Its So Fun When Reader Has Some Agency - Tumblr Posts

I'm not sorry for this.

Pairing: Mahito x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2712
Warnings: Yandere, Dubcon, Forced relationship, Implied past noncon, Implied murder (not reader), Implied kidnapping, Oral (f recieving)

Hope was a dangerous thing to have.
It meant that there was some metaphorical light at the end of the tunnel. That, to some degree, there was a positive outcome to your situation - a concept that was the very definition of delusional.
Yet you still had it.
This would not be, by any means, the first time you’d attempted to get away from Mahito. The few “successes” you had miraculously achieved were, in reality, his own experiments on human behaviour.
What would you do? Where would you go? Who would you seek out?
To each of these questions, he gained a bountiful supply of answers, the last of which especially so - growing in size and deformity in an area of the sewers that he had sectioned off specially for you.
If hope didn’t drive you to madness, the moans belonging to the twisted remains of friends and family were enough to fill in the rest, so surely it had to be madness that gave you the idea you had.
Initiating intimacy with Mahito on your own free will.
Perhaps you could argue with yourself that it was bravery instead that led you to consider such a daunting task, but the truth was far more disturbing:
What more did you have to lose?
With plans A, B, C, all the way through fucking Z failing so spectacularly, it seemed the only option left. Even if it made your stomach clench so violently you needed it to stare at the horizon to keep bile from rising up your throat.
Maybe, by some absolute miracle he would let you roam free after you convinced him you had come to return his affections. Escape would come later, you needed to take this one step at a time, but it would open the opportunity for some trust to be gained and his guard to be lowered just enough that you could get the hell out of there. Giving him an inch so you can gain a mile and (hopefully) more away from him.
It was just a matter of actually going through with it.
You knew you were staring, but it wasn’t like he paid it any mind. He was too absorbed in his book - an arm propped behind his head on the pillow while he used the other to lean the book against his knee. His free leg dangled over the side of his hammock, pushing against the ground and rocking himself from side to side. It was difficult to see the title from your position on the floor, but the illustrative diagrams were enough of a hint that it had to do something with human anatomy.
The implications of his choice of literature were shoved into the recesses of your mind as you slowly stood and made your way towards him.
Each step closer was filled with trepidation, and the skin on your hands burned as you wrung them together.
Mahito acknowledged you when you got within five feet of him.
His smile was as big as it always was, the stitches around his eyes slightly enlarged by the ridiculous glasses he wore.
Your sheepish greeting made him smile wider, and he pushed the glasses up to rest on top of his forehead.
“You were staring for quite a while,” You cringed inwardly at the call out, “Is it because of my new look?”
Your eyes flickered up to the old fashioned cat-eye style frames. They made him appear almost comical, and perhaps the sight could be if they had belonged to him in the first place.
“They’re certainly something, I’ll give you that.”
He giggled. “I think the same when it comes to human eyesight.” He placed the glasses back over his eyes and leaned towards you - his eyes narrowed into slits. “Some of you have terrible vision.”
All you could do was laugh nervously at his playful tone after he failed to look away from you and the awkward silence grew. The bones in your hands screamed in protest as you wrung them further.
“I actually… wanted to ask if I could join you?”
Mahito’s eyes widened slightly - the glass lenses greatly exaggerating the expression.
Inwardly you were dying from how feeble the execution of your request was, but it was thankfully met with relief when his bemused expression melted away into one of obscene delight, and he leaned back into the hammock with his arms in an open gesture.
“Go right ahead.”
He made no motion to move over and give you space, so it was awkward climbing in. There were a few moments where you genuinely believed you were going to flip the whole thing over and cause the two of you to eat shit on the concrete below, but you managed to get your bearings and lay beside him.
Well… really you were half on top of him with your head resting on his chest.
You had been close to him before, but never anything like this. Without the resistance you normally put up, you were able to notice the hollow silence that took up the space where a heartbeat should’ve been. The hairs on your arms stood on end with the revelation, and you did your best to breathe calmly through your nose.
He smelt like death and easter lilies.
