In The Name Of FUN !! - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

i saw a post awhile back that talked about how as you become a better writer, you also become more able to recognize ' flaws ' in writing — including your own. so it can actually become harder for you to actually write, because you're so critical of what you're putting down that you stifle your creativity before it even has a chance to get up on its feet. so while you're technically a better writer than you were before, you're actually writing a lot less because you're fighting against your own inner critic the whole time. & i think that's a big thing for me lately, tbh. at the risk of sounding cocky, i'm a good writer, & i know i can write some really readable yet evocative scenes. but the flip side to that is that because i know i can write incredible things, that means that i don't want to post ' average ' things. so i get really in my head about making sure what i put down is ' good enough. ' but the only standard for ' good enough ' is also only in my head. & i just become my own worst enemy because i feel i could always do ' better. ' & like, when i think back to me when i was first playing around with fiction writing over a decade ago, like, yeah her stuff was pretty predictable & relied on a lot of tired cliche's but you know what, she was learning & having fun ! & sometimes that's more important than making sure your writing is technically flawless, you know ? so consider this a reminder to me, but also to you, oh dear rp writer who is often too critical of your own work : this is tumblr rp. you're not going to win a pulitzer for anything you do here. literally the only goal in writing here on this site is to have fun. so don't take it too seriously that it stops being fun.

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