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Forgoing the usual pinned post for a very important announcement
READ MY FIC BOY (gender neutral) (/nf)
(i worked soso hard on it and it's part of a whole au) (pls give me attention lolll)
"you have to love yourself first" WRONG. find love in companionship and connection
Please reblog! I'd like to hear as many opinions as possible ^^
we had no sex ed at my catholic grade school and you bet there were a couple years when all the ignorant cisgender girls were freaking out we’d get pregnant by immaculate conception
genuinely so fucking tired of people leveraging the "groomer" argument against people who support sex ed because scientific literature over decades shows that comprehensive sex education starting around kindergarten actually prevents children from being sexually abused and groomed because it teaches children the correct words for their body parts and also teaches them concepts of privacy, personal space, bodily autonomy, the difference between appropriate and inappropriate touching, and the fact that sex is something that only adults do. children with this knowledge are not only better equipped to identify abuse and predatory behavior and communicate that its happening to a trusted adult, but also prevent it from happening in the first place by recognizing when something is happening that shouldn't.
sex education does not sexualize children, it prevents children from being sexualized. anyone who is against early foundational sex education and claims they are doing it to protect children is a fucking liar.
Mmmmff thicc birdie~

boyfriend pillow