You draped your left arm over his torso - your right arm crushed somewhat awkwardly underneath you, but it was surprisingly not too uncomfortable. Your legs were quickly tangled with his, returning to their position as a prop for his book as he began to pick up where he left off.
The sound of his voice resonating through his chest made you jolt unexpectedly, and his amusement bled into his voice as he spoke.
“Since the human cerebral cortex, with its underlying white matter, occupies 75% of the whole brain, its relative expansion is frequently equated with brain evolution…”
Ah, you had been somewhat right in your earlier assumptions.
Your fingers traced lazy patterns on his chest while he read, his voice soon becoming background noise to your thoughts. Every fiber of instinct was screaming at you that this was a terrible idea. That there must be something you hadn’t tried yet, and there was still time to save yourself while maintaining your dignity.
The thoughts were squashed with a moderate amount of difficulty.
You were fully aware of how bad of an idea this was, but you had made your bed and were determined to lie in it.
You could do this.
You had to.
After a few minutes you craned your neck to look up at him properly. The glasses had slid down to the end of his nose, and a small voice in the dark corner of your mind admitted that the sight wasn’t half bad. You waited until he turned his head to face yours before crossing the point of no return - pulling yourself up his body to close the gap in a soft kiss.
You tried your hardest to make it seem real.
It didn’t last long, maybe three seconds at the most with no response on his end aside from his entire body going completely rigid underneath your touch. Mahito’s face held none of the amusement it did before when you pulled away. He reached up and took the glasses off his face, all while his heterochromic eyes searched yours curiously.
“What are you up to?”
It was a simple question that made your blood freeze.
“Nothing, it’s just… ” your brain scrambled to come up with a believable excuse, “I’m tired.”
You kissed him again before he could have a chance to respond, pouring as much affection as you could scrounge up into the action. You released his lips only to speak a few words between breaths of air.
“I’m tired… of pretending… I’m not yours.”
His movements were almost lightning fast. There was a loud *thud* from the book as it fell to the floor, forgotten while he buried his hands in your hair to hold your head in place and deepen the kiss. It was an overwhelming sensation that was only amplified when he flipped you underneath him, semi-straddling you so he had a knee between your legs and the other by your hip.
The force combined with the sudden sway from the hammock made you squeak in surprise, and you felt him smirk against your lips before his tongue entered your mouth.
It took everything not to resist as he explored your mouth with fever - a whine threatening to bubble up from the back of your throat. The intensity of it scared you, but what scared you the most was the zing of pleasure that shot down your spine. You mimicked the action of his hands, threading them through his hair to keep it from coming between your lips and his.
You were trembling by the time he pulled back, lips shiny and swollen and stretched into a grin that held pure unfiltered glee.
“Three months,”
Your brows pinched together in confusion, but your jaw fell open in a gasp when his lips descended on your neck - the action of sensitive flesh being pulled between his teeth combined with the ache quickly building between your legs cutting off any questions you had in the form of a choked moan.
“Five days,” His hands twisted your head roughly to the side, shoving it against the pillow to allow him more access to your neck, “Ten hours… twenty-four minutes.”
The sensation of his teeth sinking into the junction where your shoulder met your neck elected a sharp yelp, but his hands kept you in place as he added another mark to the collection. The pain was short and sweet, quickly replaced with a horrible rush of euphoria that littered your skin with goosebumps.
“I knew you would break eventually.”
There it was.
The devastating reminder that broke you out of your lustful haze, and you felt the urge to rebel creep back into your heart.
But that was the point, wasn’t it? To have him believe that you were well and truly broken in by his desires? Besides, if you really had been with him for as long as he said… it had certainly been a while since you felt as good as you did.
There wasn’t any harm in enjoying the process, was there?
You pulled his lips back up to yours before you could think about it further. He groaned into the kiss, reigniting the low spark you felt earlier.
With cautious, shaking hands, you skimmed your fingers down his chest, catching the edge of the fabric of his shirt and gently pushing your hands underneath to explore his skin. He had no blemishes you could feel, the only breaks in his flesh coming in the form of raised stitches that twitched beneath your fingertips.
His upper body had all but melted against yours, his own hands moving along your body in their own exploration. You doubted he’d be able to discover more about you, but that wasn’t a thought you wanted to entertain for the sake of Murphy's law, so you relaxed as much as possible in his hold.
