Its Even Got Fucking Engraving On It - Tumblr Posts

No fucking way.
Just for fun, let’s think up a list of reasons as to why Mcgillis chose not to use the Fareed Family Gundam.

It was destroyed/lost in the calamity war.
It reminds him of Iznario, and he wants to reject that connection.
It’s got a very specific way of fighting (like Flauros) and he wants something with a more generalist bent.
He feels a greater kinship with Agnika Kaieru than he does the Fareed family founder.
It was the 72nd Gundam frame built, and was completed postwar, thus running counter to Mcgillis’ ambitions to be like his idol.
It’s been chained up in a similar manner to how Bael eventually will be.
It was scrapped to repair another Gundam frame.
It’s biometrically locker to a blood member of the Fareed family for some reason.
The previous pilot was an amputee, and didn’t so much pilot the Gundam in so much as they were “plugged in”. (Think Gundam Thunderbolt).
Iznario (or a prior member of the Fareed Family) sold it, or parts of it, for bread money (as the Warrens did).
It was stolen by Gundam thieves.
It requires three pilots.
The colours clash horribly with his hair.
Despite their great combat skill, the Fareed family founder was just kind of a prick, and nobody looks on their history with much fondness.
The Fareed family founder was very small by modern standards, and the cockpit’s uncomfortable to sit in for any length of time.
The hands were damaged, and are now in the permanent pose of throwing up gang signs.
Bael’s just, like, so much cooler.
It’s really, really uncomfortable to look at for a significant period of time.
Any time it’s activated, the Fareed family founder’s custom mixtape of post-calamity rap starts playing and nobody knows how to turn it off.
It’s haunted.
Iznario lost it in a poorly conceived bet.
It’s likeness was bought out by a prominent snack food corporation some years back, and as such it legally is not allowed to be viewed by anyone.
The door to it in Vingolf is stuck, and nobody ever noticed until Mcgillis came along.
Somebody spilled drink on the controls, and now they feel weirdly sticky.
The cockpit’s stuffed with body pillows, and nobody can bring themself to clean them out.
It’s lying at the bottom of the ocean after someone took it for a joyride.
It’s got an absolutely awful paint job that Norba Shino would be proud of.
It’s uninsured.
It was mounted on the prow of the Fareed family ship, and it’s exceedingly difficult to remove.
It’s stored in multiple separate locations. All Vingolf has is a pair of legs and the right hand.
It’s currently being used as a soundstage for a prominent punk-rock band on Jupiter, and no-one’s sure when the lease ends.
It has the words “free ice-cream” prominently painted on it somewhere.
It achieved sentience and promptly grabbed some popcorn.
The Fareed family never had a Gundam, and just killed that many mobile armours with conventional tactics.
It’s covered in rust.
It doesn’t have nanolaminate armour for some reason.
It’s being used as a power source for Gjallarhorn’s premier health spa and resort.
The Fareed family threw it into the sun when the war ended, believing they wouldn’t need it anymore.
It’s been repaired really badly, and the duct tape and welding really doesn’t inspire confidence.
It’s off starring in its own, less successful show.
It’s got a hit play on broadway.
It runs off a subscription service, and nobody’s been paying it for the last 300 years.
Mcgillis has really poor gatcha rolls, so he just got 26 common rarity grazes instead.
It’s really a Leo somebody scotch-taped a v-fin to.
The entire Gundam is made of cardboard.
Mcgillis forgot the password to get into the hangar, and he can’t ask Iznario.
Somebody doodled angry eyes and a handlebar moustache on it, and nobody can look at it without cracking up.
It was taken apart, then reassembled incorrectly. (It’s got a leg sticking out of where it’s head should be, and nobody’s sure where the sword ended up)
He can’t activate it without deleting the entire Fareed family’s Doom highscores.
It’s currently being used to hold a massive tv that the rest of Gjallarhorn use to watch the hockey.
It is currently on fire.
When he went to pick it up, two of the engineers were using it to hold a romantic candlelit dinner and he felt awkward interrupting so he hasn’t been back since.
A head of the Fareed family used it as the site of a drunken party and when everyone came round from their hangover it was just gone, and nobody could remember what happened to it.
It looks exactly like the Gundam Dantalion, and records have been lost as to why this is the case.
It’s currently being used as a scarecrow.
Feel free to add any more in the comments!