Ive Been Thinking About This SO MUCH - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

love bullet theory - kanna knew koharu before she died

an explosion happens after hiroshi confesses to asaka. kannas weapon is grenades + asaka gets heart pupils right after the explosion, and (presumably) agrees to go out with hiroshi.

Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died
Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died

its possible that this could have been a one time experience, but koharus classmates often remark how good she is at matchmaking people, how they always go out together. this makes me think that kanna noticed that koharu had a knack for this, and started 'shooting' the people that she matched. she also let koharu decide who hina would end up with at the end of chapter 1, which she might have done because shes seen her match people up before... idk !!

2. this girl in chapter 1 thats looking at the former confession play out look a lot like kanna, i think! the hairstyles very similar, and theyre both ':3'. its possible that shes in her human disguise watching over koharu.

Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died
Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died
Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died

3. this might just be a bit of a stretch, but kanna knew koharus name before she could introduce herself. kanna said that she made a vow to become koharus mentor, which could have included the goddess of love giving her info on her, but idk how likely that is. she could have found out about koharus name through the target data info, too, which is why this might be a stretch...

Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died
Love Bullet Theory - Kanna Knew Koharu Before She Died

4. i think itd be cool

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