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3 years ago

Hello random people who follow me! I’m still dead per usual but! I found a rare and elusive Fo4 author!

Companions React: A Synth Sole Appears

TW: Brief murder mention


Honestly alarmed and confused

Isn’t sure how to react, and obviously synths are (usually) made to take the place of someone and have their personality/all their features, so she can’t tell them apart

Refuses to let either Sole speak; she doesn’t want to end up becoming even more confused by their explanations and defenses

Determined to figure it out and get back the real Sole, so she takes them to the Memory Den

There tends to be gaps in synths memories compared to the original person, and that’s exactly the place to figure out who’s who

Once she figures it out she keeps a tight grip on the human Sole and brings the synth Sole to the Railroad for them to get them a new identity/face

She firmly believes the synth deserves a new life of their own, but she doesn’t stick around after that; it’s a little too freaky for her, and she leaves with the real Sole


Keeps her cool quite easily

She knows exactly how to sort things out and gets on it right away

It’s easy for her to keep track of the two of them without freaking out too much, and she keeps things calm before they can start arguing

Heads straight to the Memory Den, fully cheerful, and gets things sorted out

Is very kind to the synth Sole as they take them to the Railroad and helps Synth Sole keep their cool

Stays with them until they get their new memories

Makes sure to check in on the real Sole to make sure the situation didn’t upset them too much

Danse Pre-Blind Betrayal:

Gets angry that the situation’s even happening

Immediately tells them both to keep their mouths shut to avoid confusing him and takes them straight to the Memory Den

Once they’ve figured out which one’s the real Sole, he shoots the synth straight in the head

Danse Post-Blind Betrayal:

The situation’s pretty upsetting for him considering what happened to him

He’s a lot more sympathetic but still asks them both to not talk while they head to the Memory Den

Afterwords, he’s quite kind to synth Sole, but for a bit after the situation he’s distant from the real Sole and is shaken up

Something about the situation unnerved him and although he, of course, would accept Sole synth or not, it brings back some not so great memories


Handles it without blinking

It’s kind of part of the job, after all, and something he assumed was inevitable considering Sole’s status

The entire process is handled with jokes and laughter and he eventually gets even both Soles to ease up

Overall just rolls with the punches and easily keeps his cool

When he first sees both Soles next to each other his only response is “Well this is new.”


Has no idea what to do

Honestly freaks out a little bit

There’s a lot of “what the fuck”s to be heard from wherever he is for the first half hour

Eventually things get sorted, but it’s not a smooth process, and he probably adds to both Soles stress levels

Gives Sole suspicious looks for the next week after things get sorted


Takes the situation straight to a higher ranked Brotherhood member- probably Danse

She doesn’t get paid enough to make judgement calls like that

Feels a bit of sympathy for the synth but doesn’t let that get to her professionalism or her training


Sees both Soles, takes a moment to put out his cigarette, sighs, and takes them both to the Memory Den

Doesn’t say much and makes a few jokes, but other than that, he hands them over to the Memory Den

Doesn’t feel qualified or ready to make any judgement calls so he just lets the professionals sort it out

Needs jet after that, though


The closest he’s come to swearing in a long time

Goes straight to Deacon; he has no idea what to do and he wants this handled properly

He’s freaking out but tries not to show it

It doesn’t quite work as well as he’d like it to but the efforts there

Once both Soles are in the Memory Den Deacon starts cracking jokes to try to get Mac to laugh and relax

Eventually it works a little but he’s still extremely uncomfortable


Rolls with it and knows exactly what to do

Doesn’t react as much as the other companions; he’s seen some shit and is pretty desensitized to most things

It’s a little different since this is Sole, but other than that, he’s fine


Ah, our resident panicker who repeats that everything’s fine to convince herself it is


Goes to Nick for help

Pretty much has him take charge of the situation; she doesn’t know how to handle something like that

After she finds out which Sole’s real she gives them a tight hug

Was more panicked than even she realized


A little freaked out, but he’s taught himself how to keep his cool, so he’s pretty good at hiding it

Once he knows where to take them, he’s more reassured; everything’s a bit easier once there’s a plan

It’s pretty much smooth sailing from there, though he struggles to keep the two Soles from arguing


The Institute probably did this for a reason

He double checks to make sure, and if they didn’t, he forcibly takes both Soles to the Institute to get things sorted out

Not much of a reaction other than to turn them over to the Institute

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