifted, and slammed it onto the rest of the figures.
Some of his holy water, plucked from the purist of water that was believed to be Idrila's making, slipped out from his hip and splashed against the figures. Their cries becoming louder as they shriveled and burned from the water, eventually drying up and staining the ground.
The crimson haired male panted as he used his spear to hold himself upright, unable to look away from the grotesque creatures and the cruel death.
Nonetheless, the monsters were slayed. The most trusted knight of beauty of them all. Argenti had come out on top yet again!
.... he needed a nurse.
Argenti panted before sighing at the familiar atmosphere of the inside of his ship. His one and only.
Argenti slid down the large doors as he tried to hold back his pain, hissing slightly before glancing down at his hip, scowling through sweat as he noted how the monster somehow wasn't able to pierce through his armor, but was somehow able to cut at his slightly exposed hip!
Better than being cut in two. The knight would live.
Argenti groaned as he wobbled through the many rooms, inevitably making it into his own shared bedroom. With him and Boothill...
Of course, despite being injured, he still couldn't let his guard down, and he couldn't let his items go to waste. He was a knight. after all, he had to be resourceful. So, while he clutched the blood wound starting to turn darker, he still carefully put away his spear and slipped off his boots.
Tears starting to fill his eyes at this point as he tried to calmly and delicately guide himself out of his heavy armor, having take pauses near the end as he panted.
Blood. Blood. Blood... bandages.
The knight groaned as he lifted himself off of his temping bed, stripping off his shirt as he started to shake to the connected bathroom, his mind demanding him to stay upright. Demanding to walk. Demanding to get care. Demanding to straighten his back. Demanding to not get careless like that. Demanding.
The redhead let out a loud cough as he nearly doubled over, his gaze fuzzy as he tried to navigate himself. To catch himself... failing.
Eventually, the knight stood in the bathroom, which suddenly seemed a bit yellowish and claustrophobic, using the counter and his elbow to prop himself up, his hand still holding his bloody gash while his free hand searched through the drawers, thankfully finding some fresh bandages in the end.
His mind was a blur. He could feel the warm blood trickle down his cold flesh despite his sweating forehead. He could feel his scarred hands shake as the texture of the bandages slid uncomfortably between his fingers.
The knight tried to control himself despite his racing heartbeat and his adrenaline spiking again. He didn't even think to grab something to wipe off the excess blood it wouldn't stain or that the wound wouldn't become infected. No gauze pad or anything. He just frantically rolled the bandages tight around his hip and stomach, feeling the covering scratch at his skin. His emerald irises shaking as his surroundings blurred, watching in anxiety as he rolled it around his waist only to wrap it tighter before continuing.
Roll, then tighten. Roll, then tightened. The knight had to pause occasionally as his pants turned into wheezes, half of his mind finally letting him loose it a bit and stop wrapping the bandages.
The male paused as he huffed once he tore off the rest of the bandages, holding it in place as he scrambled to find something to clip it together and make it stay.
A rare smile in the moment suddenly painted his lips as he found some leftover surgical tape. Only for it to be wiped away as his frantic body froze, suddenly realizing what it had done before he could register it.
The mirror... that was him?
This was the beloved knight?... why... why is he so 'beautiful'...
Despite Argenti's sweating forehead and the blood now staining the bandages and his fast heart rate and his mind going into overdrive!-
.... he froze.
His curly red hair was matted and slightly stained with muck. His eyebags were becoming a bit more noticeable, and his eyelashes did no help with proof of his tiredness. His shaky hands and his scarred body and his moles splotched on his body without a care and his stupid lack of preservation for himself! And his waistline starting to thicken! And his nose being a bit too bumby!
... this was the beautiful knight..? He could cry. He was pitiful. It was pitiful.
The knight watched his reflection in the mirror as his eyes stayed wide in shock before suddenly, the tears started to pile up a bit more, till they eventually dripped down his cheeks.
