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4 months ago

Aoi Soken Co. The “ridgepole-raising ceremony,” a Japanese custom for new construction

Aoi Soken Co. The Ridgepole-raising Ceremony, A Japanese Custom For New Construction

The other day, we chose an auspicious day to hold the ridgepole raising ceremony.Since ancient times, rituals have often been held when building a new house in Japan. The main examples are the jichinsai (ground-breaking ceremony) and jōtōshiki (ridgepole-raising ceremony). Jichinsai is a ceremony to worship the local deity and pray for the safety of the construction and prosperity of the house before civil engineering or building work is undertaken. A ridgepole raising ceremony is a ceremony to celebrate the completion of the framework of a new building, also known as muneage or tatemae. Characters are written on the mune-buta and masu, which are included in the shrine set used for the ridgepole raising ceremony, using black ink and a brush. On the front of the tag, the words Yaoyorozu-no-kami, Izanami-no-mikoto, Izanagi-no-mikoto (God of Eight Hundred Thousand) are written, and on the back, the name of the owner, the date the ridgepole was raised, the name of the company that constructed the building, and the name of the master builder.

The munafuda is attached to a high place inside the building, facing south or east. Generally, the munafuda is attached after the ridgepole is raised. The ridgepole raising ceremony is held to pray for the safety of the house construction, the celebration of the house, and the family safety of the owner. The owner, relatives, and construction workers gather for this ceremony, which is mainly arranged by the Shinto priest of the shrine. Although it is less common nowadays, after the ceremony, the owner may scatter rice cakes and sweets, or serve a meal to the guests.


先日、吉日を選んでめでたく上棟式を行いました。古来より、日本では新築の家を建てる際には祭事を行うことがしばしばあります。地鎮祭や上棟式などが主に挙げられます。地鎮祭とは、土木工事や建築工事を行う前に、その土地の神様を祀り、工事の安全と家の繁栄を祈願する儀式です。上棟式とは、新築の際に建物の骨組みが完成したことを祝う儀式で、棟上げや建前とも呼ばれます。 上棟式で使用するお宮セットの中に含まれる、棟板、枡に、墨汁と筆で文字を書いていきます。 札の表面には、八百万の神、伊邪那美命、伊邪那岐命、(Yaoyorozu-no-kami, Izanami-no-mikoto, Izanagi-no-mikoto)の文字を書き、裏には施主の方のお名前、上棟した日付、施工した会社名、棟梁の名前が記されます。

棟札(むなふだ)は、建物内部の高い所に南向きまたは東向きに取り付けます。一般的には棟梁が上棟後に取り付けています。 上棟式は、家の工事の安全と、家のお祝い、施主様の家内安全の御祈願をするためのもので、あおい創建では新築を建てる際にはだいたい行っています。 この式典には、施主様、ご親族様、工事関係者などが集まり、神社の神主様が主に取り計らってくれます。 現在は少なくなりましたが、この行事のあと、施主様はお餅やお菓子を撒いたり、お食事をふるまったりすることもあります。

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