I'm So Tired Of People Breaking Other People's Enthusiasms - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

If someone makes you feel like crap for being excited about something you love or wanna talk about, maybe they should find a new hobby that doesn't involve ruining other people's joy. It's "amazing" how some people in fandoms think their superior attitude and condescending remarks make them the ultimate gatekeepers and know-it-all. Newsflash: being a rude jerk isn't a special skill.

So, to all the self-appointed experts who delight in making others feel dumb for having different opinions, being excited by things or passions, congratulations!! You're doing a fantastic job of sucking the fun out of what should be an enjoyable experience for everyone!!!!

Next time someone tries to belittle your enthusiasm, just remember that their need to feel superior says more about their insecurities than it does about your love for the fandom.

Keep enjoying what you love, and let them wallow in their self-righteous bubbles.

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