Its A Hobby - Tumblr Posts
People either simp for you or they openly resent you
lee’s resentment doesn't count. its a neutral state
writers! do not! owe you! updates!
this is not tiktok. we are not content mills. we are posting our stories -- oftentimes short story or novel-length -- for FREE.
free. adverb / without cost or payment.
you get these stories (not content, they are actual stories people write out of their own blood, sweat, and tears) without having to pay a singular fee or monetary transaction. these authors often have day jobs or university or both. they even have families! children! pets! social lives! if we have other things going on or simply do not have the brain power, then we do not owe you our time nor our energy for updating our stories or wips or ideas we throw onto the dash or ao3.
i am fortunate that i haven't gotten a demanding anon in a minute, but i am so sick of watching my mutual writers get harassed about their update schedules. the ironic part is that you're only making us not want to write said update when you demand more. not ask, not hope, but demand.
learn some empathy, and above all else: learn to be less of an anonymous coward demanding someone's free time for yourself.