It Really Strikes Me As Written By White Americans Who Dont Critically Engage With Religion As A Catagory Or Even Religion In General - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

send me your hottest takes, I yearn for Chaos

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late to the punch but fallout 4 really blows in its religion representation it really strikes me as written by white americans who dont critically engage with religion as a catagory or even religion in general you all the “all faiths chapel” in DC which is a pastor looking over people praying with their hands clasped in church pews and conceptually its giving big “why cant we just get along”/“all religions are basically the same” vibes then there's the fucking pillars of the community which is literally just one big cult joke nuka world has the hubologists which similarly is one big scientiology parody but at least there they've something to say about the topic and then you have the children of atom the closest thing to a fleshed out religion in fallout 4 and they are portrayed as militant anti-science zealots who occasionally shoot on sight their religion literally poisons some of them and you can also convince them that their god wants them to blow themselves up you can make them better by replacing their leader with a synth implying that they worship so blindly that they'll mostly do whatever tektus does and anyone who has a different matter is portrayed as an exile who denounces atom entirely the atomites also like it if you turn off far harbor's defences again this feels very white western understanding of religious people as crazy radical fundamentalists who needs secular intervention yo not bring about violence which is especially problematic in the context of the mid 2010s when this was all written and the heavy islamophobia present at the time