Why was he crying?.. why was the knight crying?..! He's a knight! He's a knight, not a damsel in distress!
The knight didn't want to see himself, but of course. He would still think about himself. Because this is what people on the express in different galaxies and even different lovers saw him as!
Once the bandages were stuck together. Argenti cried. For a long time since forever. He tried to clean up the mess in the bathroom and the thrown armor, even being able to tug a tight turtle neck on himself!
But despite him being able to clean up his messes. He wasn't able to pick up himself. Can you blame him? Who would?
Boothill sighed as he stepped into the familiar atmosphere of the ship, taking a breather before a smile appeared on his lips as he finally could relax for the night after some trouble with the IPC.
Thankfully, it wasn't too bad. And he hadn't even gotten a scratch on him!
Hopefully, his partner would be proud and tease him of being taking a break for tonight and not having to worry about fixing any of his systems.... and hopefully, he wouldn't scare the Aeons out of his boyfriend since he'd usually text before coming over. But in his defense, he now has the code!
...speaking of which. Where is his Argenti?
The redheads' cries died down at the echo and rumble of a door shutting, only to pause as he lifted his head up. His blurry gaze traveled across the room as his numb mind processed what was going on.
The slam... slam.. oh... Boothill's here.
Boothill's here.
Argenti propped up from the bed, his mind a bit faint at the sudden movement, but he brushed it off.
Glancing at his surroundings, the redhead quickly flipped over the pillow to the side that wasn't wet with his tears, quickly trying to wipe them away before grabbing a towel near him.
Scrubbing his tears off as he smoothed out his hair with his free one, tossing the cloth to the side, the redhead continued to scramble, wracking his brain for things to ease the situation so he could play pretend.
The males hands shook as he reached to turn on the bedside lamp, only lightly hiss and turn away at the bright light close to him. Instead, he turned off that lamp and leaned to the other side of the bed, Boothill's half, to turn on his light. It being far enough not to hurt his sore eyes, and so it wouldn't reveal what he'd been doing earlier... what he's been thinking about..
Argenti scanned the room to see if there was anything else to make him look natural, snatching the remote as he turned on the television.
It was... also a bit of an eyesore. But it made him seem more normal, and he could handle it a bit better. Plus, they don't have the largest TV, so it could work.
Boothill paused as he glanced around the ship, standing close to the hallway where the bedroom was, but still trying to figure out if Argenti was in the bedroom. Let alone on the ship.
His attention was quickly brought to the TV being turned on, able to hear it due to the sudden noise in the quiet area.
The cowboy's eyebrows furrowed in slight confusion. Either Argenti just woke up or something else was going on.
And either way! The ranger just wanted to see his beautiful boyfriend after an unappreciated meet with the IPC-
Oh... there he is.
The crimson haired male glanced up from the TV with a soft look, pretending as if he was lounging around and wasn't crying after his whole situation.
"Hello, dearest. I'm a bit surprised that you came, but still grateful," Argenti smiled, trying to lay out his honeyed words and ignore the crack in his voice.
"Mh... I'm surprised I didn't startle ya'." Boothill lightly teased, shifting as he closed the door behind him before reaching up to take off his hat.
Through Boothill gave Argenti a quick concerning glance from underneath his cowboy hat before removing it, noting Argenti's slight... hoarse voice?
"Anythin' special ya' got up to today?" Boothill questioned, shrugging off the red cape from his shoulder.
"Hm. Not necessarily. Just some scouting here and there," Argenti lied, shifting in the bed slightly only to softly hiss at the wound striking his body. To which the ranger quickly turned back to the knight.
"Ya' alright hun'?" Boothill questioned, his gray eyes already roaming across the redheads body.
"Yes, yes... just.. tense back today," The knight explained, shifting in the bed further only to wince again.
"Maybe I could give ya' massage? Could make yer' borin' day much more entertainin'." The cowboy grinned. Even though Boothill was mostly cyborg, he knew how much his partner loved his massages. The entire atmosphere and cold hands rubbing away the knots in his back always made Argenti turn into a puddle.
