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Daminette December-- So Close (And Yet So Far), Prologue
Marinette only applied to two schools: Gotham University and the Sorbonne. The only reason she applied to the latter was to appease her parents. They wanted her to have a backup plan in case the Gotham thing didn’t work out, and in case she changed her mind about going to a crime capital of the world.
Of course, she didn’t change her mind. She got into both schools, but barely even looked at her letter from the Sorbonne. She loved the idea of staying close to her family, but at the same time she needed to go. After everything that happened, she needed an out, and this was her only option. Gotham or bust.
Marinette wanted to brave the world on her own, so that was exactly what she would do. Well, she and Tikki would, anyway. Thankfully, Master Fu let her keep Tikki with her, and she promised that they could do Guardian lessons remotely during the school year and in person during the summers. Hawkmoth may have been gone, but it was best to be prepared, just in case. Chat Noir still had his miraculous, much to her annoyance, but at least she had Luka, Kagami and Chloe still on her side.
Graduation was a solemn affair for her. It was a nice early summer day and everyone around her was smiling, but she couldn’t bring herself to do so. She got through the ceremony without really thinking about it, and smiled weakly for a few photos before everyone dispersed. While her class went out to celebrate that night, Marinette stayed home, blasting Jagged’s first album and packing the last of her things before her flight the next day.
“I think your suitcase is going to burst if you put anything else in, Marinette,” Tikki said as Marinette attempted to zip up the biggest suitcase she could find in the house, which was filled to the brink with handmade clothes, sewing supplies, a few notebooks, and other miscellaneous items. “You can always have your parents send you something if you need to, or you can buy more supplies in Gotham. I’m sure there will be a fabric store or two near the campus.”
“I guess you’re right.” Marinette groaned as she tried a final time to zip up the suitcase. It didn’t work, so she unzipped it and started taking things out again. “But I’m bringing all of the notebooks. No exceptions.”
“Of course. And don’t forget, your parents wanted to have a farewell dinner with you tonight at eight.”
“What time is it now?”
“Seven forty-five.”
“Ugh. I can come back to this later.” Marinette stood up and brushed herself off, looking angrily at the suitcase a final time. “I’ll be back,” she told it, which made Tikki laugh. She hadn’t heard Marinette make a joke in a while. Marinette gave Tikki a faint smile. “Thanks.”
“Come on, your parents are waiting for you. It’s your last night here for three months at least, so go have fun.”
“I will. And I promise I’ll sneak up some of that cake they’ve been ‘secretly’ making for me. It’s chocolate marble,” she added, which made Tikki grin. “I’ll be back later!”
She went down the trapdoor to the bakery, and Tikki stayed behind.
Tikki looked around Marinette’s room, which was pretty bare but was still distinctly Marinette’s. Most of the pictures from the wall had come down long ago, but the ones Marinette cherished were safely packed away. Ones with her true friends remained, while the others were probably recycled a few years earlier. The mannequin in the corner still had clothes on it, but it was missing pins and its measuring tape scarf. There were still sheets on the bed, but her favorite pillowcase and stuffed animals were safely packed in her suitcase. The walls were still pink, but the pink didn’t seem so bright and fun anymore.
Marinette had changed, that was for sure. Tikki knew that. She only hoped this change would help Marinette get back to herself for a change, get her out of her head and give her some peace after so much heartbreak in Paris.
Only time would tell.
It’s finally Daminette December time, and I just couldn’t wait so I wrote this lil prologue to post tonight!
I really hope you like it, and I’ll also be posting all the chapters on Ao3 @magic-miraculous! A warning, though: the first few chapters will be but every day, but once I get through my prewritten ones, it’ll be closer to once a week.
@daminette-december2019 @ozmav @maribat-archive (lmk if you want to be added to the tags! :) )
COMING UP NEXT-- Chapter 1 “Just a Friend”