Jim Hawkins X Reader - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

jim hawkins head cannons plz I'm starving

•̩̩͙*˚ ✩ Jim Hawkins Headcannons ✩.•̩̩͙˚

Jim Hawkins Head Cannons Plz I'm Starving


✮ - he loooooves to tease you. bro will not let ANYTHING slide. he can be sooo freaking annoying but you cant help but think its cute. though one time he teased you about something that ended up making you upset, and boy did he feel bad. when he saw your tearful eyes, he immediately reached for your hand and apologized like a million times. to confirm you were no-longer upset, he wrapped you up in a big hug, gently rubbing your back to comfort you.

✮ - daydreams, a lot. you can find him sitting and staring off into the horizon, without a care in the world. he'll softly hum a random tune as his mind explores. you're often the subject of his daydreams- and also the reason why he constantly gets asked 'what are you smiling about?'

✮ - always wants to know you're ok. of course he knows you're an independent girl boss (HELP) and can fight your own battles- but despite that, he can't help but want to protect you from anything that comes your way. he doesn't want to lose you too. ✮ - brings you little trinkets from his adventures. he always manages to find some object that reminds him of you. he won't admit it, but he partly buys them so he can have 'a piece of you' throughout the remainder of his journey. ✮ - probably named a star after you. "his star" he'd say. whether he's with you or without- he looks up to that star whenever he needs a reminder of what to push through for.

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1 year ago

Hi! <3

I saw your Jim headcanons in time of crisis, and boy i’m glad! They were very nice and i loved them. I’m kinda having a bit of a bad day, the usual, so…

I wanted to kinda request some headcanons (or one-shot, whatever works for you) of Jim Hawkins with a sad gn! (or fem if you’d prefer that) reader. Just they’re very emotional, crying some, watching sad childhood movie scenes (cough Married Life from Up cough) and just needing some comfort and reassurance.

So sorry to bother, i wasn’t totally sure if your requests are open so i wanted to give it a shot, no pressure to write this whatsoever! You could literally just write something soft for Jim and i would be over the moon. Remember to take care of yourself first! <3

hello love! thank you so much, i'm so sorry you're having a bad day :( and don't worry! i love getting requests <3 i hope this is alright, i adore this idea, thank you 🤍 (take care as well!!)


What. A. Disaster. Not only are the skies filled with an unpleasant and dreary forecast, but you totally failed today's test at the Academy. Everything this past week--no- month has gone wrong. Unbearable sadness and stress have been building up inside you- with no outlet to escape. You can barely think a coherent thought. All that occupies your mind is the burning question: "when will it get better?" As you trudge through the squishy, muddy, path home, an idea strikes you. If you had one wish in the world, it would be to go back to being a kid. No responsibilities, besides chores of course. No anxiety, no sadness, just glee and bliss. (or so your mind believes) One way to live that dream is to re-watch your favorite childhood classics. Yes- that's it! That'll cheer you up for sure, who doesn't love those movies? Maybe this day would take a turn for the better. You enter your shared apartment, making sure not to bring in mud on the fresh floor. Tossing your bag on the floor, you make your way to the shower. The LAST thing you want is to catch a cold. The warm water wraps around you like a big toasty hug, giving you at least a couple minutes of serenity. But as soon as you step out, the only warmth is the steam on your mirror. And the sadness returns. After drying your hair, you slip into your precious comfy pajamas and make your way to your bedroom. Your covers greet your body, and you're ready to relax and reopen memories that haven't resurfaced in years. You decide to put on "Upward," (wink wink) you remember watching this movie every night as a kid. A perfect pick. Everything was fine, your body was melted into the mattress, the lights were off, soft pillows surrounding you, until that scene came on. Oh. What you didn't remember is just how heartbreaking this movie actually is. Your sugarcoated nostalgia charmed you to pick a movie you thought would make you feel better, which in turn, made you feel worse. So. So. So much worse. The screen became blurry, blocked out by the tears swelling in your eyes. That was your breaking point. All of the sorrow and pain built up comes rushing out, a neverending collection of tears stroking your face. Hiccups, sobs, and whimpers escape your lips, and the sadness completely swallows you up. That is, until your loving boyfriend, Jim, opens your door. "Hey star, just wanted to let you know I'm home." He gently speaks, peering through the small crack in the door. All he hears is the soft hum of a movie, and... sobs? "Star?? Are you alright?" His voice now has a tone of concern. He enters the dim room, eyes trailing up to your crying figure. "oh..." Jim rushes to your side, slipping under the covers with you. You lean your head on him, only wanting to be held by him. He holds your body like you're porcelain, caressing you as you cry into his arms. "Do you... want to talk about it?" He softly whispers into your ear. The only response he gets is a choked-back sob. "I'm guessing not. That's ok, you don't have to talk." He pauses. "I'm here for you, I always will be. I know what abandonment feels like, and I want you to know whatever you're going through, I'll always be by your side." Your dry yet also tear-stained eyes look up and meet his loving eyes, then you cry even harder because he's just amazing, more than you could ever ask for. You cling to his shirt, afraid if you let go he'll fade away, like a dream gone too soon. Jim rubs his hand along your back, tracing shapes and patterns in an attempt to soothe you. (spoiler alert: it's working) You swallow dryly as the sobs finally stop, finally feeling that sleepy sensation you get after a good cry. The calm after the storm. You snuggle your head into his chest, collecting the warmth radiating from him. Before you can thank Jim, or even actually say a word, your eyes heavily close, and your breaths mirror the beginning of sleep. Jim notices this shift, and chuckles softly. "Even stuffy and red, you're still my beautiful star.." --☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--☆--

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