Im More Than Burnt Out On Wrting Atm - Tumblr Posts
So just wanted to clarrify that my 100 follower event is still going on but me answering the requests will be slow since im in a writers block and still struggling heavily with mental health stuff. BUT I am combatting this by working on bigger fics that I will post here very shortly today! One of them being my demon slayer fic and after I get the prologue done I will also be publishing my sk8 the infinity fic on here too! After I finish the sk8 prologue I'm going to start writing my tokyo revengers prologue and then Im not sure what im going to do after that! Hopefully my jjk fic but who knows! Why do i do this to myself??
And the reason its been taking so long for writing bigger fics is because I want a huge word count! For example my demon slayer fic was supposed to be 5000 words long but came to be 9000 words long. and 20+ pages.
I have next week off for thanksgiving so hopefully I can pump some stuff out for you all to enjoy! I have also been sick this whole week so writing has been a bit tougher.
so to those have given me a request for the event please just sit tight a little longer and I promise even if i end the event I will get them all done!