It Seems Like Hero Is The Real Villain :0 - Tumblr Posts
Don't Run V
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Warnings: captivity, restraints, torture, experimentation, power suppression, betrayal
Villain had been so stupid. Had been so naive. Had been so blind that now they could see, they couldn't believe they had fallen for Hero's trap.
They lay cuffed to an exam table, power suppression cuffs tight on their wrists awaiting their torture. It was only a matter of time. It turned out that before Organization would kill them, they wanted to understand them. And those like them.
Or so Hero had explained.
"We've never seen anything like you and your kind before. But more and more of you are cropping up. We just want to understand it before we wipe you from the face of the earth," Hero said as they leaned over Villain.
"Fuck you," Villain hissed. It was all they could do. They were cut off from their powers. Cut off from any ability to escape. All they could do was sit and wait to be experimented on. To be vivisected and tortured to death.
Hero scrunched up their nose in disgust. "I can't believe you would think that I would stoop as so low as to work with likes of you. That I would need your help."
Villain felt their cheeks heat. Hero was right. Hero would have never done those things, and so why did Villain believe they would?
As the Scientist leaned over them, poked and prodded them, Villain realized they had time to think about that. Just as they had time to plot their escape. Or so they hoped.
"I don't think I'm going to peel your skin back just yet. No point in opening you up either until I'm ready," the Scientist said as they lifted a scalpel up and examined it. "That will come later, of course. Have to see how it all works, you know."
"Please, you don't have to do this," Villain tried. Perhaps Scientist was more reasonable. Perhaps they had a heart.
"I'm a scientist, of course I do! The world exists to be understood. And I need to understand you. But if I cut you open now, you'll just bleed to death, or at least I think you will. Several of my subjects have done so already."
Villain's mouth went dry. Several? They had caught and killed several?
"No," the Scientist set down the scalpel, "I think I'll start with testing your healing abilities. Don't try to lie, I know you have them. All of your kind seem to. But with these cuffs, you are cut off from most, but not all of your power. So I'm going to see how long it takes you to heal from various injuries. That will be fun, don't you think?"
Villain's heartbeat quickened. They were cut off from most, but not all of their power. They could do this. They could escape. And when they did, they would unleash the full extent of their power and destroy Organization.
Tags: @eyehartart @invalid-outlaw @whydoyoufeelsoclown @musi-creatively @harryandginnydeservesbetter
@cqsmo @emerald-blade @nightsshadow1 @friendlylandcrustacean @holz-kopfff
@keeper-of-all-the-random-things @st0rmm @ooooshinythings @artisticdemon @agulifufik-blog
@mousepaw @jumpywhumpywriter @knightinbatteredarmor @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 @anightmarishwhump
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