Jeritza Von Hrym - Tumblr Posts

Happy Birthday, Jeritza!
(tap picture for better quality)

Finally followed through with my promise to make the Black Eagles sketch headshots! Currently in Crimson Flower and I’m enjoying the route so far (at least, until I have to k-word Dimitri aslkdasdas)
I’ll be making Golden Deers once I start my run of Verdant Wind ;D
Bonus Jeritza:

Black Eagles 🥀 Crimson Flower
FE3H MONTH (you can find all artworks here)
I’m doing a self-imposed FE3H month! Where I’ll be posting only FE3H artworks from the first week of August to the first week of September to celebrate its anniversary, and my anniversary of when I played it 💙❤️💛💚💜

Just one week until entries can be posted!
Prompts can be found here.
For disability pride month I’d like to give a shout out to fe3h for all the canonically disabled characters included. Dimitri’s schizophrenia and eye, Constance and Jeritza’s DID, Bernadetta’s agoraphobia and panic disorder, Marianne’s depression, Lysithea and Edelgard’s cptsd and chronic health issues, and a number of other subtextual inclusions. I know people love to poke holes in these things, but I think overall they are well done and I appreciate the game’s obvious attempts to portray them sensitively.