9 months ago

UGH /pos (sorry in advance for the rant)

Admittedly, I don't fall under a lot of these categories- and I'm not sure my interests even count as "childish" in the sense OP is talking about. But I do get judged for them a lot. If it's about Genshin, they look to the fandom and immediately assume that I must be one of those people who tell anyone who likes certain ships or characters that they're horrible people. Or they judge me for liking it because it's some "dumb anime game." If it's about witchcraft and paganism, there's obvious discrimination there. Cults and psychological horror? Well now I'm just a bad person, obviously. It doesn't help that I know a lot about my special interests, but never ENOUGH. I always know enough to be weird to an allistic person, but look uneducated to an autistic person with a shared special interest. I could talk for hours, but I'm still not caught up on my Genshin lore and I haven't done days worth of research on the ocean I just LIKE it and can tell you weird things about it.

It's infuriating, tiring, and it made this post hit really hard even if it was meant for a different type of interest, so thank you anyway.

I'm not trying to vent I swear, I just think it's so so important to be fucking normal about every interest an autistic person can have. It would have made me feel so much better if someone just sat down with me and let me talk about my funny little video games or horror as a kid. Actually listening and telling them "no it's interesting" when they apologize for talking too much is how you heal someone's heart without even knowing. Genuinely I will never forget my friend who enjoys people infodumping and who actively encourages me to infodump about my interests because they don't know a damn thing about them except through me, and normally that would mean I get brushed off, but to them it's an opportunity to learn about something that I care about. idk man I'm rambling at this point but I just think it's important to let someone like something.

being an autistic person with childish interests is fucking miserable if i'm honest. people either ignore your interests, think you're weird, or treat you like a child, and even if they are nice about it you always feel annoying and stupid for sharing said interests. it is literally hell on earth.

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