Irene (arknights) - Tumblr Posts
(specrene) Specter catches wind of Irene's request to the Doctor for Iberian vinyl records. Specter procures a collection and brings them to her little bird. Irene insists on paying back the favour. Specter asks for nothing except that they listen together.
Irene stares, open-mouthed, at the box in her hands.
It's not just one-it's an entire set of vinyl records from Iberia. A piece of history in her hands. Her history.
She looks up at Laurentina owlishly, swallows.
"...May I...?"
"Of course! Open it right up!"
Irene's trembling fingers click open the snap on the side of the box-heavens, even the packaging is beautiful-and slides a glossy record partway out of the package, tentatively traces her fingers along the grooves.
It really hits her now, what she's holding.
"L-Laurentina-" Her chin snaps up suddenly, her eyes slightly widening with the panic of owing something far greater than can be repayed. "-What do you want for-?"
"I want to hear them of course!"
"N-No, I mean in return for-" Irene's expression wilts as Laurentina's smile spreads wider, a refusal poised on her lips.
"I want to hear them." She repeats, curtseying to a sit on the end of the sofa, propping her chin on her wrists, "With you, of course. You've no need to repay me for taking a little swim."
Irene sorely suspects that she is downplaying the 'little swim' part of the story. But she can't physically wait another moment-she wheels around to all but run to the record player, setting the needle, walking back to sit by Laurentina-
-But before she can, Laurentina is rising, hand outstretched towards her.
"But I suppose if you're offering, I'll take a dance for it."