But this time, the knight tensed at Boothill's words, not just from the wound, which was otherwise known as his 'tense back'.
"No, it's alright, dear. I bet you had a stressful day yourself," The male convinced with a cascade grin.
He just... had to keep it in. Not wanting the outlaw to notice the obvious would on his hip. But it still hurt like hell...
No, no!... he had to keep it in. He had to be composed. He could do this. Argenti, the knight, could do this.
Boothill's eyes narrowed a bit before he turned back to the table he stood at, stripping off his belt with the holster to his revolver resting in.
"Meh. The IPC was fudgin' annoyin' today, but I gave them a good fight, just like they wanted!"
The outlaw tilted his head over his shoulder to glance at Argenti as he added.
"Glad to report zero scratches," Boothill grinned before placing his belt on the table and being... somewhat careful with his gun.
On the other hand, Argenti froze slightly as his smile dropped a bit at Boothill saying 'zero scratches'... unlike himself.
"Mh.. that's good to hear," The redhead anxiously smiled, internally smacking himself on the head at his carelessness despite the sudden attack. But that was no excuse!
Well. At least not in his book. Boothill's, on the other hand, he'd just curse that monster to Penacony and back.
More importantly, he could never blame Argenti for anything. As if he was some sort of angel...
He wasn't. He was far from great, and a pit swirled in his gut, not just from the wound, but at the remembrance of his reflection in the mirror.
He'd rather be in denial about that being someone entirely else. Hell, he'd believe if it was just dumb prank and it was just some simulation!
The redhead was too caught up in his thoughts to notice the quietness that erupted between the couple. Boothill definitely noticed, and the cowboy couldn't help but steal more glances over his shoulder at his Argenti.
Something about him... something wasn't right. And he could tell just from one conversation with the knight!
His words were less dragged on and poetic, he seemed more quiet and reserved than usual, and just an overall aura and uprightness from him.
It made the cowboy worry a bit over the redhead. Which was basically a foreign word to him at this point.
But Argenti... oh, his beautiful Argenti. He'd lie forever if it meant he wouldn't admit his softness for the knight.
Truthfully, Boothill wasn't sure how to feel about the male at a first glance. Sure, he was gorgeous... but he seemed a bit out of touch and awkward, at least to passing people. The cowboy wasn't an angel himself, but now? Now, he'd pray to whatever Aeon to let the redhead stay a moment longer. Believe it or not, past self! But that rando redhead will stay in your brain for longer than you think.
Still, now. Something in the cowboys mind soon settled in his stomach at his concerns. He could just feel something wrong with Argenti.
... that wasn't the best thing to bet on due to his robotic body, unlike his love for his redhead.
The white and black haired male finally tugged off his leather jacket and pulled off his boots before stepping up to the male. Who only tensed as he snapped back to reality.
"'Genti..." Boothill hummed, leaning down to sit on the bed, the mattress creaking from underneath the cyborgs body at the new added weight.
"... do you need something, dear?" Argenti questioned, tilting his head to the side a bit as a smile graced his lips.
Boothill was about to reply, but something stopped him as his gaze caught something, reaching closer to gently cup the redheads' face, lifting his head back in position.
... what was with the streaks? It wasn't that noticeable, especially with the soft light. The outlaws eyes squinted in inspection as he stared at the knight. Who, unlike his outer shell, was internally screaming and pulling at his hair.
"... Bo-" "Ya' okay?"
He was barely able to get a word out. Quickly brushing off the faint trace of anxiety on his expression, the crimson haired male nervously smirked as he stated.
"Of course..? Why wouldn't I be?" The male answered. The white and black haired males gaze squinting further, noting the eyebags and slightly knitted eyebrows before finally shifting back a bit.
