vex’ahlia and vax’ildan’s conversation in the episode 48
Vax: You want to talk?
Vex: Yes, I do. Don’t walk away from me please. I have a feeling it’s because of this Raven Queen situation...I don’t know. I know that you offered yourself to her to save me, and I can’t put into words how much that means to me, and I’m worried that she took you up on the offer. And I know you’re worried about it too. And I’m afraid that’s why you’re avoiding Pike. You’re afraid she’s going to see something in you. But I wanted to tell you, I’ve been looking into this book, it’s the best 35 gold I’ve spent, maybe 30, I don’t even remember anymore...
Vax: it was 30.
Vex: It’d been worth 35 for all the things I’ve found in it! It got all these information about the Raven Queen and I’ve been looking at it all the time!
Vax: She’s already speaking to me.
Vex: Oh...and?
Vax: I don’t know Vex’ahlia. I don’t know what this means, I know that she’s not a force for evil, neither are funeral homes. I don’t want to bed down in one.
Vex: Well, that’s understandable.
Vax: But it doesn’t matter, and I’d do it again, because I did it for you. And I’m trying to come to terms, not knowing the terms.
Vex: Well. We’ve lived half our life in the shadows, you’ve made them your home. Am I right?
Vax: Maybe so.
Vex: I mean, this is a time you can either let those shadows swallow you down and keep falling into a hole, or you can use them to your advantage. You can become a champion. It’s pretty fucking badass, if you ask me.
Vex: What I’m saying is, brother, I’m proud of you. I’m happy for you. And I’m so, so thankful to you. So don’t be frightened! This is a wonderful thing. Not many fucking people can say they’re a champion of a fucking god!
Vax: Listen, I’ll take into consideration what you said. Again, none of us, you and I, don’t know what this means, I’m waiting to see.
Vex: Alright, but as someone who’s seen the other side and has comeback thanks to you, there’s no use living your life in fear. I love my reckless brother, as much as he hurts my heart. I love you for that, and don’t be afraid to be that.
[a tender smile from vax]
Vax: I have no clever answer to give to you.
[a big one in return from vex]
Vex: That’s wonderful. I love you.
[she walks away]