I've Written A Bunch Of Those Too But I'm Not Ready To Share It Yet - Tumblr Posts

Reactions to injuries

That simple 'Oh, God . . .' DOES SO MUCH I LOVE IT

'Let me see that.'

Handling the injured limb carefully in order to assess the damage.

'When did this happen?'

'That looks bad . . .'

Caretaker's face scrunching up in worry as they look whumpee up and down for more injuries.

'Let me take care of that for you.'

Caretaker pausing silently to let the information sink in before reacting.

'What the fuck [name]. And you didn't tell me?'

'How long were you planning on hiding this?'

Caretakers who stare at the wound, eyes wide in shock, unsure of what to say or do.

'Oh, [name], I didn't know you were hurt this badly.'

'You told me it had healed up!'

Immediately pressing onto the wound with no hesitance to stop the blood flow.

'Dumbass . . .' hissed half-genuinely, half-concernedly.

'Ever thought of asking for help? Who do you think you are, a doctor?'

Caretaker gazing fearfully into whumpee's pained eyes as they contemplate their next course of action.

'Who- who did this?' Said specifically in broken sentences because of the sheer rage that overcomes caretaker.

Whumpee's own surprise when they see their wound laid bare; mainly because it was way worse than they originally thought.

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