"Yer' not hidin' somethin' from me. Are ya'? I can handle it, y'know." Boothill softly grinned, half joking but secretly, 100% serious. To which the knight just smiled again
"Yes, sweetheart," The redhead explained, his hand reaching over to scratch and fiddle with his hand, only to fumble as he quickly caught himself.
Knight’s stay proper. They don't let their feelings get in the way this easily. They don't give up.
The male winced slightly as he instinctively adjusted, only to immediately regret the decision.
... and they heal quickly from their injuries. Not fussing about it like a toddler.
This time, the outlaw noticed it more intensely, letting his hands drop from his face as he quickly held his waist, trying to be careful with the redheads' sore body and his own metal hands.
"Woa- hey! Hey... ya' alright?" Boothill spoke, his own eyebrows furrowing as his thumbs unconsciously rubbed Argenti's torso to comfort him.
While the male did appreciate the gesture, it was hard not to shift out of anxiety of him noticing the wound.
The redhead took a few deep breaths before his shoulders drooped slightly. Meanwhile, the white and black haired male hardened in annoyance as he nagged.
"Not hidin' somethin'. Yes, sweetheart?" Boothill mocked, to which the knight huffed out of his nose, knowing he was caught.
"Just... maybe I do have some pretty... terrible pain in my back, but that's it." The knight lied, trying to smile to cover his slightly cracked throat.
The outlaw still stared at the redhead with harshness before softening slightly, shifting closer to rest his hand near the knight’s knee.
"Baby... what's wrong?.. ya' can tell me. Please, tell me." Boothill tried to convince, not taking even a second to look away from his partner.
Nothing was wrong... but nothing was wrong! He could survive with some wound that was, albeit, handled without much care. But he could survive and live with the injury that would most likely cause some scar... that would taunt him at how he got it... but at the end of the day. The knight didn't like his body... the knight didn't like himself much either.
"Darlin'... did somethin' happen to ya'? Ya' mentioned scoutin'..." The outlaw wondered, unable to get the redheads eyes to meet him for more than 2 seconds.
No.. no. He couldn't tell Boothill what happened. He'd... he'd feel too guilty. He could barely meet his eyes. He just had to let these feelings burn off. He just had to become skinnier and work on his muscles and clean his hair more and clean his armor and walk better and talk better.
He could handle it. He's a knight!
"C'mon rosey. Just breathe and tell me... I know ya' don't have to, but at least just tell me that," The cowboy tried. As time frantically passed in the knight’s head, he could barely lift his head up or brush away his hair to greet his lovers worried gaze.
He's a knight. He's a knight. He's a knight? A very pitiful one. Why was he a knight. Why was he here? One of the most trusted ones? Make the crowd laugh more why don't you?
So idiotic. A knight? He does fit the category. Just a delusional knight. A freak of nature. Some ugly redhead who'd easily be left in the dust. He should've just died on that planet. But he's still here. He's still got a job. He's still a knight. He's a knight.
"Pretty boy. Lemme hear ya'. Lemme see ya'. Please."
Argenti paused. Did he? Because now he was staring at the outlaw, finally meeting his lovers gaze.
Pretty boy? That was new... and it was stupid... and it was too kind for Boothill to say to... a knight.. a...
Suddenly, he was brought into an embrace. Much warmer than he expected, and his face-
When did he start crying?... This was stupid. He was a knight. He was a knight. Argenti is a knight. Argenti.
... Argenti just wanted his thoughts to shut up... he just wanted the people who insulted him to shut up. Call him selfish. Whatever.
Argenti was just so... so tired..
"Shh... shh.. 'm 'ere.. 'm right here, baby," Boothill whispered in Argenti's ear, rubbing a soothing hand down his partner's back while his other hand resting on his head, his red locks of hair so easily and smoothly falling into his hand.
"No.. mh.. no Boothill.. I..." "Shh... it's okay... you'll be okay.. and I'll be here.." Argenti sobbed once again as his hand wrapped around the cowboy's robotic body, desperately clinging to his system and trying to somehow pull himself closer, his hoarse voice already crashing so easily as the redhead hid his face into the cowboy's shoulder.
