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The Furby Trainer's Guide DELUXE! Put together by the fans, for the fans!
FINALLY! After 25 years, the Furby community has come together to make the newest addition to the Furby Trainer's Guide series…THE FURBY TRAINER'S GUIDE DELUXE!
In it, you'll find a layout reminiscent to the previous ones, but updated with new information, chapters, sections, images, illustrations, and so much more.
And best of all, it's all FREE TO READ! 445 pages worth of new and updated content!! Download and read the PDF at this link:
Please reblog this so other Furby fans can refer to this guide if needed, and feel free to send it to anyone you feel might be interested :D

PC: Open it using Adobe Acrobat, which you can download for free here:
Mobile: Download Adobe Acrobat PDF viewer for mobile devices
What to do if you can't download the file:
First, try checking it out on
On mobile: You should be able to read the PDF within Google Drive itself. Opening this on mobile may take a few minutes, so leave your device open while you go get a snack to eat while reading the book.
On computer: Since a lot of online PDF sites require a subscription to view large files, i suggest downloading the file onto an external drive like a USB stick and SD card and opening it on Okular from there.