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1 year ago


 Relationship Headcanons ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~
 Relationship Headcanons ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~
 Relationship Headcanons ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~

— Relationship Headcanons — ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~

╰⇢ What your relationship is like with these two

 Relationship Headcanons ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~

Pairing: Gojo x Reader x Geto

Contents: Poly relationship, Fluff, No chronological order,

 Relationship Headcanons ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~

⭑ The two of them obviously had something going on before you were even in the picture

⟡ They were probably already dating or knew about their feelings for each other

⭑ And they were quick to pick up on your feelings for them too

⟡ You all just started feeling guilty for liking each other (Especially Geto and Gojo)

⭑ It wasn't until Gojo kind of just outed everyone for their feelings and you all talked it out

⟡ Geto fell first for both of you, then you fell harder, but Gojo was ultimately hit the hardest with his feelings

⭑ You guys progressed your relationship very slow with the utmost care

⟡ It was rough at first, but you got the hang of it

⭑ Lots. Of. Communication.

⟡ You and Gojo can never be trusted alone together. Ever

⭑ Geto usually finds himself in the middle of you and Gojo bickering

⟡ One of your favourite things to do together is just sit on the couch all tangled up with each other

⭑ Usually where your head rests on Geto’s lap and Gojo’s head rests on your stomach

⟡ Geto lets you style his hair

⭑ Gojo made sure to buy the biggest bed possible for your shared room

⟡ When you moved in together, the hardest thing to do was decorate

⭑ All of you had different ideas

⟡ But you guys managed to meet in the middle

⭑ Sometimes, Gojo makes you and Geto wear matching pyjamas with him

⟡ You'll watch movies together, many of which are Disney ones that you and Gojo can scream your heart out to

“I say we watch Frozen.” Gojo yells as he reaches for the remote

“Nuh uh! We watched Frozen last time! I wanna watch Moana!” You tackle him to the ground before he could grab the controller.

“Rock paper scissors!” Your boyfriend tried to push you off of him.

“Deal!” You scurry off of him, sitting up and staring him down.

The two of you stared each other down, preparing for the duel of your life when you heard music coming from the TV. Geto took the unclaimed remote and started playing ‘The Greatest Showman’

“Are you two going to get over here, or am I going to watch this movie by myself?” Geto gestured to the empty spots on the couch.

⭑ Geto has a whole folder of you and Gojo being stupid together (Pictures, videos, screenshots)

⟡ There has never been a single time where you managed to go on a peaceful date

⭑ Always one of you gotta get hit on

⟡ Which is why most of your dates involve ordering food online and staying home

⭑ When you can't sleep, you'll walk to the kitchen to make a warm drink, but you simply getting out of bed is enough to wake them up

⟡ So you'll be standing there doing your own thing when you feel one of them on each side, leaning on your shoulders

⭑ They can't and won't go to bed without you squished between them

You were standing by the kettle, waiting for the water to boil. It was another one of those sleepless nights, so you decided to make yourself something to drink.

Hopefully, you’ll be able to sleep after. You continue to stand by the counter, cup in hand, when you feel someone lean against you.

Or rather, two people.

“What are you two doing here?” You feel two heads on your shoulders.

“You weren’t in bed.” Gojo mumbled out.

“Couldn’t sleep.” You sigh. “Just go back to bed, I’ll come back soon.”

You thought that was the end of it, until you felt arms wrap around your waist and hoist you up over their shoulder. Geto carried you all the way back to bed where the two of them just cuddled you until you gave up struggling and just accepted your fate.

⟡ You have an inside joke about being their "personal nurse"

⭑ If their missions are out of town, they'll bring you back little trinkets

⟡  Simply because it reminds them of you

⭑ Sometimes, you'll all just be laying in bed when the two of them will just randomly start caressing parts of your body

⟡ They let you try nail polish colours on them

⭑ Geto would let you paint all of his nails the same color whereas Gojo would pick multiple for you to do on his

“What color am I doing this time?” You pass Geto the small bin of colorful nail polish. He sifts through all the options before choosing one.

“This one.” He hands you a bottle of light blue nail polish.

“I love this one.” You shake the tube to mix the polish as Geto places his hand on the table for you to paint his nails.

As you prepare to paint the first coat, Gojo bursts through the door. “You’re painting his nails without me!” He points at you dramatically

“Nuh uh. You weren’t home.” Geto shoots back.

“I am now!”

“Then go choose a color. Or multiple if you’d like.” You push the basket in his direction.

⟡ You guys have spa nights at least once a week on weekends

⭑ Nightmares have always been a normal part of your relationship

⟡ Whenever one of you has a nightmare, the other two are quick to respond, giving hugs and reassurance

⭑ There have been times where you and Geto walk in on Gojo dancing his heart out with headphones on (You got videos)

⟡ On those rare days when none of you guys have anything to do, you’ll just lay in bed together doing your own things and bask in each other’s presence

⭑ Sometimes, when you and Gojo are bored and need something to do, you’ll find Geto minding his own business and smother him in kisses

⟡ Late night convenience store trips

“Hey, hey, heeeyyyy.” Gojo poked your cheek. “Can we go to the convenience store?”

“Go ask your boyfriend.” You swat his hand away.