The couple stayed like that for a moment, Boothill whispering sweet nothings into Argenti's ear as he cried, Boothill kissing his temple and occasional rubbing at his head as Argenti nuzzled closer into Boothill.
Eventually, Argenti let his cries die down, still resting his face onto Boothill's now damp shoulder like a kicked puppy, only to feel his face suddenly lift up.
The redhead cracked his watery eyes open as he stared at the outlaw with a far look in his eyes. Contrary to Boothill, who looked at his partner with the most tender gaze.
The cowboy delicately held the knight in his metallic hands, swiping away any leftover tears before he spoke up.
"... what happened, pretty boy?... I can't read yer' mind, but I can at least hear ya'.." Boothill whispered, gathering the redheads' hands in his own, who teared up a bit more at the pet name before shakily exhaling.
The two stayed quiet for a moment before Argenti opened his mouth, something tugging at his heart if he met Boothill's gaze for too long, especially as he explained.
"The people... everyone... they're right. I'm..." Argenti paused as he pursed his lips, trying to regain his composure while his lover stayed silent, though confusion still wavered on Boothill's face at Argenti's trailed off words.
"Everyone... everyone calls me delusional or even a freak and... they're correct...! I can't believe... I can't believe that this is a knight of beauty..."
"Sweetheart-" "I'm... no I'm... I'm not good enough... and I'm... I'm not pretty..! There's so much beauty around me... but somehow I'm always the thing lacking it..."
".. I shouldn't be here.."
".. 'Genti... baby..." Boothill murmured, his accent thick like syrup as it got heavier in regard, a hand picking back up to try and lift up his face and make the redhead meet his eyes.
The ranger took a small exhale before shifting his hands to rest on Argenti's neck, his thumbs holding up his face as the cowboy spoke.
"Listen to me... yer' the most wonderful, gorgeous human I've ever met. Even with the first time I met ya', I thought you were so, so beautiful.. an' it only got better as I started to know ya' more personally."
"Yer' so kind an' brave, an' I could give half of a shirt at anyone talkin' bad about ya'. I'd be more concerned on what they're seein'." Boothill explained, lightly joking before interlocking their hands again.
"I can't get ya' to believe this overnight, but please know that yer' so... so perfect from the inside an' out, an' there's so many people who trust ya' for you... an' I can knock out the people who dare to think otherwise." The outlaw confessed, earning a smile that tugged at Argenti's lips.
Despite Argenti's arguing thoughts racing in his mind, a part of his soul still trusted Boothill's words, which is why the redhead gave the cyborg a soft nod. Earning a whipped smile from said cyborg, who'd prefer the term mushy or lovesick. But in this situation, he supposed it wasn't the worst.
"There's my angel," Boothill murmured, pulling Argenti into a caring hug, which was quickly reciprocated.
"... anythin' else ya' wanna tell me?" Argenti froze.
"Uhm... me going scouting... was a lie.. ish... I went on an old mission of another knight of beauty because it ended in failure for him... and I did complete it.... but I.. got a bit injured," The crimson haired male nervously explained, leaning back from the white and black haired male, whose eyes widened before relaxing slightly.
"Do ya' need me to fix it up for ya'?... have you put any bandages on it..!?" Boothill questioned, getting a bit anxious himself before Argenti added.
"Yes, yes... Albeit very... frantically... and.. little care..." Argenti continued, shifting awkwardly in the bed slightly before the ranger quickly held back the redhead.
"It's okay.. it's alright. Lemme fix it up for ya' hun'." Boothill comforted, kissing at the redheads temple for a split second before sitting up and walking over to the bathroom.
As the cowboy quickly gathered the supplies to heal up Argenti, grabbing some thread just in case for stitches, Boothill couldn't help but notice the blood that was previously dripped onto the floor, an uneasy feeling washing over him as his mind traced on what happened before.