However instinct is what drove you to immediately grab his wrists when you felt him raise the hem of your own shirt - an action that was purely done on autopilot.
Granted you did not plan on things escalating quite this far, at least not this soon, but when Mahito’s eyes immediately locked with yours, your breath hitched in paranoia. You could see the dark remains of suspicion still swirling amongst the blue and gray, and you swallowed nervously.
“Can I?”
The backpedal of a question hung heavily in the air, and you could almost see the cogs turning in his mind as he regarded you. The silence stretched on long enough that you began to brace yourself to be called out as the fraud you were until he slowly lifted himself off of you to sit on his knees - never taking his eyes off you as he did.
Relief sagged in your shoulders, and a different thrill shot through your system as you sat up and pulled your shirt over your head, leaving you half naked in front of him.
All your bras had been destroyed some time ago.
The knotted rope of the hammock felt strange against your bare skin as you laid back again, and Mahito’s sharp cackle made you flinch from the sheer volume as it echoed across the vast space of his makeshift lair.
“Maybe not so broken.” He hummed in delight, hunching back over you and running his tongue up your ribcage to encircle one of your nipples. Your head fell back against the pillow, back arching when his lips closed around the newly hardened bud.
It felt like his hands were everywhere at once, gasping and groping so incessantly that you nearly didn’t notice the borderline abrasive tugging at the waistband of your pants.
If true doubt hadn’t filled your soul beforehand, it sure did now as Mahito trailed down your body, leaving bites and open mouthed kisses in his wake.
It was a disgustingly human-like action, but then again almost everything about him was on the surface.
You simply had to endure.
“I want you to keep looking at me, okay?”
The excitement in his voice didn’t betray the fact it was a command, not a request as he slid off the hammock and pulled the last remainder of clothing off your body with practiced ease. He roughly adjusted your body so you laid across the hammock horizontally with your hips at the edge and knees over his shoulders. He knelt so your pussy was directly in front of his face, and heat burned in your cheeks as he parted your folds with two fingers - keeping his eyes locked with yours as he languidly ran his tongue up your slit, flicking your clit sharply with the tip and you practically mewled.
His laughter vibrated against your core, causing your hips to jerk up into his mouth, and his hands looped under your legs to hold onto the fat of your upper thighs, securing your lower body in place as he devoured you.
He was a messy eater, and the noises extended beyond obscene. There was never a steady rhythm, the motion of his mouth and tongue going either too fast or too slow and never really giving you a precise pattern that you could hold onto. Just mindless exploration meant to drive you further to the point of madness.
And the sick thing was it worked. That horrid coil that you hadn’t felt in ages was rapidly building, and rational thought took a backseat as you buried your hands in his hair for the nth time that night - holding on for dear life while your hips responded to his clumsy movements.
He smiled against your cunt, tongue swirling around your clit as he watched your face pinch together at a height of pleasure that you just weren’t able to reach. You weren’t holding back anymore, whines pouring freely from your throat with increasing volume and pitch.
You practically shrieked when you felt something hot, wet, and slimy plunge into your core. You’d been so lost in the mirth and lust in his eyes that you didn’t notice the second tongue that formed, the one that now wormed its way in and out of your cunt while the other worked over your clit, and you were gone.
The walls became familiar with your screams once again when you came. You had broken eye contact with Mahito when you threw your head back against the ropes, but you couldn’t find the capacity to care as your body shook violently. Air was hard to come by, and it only grew worse as Mahito picked up the pace, never giving you a chance to recover in the post-orgasmic bliss.
“Wh-what are you doing?” You gasped.
You were granted a brief moment of relief as the tongues were pulled from you, but it wasn’t out of mercy.
“I’m not finished.” There’s an underlying tone in his usual glee. A warning that kept you firmly fastened in place.
“I want to see what it truly takes to break you.”

© absolute-flaming-trash 2022. Do not repost, modify, copy, or claim.
Taglist:@prettycutebunny, @sai-my-beloved, @we-are-so-close, @shorkbrian, @biby-24k, @forcefulkitten, @siphite