It's Actually The Healthiest This Sakura Stans Could Do - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

Why do Hinata haters keep writing like this it gives me migraines.

Like is this the result of not getting attention as a kid or what? I just saw that one Sakura blog saying the most retarded shit and I am very tempted to just laugh at her.

I mean why hate dude I don't get it. I can't hate a 2d drawing lol. Especially when it's the sweetest character ever created lol.

Man this Fandom is stupid. Like damn Naruto reddit is full of hypocrites and circlejerkers (NaruSaku and SasuNaru when the ship is a gag and clearly brotherly lol) who can't mature. It's Fucking circus lol.

No wonder no one takes them seriously they're idiots.

Block and unfollow man idk. Don't look up haters it'll only be painful. Let alone antis, I don't even follow anyone who's like "Hinata's good BUT.." because I'm 100% sure those guys would think I'm a toxic stan lol. Anyways here are some Hinata fan blogs:

@lunaneko14 @silalcarin @gabzilla-z @hyugasinthesun @commanderkurama @narhinafan and many more

"I mean why hate dude I don't get it. I can't hate a 2d drawing lol. Especially when it's the sweetest character ever created lol." I get it and it makes me depressed. But in general, there's nothing wrong with hating a 2d drawing. Or talking about it either. And in Tumblr at least, you're less likely to be smacked in the face with anti post of a character/ship you like on your dash.

It's true the Naruto fandom is full of clowns but tbh no one is really exempt from it like we know Sakura stans scared off Sekibeing from the fandom and Hinata fans Dm'ed Sakura fans death threats. Personally I think this fandom needs to chill and stop being shallow af and stop caring so much about figurines and accept that some guy making art isn't your mom and isn't bound to give your ship equal attention.

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