The ranger started to feel a bit guilty for being late, especially with his partner's injury and how long he was possibly crying for, but he was here now, and he'll do whatever it takes to bring back up that smile.
When Boothill came back into the bedroom, he couldn't help but notice Argenti, now shirtless with a bloody patch near his hip. He took an inhale before settling down the items on the bedside table.
"Here, here. Just lay back..." Boothill murmured, one hand gingerly ushering away his hands from the bandages while the other carefully pushed the redhead back into the pillows by the chest.
As the outlaw unraveled the bandages, he quickly noticed the bloody wound that started to leak out once the covering was immediately off.
"Mh... luckily, I doubt you'd need stitches, but yer' definitely gonna have to let it rest, just like yerself." Boothill explained, giving little room for Argenti to argue, not that he wanted to. The redhead just stayed silent as he watched the ranger properly put on his bandages, occasionally getting a gentle sorry and kiss on the face from the latter when the crimson haired male winced.
Secretly, the male's mind was torn between embarrassment at another human coddling over him at something like this as if he couldn't take care of a simple wound... and pretending to act in pain for more kisses, but the knight knew better.
Sooner or later, the ranger wrapped the last of the bandages together and made sure they were secure in place, making sure not to tighten it too much, compared to Argenti's first try.
As the redhead sat up in the bed, taking a soothing breath as the coverings felt much more comforting on his body than before, suddenly, the male watched in the corner of his eye as the cowboy lowered himself to the ground, to which he was met by the white and black haired male kneeling in front of him when he shifted his gaze further down.
Argenti watched as a pleasing smile slowly formed on Boothill's face as he reached for the redheads' hands, bundling them up to kiss at the backs of them, his eyes closing in solace before opening as he leaned back.
The rangers eyes drooped lightly, leaning against the knight a bit to extend his metallic hand up to brush aside a strand of hair straying away.
"I love you," Boothill confessed, a smile tugging at Argenti's face in return.
"I love you too." Argenti responded, his smile growing wider as the outlaw kissed at his hands for another moment in gratitude. If anything, Argenti should be doing all of this for the ranger, but he would allow himself to be pampered for tonight, and most likely for the next few days while recovering.
It was... new, and it felt a bit awkward, but the knight couldn't ever refuse getting love to someone like his lover, especially with it being Boothill.
As the quiet moment passed, the cowboy lifted himself back up, only to quickly pull himself back to the knight.
" 'm gonna get changed, jus' wait 'ere for me..." The cowboy whispered, his accent turning stronger despite his low voice. Wrapping a hand around Argenti's head to pull his face forward and press a quick kiss to his forehead, the male soon stepped away to grab at some clothes for rest.
After a moment, the outlaw walked out of the bathroom, brushing out his messy hair with his hand as his red plaid sweatpants clung to his hips, Boothill's robotic eyes quickly met with Argenti's, who silently stared at the cowboy before looking away as light blush crept up his neck and face once he watched a smile break out onto Boothill's lips.
The outlaw softly chuckled before quickly sliding into bed, still seeking his connection despite his lack of flesh. Boothill took note of Argenti shifting underneath the covers so that he was closer to the middle and the outlaw had room.
While Boothill did appreciate the redheads' mindfulness, he couldn't lie when his fingers twitched in anxiety of Argenti potentially hurting himself at the movement.
Luckily, Boothill quickly stopped Argenti before he could hurt himself. Reaching over to turn off the light as an excuse before swiftly wrapping his arm around the knight, guiding him down as the cowboy leaned back into the mattress and fluffy pillows.
".. good?" The white and black haired male questioned as he watched his partner place his head down onto his metal chest plate and practically laying the rest of his body on top.
"Mh.. yes.... thank y-" "don't thank me." The cowboy quickly intercepted, despite his firm words, his voice lacked any of it.
"Ya' don't need to thank me... lemme pamper ya'..." Boothill explained, a hoarse chuckle leaving the redheads' lips.