“He told me to ask you!”

So that’s how Geto was going to play. He was hoping you’d be the tired one to say ‘no’ to Gojo. Well in that case… “Yeah sure. Go get Suguru and tell him we’re going.” You smirk.

That was enough for the sorcerer to run out of the room and pull Geto out of bed. When he sees you smiling at him, he knows he should have been the one to decline.

⭑ Sometimes, Geto falls asleep on the couch after a long day, which gives you and Gojo the opportunity to draw on his face (And take selfies)

⟡ Gojo would be the one to suggest doing ridiculous things like going out at midnight, but you’d be the one to agree with it and drag Geto out too

⭑ You guys have a joined playlist full of very different songs that you all listen to religiously

⟡ Like- it’s got some Chase Atlantic, Taylor Swift, Country (Geto insisted), and so much more

⭑ Gojo has a ban on cooking without supervision

“Suguru… do you smell that…?” Geto closed his book at the question.

“I do… it kind of smells like it’s burning…” He looks around.

As if a light bulb lit up, the two of you suddenly remembered you gave Gojo the task of making dinner tonight. You immediately stood up and ran into the kitchen.

“Satoru?!” You’re greeted with the smell of smoke filling the air.

“Heyyy” The male in question frantically tries to cover the disaster. Geto comes in right after you to fan the smoke out and clean up the mess.

Thus resulting in Gojo being banned from ever cooking by himself. Permanently.

⟡ Usually it's Geto that'll cook, but some days you'll just order in and sit on the couch

⭑ Their parts of the room is just covered in gifts that you've given to them throughout the years (Even before you started dating)

⟡ You guys always know if something is bothering one of you

⭑ Gojo has a soft spot for your pouty faces

⟡ He's the one you'd go to if you wanted to do something slightly dangerous reckless

⭑ Geto is the one who just walks away, pretending not to know either of you

⟡ Whenever you bake things, you make sure to place a few of the desserts aside to cover with more icing than the rest to accommodate Gojo’s massive sweet tooth

⭑ You and Gojo spend an ungodly amount of money to buy sweets for Geto to eat on his missions

⟡ Sometimes, the only way that you can get Gojo to stop acting like a little shit is to threaten his cuddle time

⭑ All of their friends wonder how Gojo managed to pull the two of you (And they make fun of him for it)

⟡ Geto is the most protective out of all of you

⭑ Gojo knows the two of you can handle your own, but Geto would be the one to blame himself if anything happened to either of you

⟡ You each have some sort of accessory that reminds you of each other

⭑ Like you wear a necklace that has two charms on it (They each made one for you)

⟡ They each wear a bracelet that you made for them

⭑ And a ring that they bought for each other

⟡ You’ll unconsciously refer to them as “My boys” when your talking to friends or out in public and it drives them crazy

“I know! And then I heard...” You’re sitting in a cafe, catching up with a bunch of your old friends.

“I don’t know what she was thinking.” Shoko took a sip of her coffee. “I’m so glad we were able to meet up today.”

It was a rare occasion where all of you were free and able to get together and catch up. You and Shoko were sitting with Mei Mei and Utahime while Geto and Gojo sat further away with Nanami.

“Yeah, I missed you guys so much. It’s not the same as texting!” You sigh. You took a quick peek at the time and realised it was time to go. “Shoot. Sorry girls, my boys and I have some plans.”

As if on queue, both males stand up and walk over to you, a slight blush on their faces.

⭑ They will follow you for hours in a shopping mall

⟡ And when you try on clothes at the store, they'll wait patiently outside for you to show them the look

⭑ Often times, you'll come back home to a heated make-out session between the two (And then join them)

⟡ You and Gojo always beg for Geto to summon his rainbow dragon “for research purposes”

⭑ He always shuts you down but eventually summons it anyways in order to shut the two of you up

⟡ You guys all trade clothes

⭑ Sometimes, you’ll be walking around in the house wearing Geto’s t-shirt and Gojo’s jacket, and you’d see them walking around in your hoodies

⟡ Both you and Gojo share hair and skin products and Geto thinks it's ridiculous and unnecessary

⭑ You'll then proceed to make fun of Geto for using those 3-in-1 shower products

⟡ All that teasing and yet, he still has flawless skin compared to you and Gojo

⭑ Gojo is a German Shepard boyfriend

⟡ Geto is a Doberman boyfriend

⭑ Both are loyal and loving towards you

⟡ You guys definitely have a group chat (Hot bitches + Gojo)

⭑ And the best contact names for each other (None of them actually have any of your actual names in it)

⟡ You have Gojo saved as ‘Sugar Daddy 💅’ and Geto as ‘Hot Bitch #2’

⭑ You and Gojo are ‘Idiot 1 💜’ and ‘Idiot 2 😐’ in Geto’s contacts (Guess who’s who)

⟡ Geto is ‘Supervisor  😔’ and you’re ‘Sugar Baby 🤭’ for Gojo

↳ Let me know if you guys would actually read little snippets of the group chat cause I’ll definitely make some if you will

 Relationship Headcanons ~ S. Gojo + S. Geto ~

~ Please don’t repost onto other platforms! ~

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1 year ago



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