I'm Very Scared For Them This October - Tumblr Posts
So, today's episode of the Lunar and Earth show has me slightly worried. Allow me to explain...
So, we know Rez is on earth and is after Lunar and Lunar's family and he's trying to corrupt Lunar or any family members of Lunar to cause Lunar to be corrupted. That makes me very worried.
So I see one of two things happening.
1. Lunar is left without his support system.
Two of Lunar's closest friends will be gone for who knows how long... and that will leave Lunar without his best friend and without his sister. So, if something bad happens to Lunar mentally speaking, like maybe he gets attacked by Nexus or Creator or Razzle, and he's not doing great mentally, maybe he starts having nightmares or starts getting paranoid about Rez. This will leave Lunar mentally defenseless... somewhat. I mean, he still has Sun, Moon, and Solar, but they're busy with their own issues currently. (Dark Sun, Nexus, Creator, Moon's mental health) meaning Lunar might be on his own here. A perfect target for Rez.
2. Monty gets corrupted!
So, we know Monty wants to marry Earth. He admitted it to Sun and Lunar and even asked for their blessings. Monty really wants to marry Earth, but from what we've heard, Earth doesn't want to get married yet.
Monty is taking Earth on vacation.... I have a bad feeling about this.
I think Monty plans on purposing to Earth during their vacation, but from what we know.... I have a feeling Earth will say no.... for right now, at least. We know she loves Monty a lot, and he loves her a lot. They both care deeply about the other, but one wants to rush into marriage, and the other doesn't.
Here's what will probably happen...
Monty will purpose to Earth, but she'll say "not right now," not a no but a wait a while. Monty will agree, but he'll probably be embarrassed and afraid he may have ruined things with Earth. He wouldn't hate or be mad at Earth, but he'll be mad at himself.
Negative emotions = Rez
Rez will use Monty's hatred for himself to corrupt him and Lunar and Earth will have to try and save Monty but the Astrals will be trying to destroy Monty cause the Astrals believe anyone who gets corrupted is just gone.... I don't think that's the case. I think there is a way to save corrupted individuals, but the Astrals just don't know that. This will lead to a
"Lunar and Earth vs. The Astrals vs. Rez" arc
And while I think they'll save Monty, I do think it will cause a lot of chaos and negative emotions for everyone cause Monty is very close to almost all of the celestial family. All I can say is
Lunar, Earth....
Happy (Not-so happy) October!