Jimin Pregnancy Au - Tumblr Posts

Chapter 14
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Muster (n) - a formal gathering of troops, especially for inspection, display, or exercise.
Chapter summary: the newest member of ARMY arrives just in time for Muster
Warnings: hospitals and (probably bad) descriptions of labor and childbirth, so much damn softness
WC: 5.3k

While the boys were busy making preparations perfect for Muster, you were busy making sure everything was ready for Mochi. Ari and Jihye came over one day with their brood to help you baby proof Jimin's apartment. Jimin had bought a whole wardrobe of little girl clothes, so sure that he was right, and you humored him by washing them all and folding them away in the dresser. You also repacked your hospital bag after realizing that the clothes you had packed a few weeks ago didn't fit anymore.
It was the bag your eyes kept flickering to on the first day of Muster as you and Jimin enjoyed a nice breakfast. He'd leave for the stadium soon enough for them to do a sound check and prepare, but he was taking it easy, his eyes full of joy and excitement about the day.
You were trying to take it easy, but it was hard when you were feeling random pains in your belly. You still had a week to go, so you didn't want to raise the alarm. They could just be the practice contractions you'd been told about. They were seemingly random; they were so far apart and didn't last very long. Still, you called the maternity hospital while Jimin showered and they told you to come in if they got within a few minutes of each other, so you tried to secretly keep track of each one. Luckily, Jimin was too distracted with the day's events to take much notice.
"You'll come soon, right?" Jimin asks hopefully when he kisses you at the door.
"Of course," you smile brightly up at him, but he can tell that it's forced.
"Is everything okay?" He brushes some of your hair back to look down into your eyes. "You seem...preoccupied."
You shrug. "Maybe a bit."
"About what, love?" He questions with his new favorite pet name.
"Lots of things, I guess," you mumble, looking away from him.
"Why don't you tell me about one, so I can make you feel better before I leave," he offers, pulling your eyes back up with a finger under your chin.
You're reluctant, but you sigh when you look into his soft and understanding eyes. "I guess, today is a day about ARMY, and I'm part of ARMY, since the start, but I'm afraid they hate me, and they hate you for being with me. And-"
"Hey," Jimin's voice cuts you off. His eyes are wide with worry as he holds you in his gaze. You're a little shocked you went with that. It had been bothering you, for some time now to be honest, but you were really just trying to deflect from your more immediate worries, because you didn't want to spoil or distract from this special day.
"I don't want you to worry about that, okay?" Jimin presses a kiss to your forehead. "I can't tell you there aren't people who are upset and that everyone is going to love you. I won't lie to you like that. But I can tell you that it's not something for you to be worried about. I'm not. I made the choice, Y/N. Before we were even really together. I knew exactly what I was doing, so you don't need to feel guilty for it. People who hate you without knowing you don't matter, alright?"
Jimin holds your face firmly in his hands until you smile at him and nod as much as you can. "You're right."
"Good." He's satisfied with himself for helping and it shows in his eyes before he pecks kisses all over your face. "Enjoy your nap and rest up. It's going to be a long night," he warns you happily. "I'll see you in a few hours."
"Yeah," you breathe back as he picks up his bag and turns the doorknob.
"I love you," he says with one final smile and a look back.
"I love you," you manage before the door closes.