"... I hate to admit this... but... this feels so weird.." Argenti confessed with furrowed eyebrows before quickly turning his head up to the outlaw.
"Not loving you, but rather... getting love like this... I'm always fussing over people.. but in the circumstances when it's the other way around..." The knight trailed off as he stared at Boothill with a parted mouth despite his lack of words.
"I get it. It felt weird gettin' love in general... but you..." The cowboy paused as he glanced up at the ceiling before looking back down at the knight, a grin stretching across his sharp teeth.
"Well, you seemed to hack my circuits..." Boothill joked as another chuckle left Argenti.
"Mhm.... still.. I do feel a bit bad for you doing this and worrying over my carelessness... can't I do anything? When I'm not injured, of course," Argenti continued, resulting in the latter quieting down before shifting the redhead closer to his body.
"Jus' stay here." Boothill instructed, his free hand intertwining the knight’s scarred hand while the other already wrapped around him, grasped at his cheek, and swayed his thumb back and forth against the redheads' cheekbone.
A soft hum emerged from Argenti's chest as he practically melted against the touch, his curls flowing against Boothill’s cyborg body. "Charmer." Argenti teased, his emerald eyes cracking open as he looked up at Boothill through his long red lashes.
"I'm gettin' it from you." Boothill teased back in unison before he relaxed against the mattress, his thumb continuing to trail back and forth in a rhythm.
"I love ya'... did I already say that?" The outlaw chirped. "You did, and I feel like if I don't rest now, you'll say it until the morning comes," The redhead explained, feeling a kiss being pressed on his forehead where his hair didn't cover.
"It's true.... but I love ya' so much... if I'd have yer' tongue, I'd also be ramblin' for hours," Boothill laughed, squeezing Argenti's hand.
"You say I love you only to follow up with a mean quip? I don't think that's very sweet of you, my silver cowboy." Argenti scoffed, reciprocating the soft squeeze.
The ranger just rolled his eyes before speaking. "Jus' rest yer' pretty head," The male lightly demanded, only for his words to quickly cut through Argenti's taunting persona as blush started to form on his face once again.
"... uhm.." The knight anxiously hummed after a quiet beat, the outlaw quickly looking down at the redhead at his embarrassment.
"Can you... can you just... call me those.. names again?... like... you called me pretty boy earlier...." Argenti stuttered, his blush rising to his ears as he closed his eyes, immediately regretting his words.
Meanwhile, the latter's eyebrows raised up in slight surprise, but Boothill swiftly brushed it off. Especially at his partner's beautiful flushed face.
"Of course, darlin'. They were made for you, after all," Boothill reassured, his hand parting from his cheek to drag through Argenti's red hair and softly rub at his head. To which the knight calmed down at the cowboy's reassurance, especially at his physical affection.
As the sun started to set and the stars found their spots in the dark sky, the constellations met with each other and formed into a tale of time. The couple stayed safe on the ship, traveling through the night as the outlaw comforted his tired knight now at ease.
"Yer' so beautiful,"
"My pretty boy,"
"I'll be 'ere. Don't worry,"
"Jus' rest that crazed mind of yers',"
"I love ya,"
Boothill murmured before opening his eyes, his gaze immediately softening as he saw through his vision, his tired, but oh so perfect Argenti.
The ranger pulled the covers higher onto the pair as his hand rested back down onto Argenti's cheek, swiping at his cheekbone while his other hand unraveled from his partner's just to pull him closer.
Boothill couldn't help but press a kiss to the corner of Argenti's parted lips as his breaths came in and out in a slow yet careful motion, nesting his chin onto the top of his head and into his hair, inhaling that familiar rose scent before finally letting his worried rush away for the night as he would soon meet with Argenti in their calming dreamland.
"I love you so much, my beautiful Argenti."

If you repost this on another website, please give credit. Any like or repost is greatly appreciated -dixidin