You don't manage to sleep in the hours that you remain at home. The contractions get a little closer together but still not enough to get you to the hospital, so you just try to prepare yourself for the idea that within the next day you could have your baby with you. You shower and wear the outfit you had picked out days ago for the concert. And when you're finally ready you text the regular driver, Junghoon, and let him know you're ready to be picked up.
"Going somewhere?" Junghoon asks with a bit of a smile when he sees your bag.
"It's just a precaution," you mutter.
You like Junghoon. He knows you're a regular person like him and he's casual with you without overstepping. You suspect he knows your public relationship with Jimin is a lie, but he also knows how much you care for one another now. He tells you jokes sometimes and shows you pictures of his kid.
So you ask him, "Can you keep a secret?"
Junghoon smiles. "I've been driving for BTS for five years. I keep lots of secrets."
You roll your eyes at his cheekiness as you hand him the bag. "It's not that big of a deal, I just need you to keep it for a few hours. I may need you to drive me to the hospital later, so keep your phone on, please."
"You feeling okay?" He asks with a bit of genuine concern in his eyes.
"I'm okay. I might be screaming later, though. Don't take it personally, okay?" You tell him as he helps you into the black SUV. Realization dawns on him and he nods before going to the driver's seat.
Outside the stadium where they are performing you see the lines of ecstatic fans ready to see the guys and you can't help reminiscing on the days when you were just a fan like any of them, before you fell in love with Jimin, before you hooked up with Jeongguk, before you even worked for HYBE. You would be standing in those lines, spending the money you saved for months on merch and waiting for your chance to glimpse the boys you loved to support. Now you are driving right past them to see the boys yourself, and hoping the fans don't see you.
"There you are," Jimin beams when you walk into the room where they're getting their hair and makeup done. You've arrived after sound check and there's an electric energy in the air.
"Y/N!" Jihye calls from couches on the other side of the room. "Come sit with us."
She and Ari are relaxing with the children while Taehyung and Hoseok play peekaboo with Moon, bright smiles plastered on both of their faces.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Ari asks as you waddle over. "You look a little pale."
"I'm fine," you smile as you sit beside her, and she continues to eye you suspiciously.
You do your best during the intervening hours to act completely natural as your body prepares itself to give birth. You at least hope it will escape Jimin's notice, because you know he'll blow off the concert to get you to the hospital, even if you know it isn't time yet.
"Can I have a good luck kiss?" Jimin asks as they're about to head out on stage for the first time.
"You don't need luck. You're the greatest performer in the world and you've practiced to be perfect. You're gonna be great," you tell him, only for him to pout. "But you can have a kiss anyway." You peck him lightly on the lips, unable to avoid getting lipgloss on your mouth. He pouts harder and tries to pull you in for another, but you push him gently away. "Make up," you remind him, and he groans adorably.
"You're being so annoying," he teases. You want more than anything to be able to hold him close and let him know just how much you love and support him, but you're using so much control to hide your condition as pain aches through your abdomen that you know it up so concentrating you'll lose it.
"You can get as many kisses as you want after the concert," you promise him in consolation.
"I'm going to hold you to that."
"Jimin!" Hoseok calls to him from the stage lift.
"Enjoy the show," Jimin says with a wink before he goes to join the other members.
You wave goodbye to him and stand watch as he focuses himself. You don't let go of your breath until you see the small platform begin to ascend. Then you finally allow your body to relax as much as you can.
"Are you insane?" Ari says loudly in your ear as the loud music begins.
"What?" You practically shout back.
"Let's get you back to the couch," she tells you with a shake of her head and begins to lead you back to the dressing room where you can watch the show on the monitor. "How far apart are your contractions?"
"You knew?" You ask and she merely nods. "Do you think they noticed?" You wonder anxiously as you get further from the noise.
"Of course not," Jihye laughs. "Do you think Jimin would have gone out there if he knew you were in labor?" But one look at your face tells her you know he wouldn't, and that is exactly why you're hiding it.
"How far?" Ari asks again.
"About six minutes," you admit.
"Girl, you aren't making it through this concert," Jihye laughs.
"I know," you sigh. "But Jimin and Jeongguk have to, so you have to help me hide it, even if I have to leave in the middle, please?"
"Of course," Ari assures you, smiling as she gathers her little girl into her arms. "Are you scared?"
"Of course," you confess. "But I'm excited."
"Everyone is going to be so excited," Jihye agrees.
Jimin manages to see you just long enough during the first break to kiss your cheek while the stylists get him out of his clothes and into the next outfit. He's either too busy or too high on adrenaline to notice that you're sweating slightly and not talking.
"I think it's time for you to go," Ari tells you gently as she sees you struggling minutes before the end of the second act.
You sigh, unable to do anything but agree as you pull out your phone and call Junghoon.
"I need you to get the car ready," you tell him quietly.
"I'm already waiting at the door where I dropped you off," he replies. "Do you need help getting here?"
"No, I'll be okay." You hang up and nod to Ari, knowing she'll help you get there.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Jin asks when he sees you walking down the hall with Ari as they come off for another wardrobe change.
"Yeah!" You lie with a shaky breath as you pause to speak to him. "Just a cramp, so Ari is helping me take a little walk."
Ari gives her husband a pointed look that tells him all he needs to know without saying a word.
"Hey, love," Jimin beams, smiling as he comes around his hyung's shoulder.
"Hey, Jiminie. You're doing great!" You force a smile.
"Cmon, Jimin, we have to hurry," Jin interrupts, pulling the younger man in the other direction before he can even respond. Jimin follows with a giddy smile and you're on your way again.
"For the rest of the night I'm in the bathroom until they finish the encore, okay?"
"Yeah I got it," Ari assures you as she leads you down the hall.

"Hello ami," Jimin smiles at the crowd, waving enthusiastically as he begins his final speech. "I've missed you." He can already feel tears beginning to prick his eyes as he looks at all the happy, cheering fans. "Someone said to me not very long ago that it's hard for ARMYs when you miss us, that you wonder how we're doing and if we're happy. I wonder about you, too. I hope you're happy and healthy." Jimin pauses to swallow the lump in his throat. "I know that recently, maybe I've shocked you or disappointed you. But all people need love in their lives, and I'm grateful for the love in my life. I want to share that with all of you. I hope you have love in your life. I love you, ami." Jimin makes a heart with his arms above his head.
For the first time in his life, Jimin isn't entirely sad to leave the stage after they've said their final goodbyes to ARMY for the night. Part of it is knowing that he'll get to see them again tomorrow, but most of it is that he can't wait to see you and to share his joy with you.
"Where's Y/N?" He asks immediately, skidding to a stop in the dressing room where he's the first to arrive. For the last couple of changes he's been told you're in the bathroom, and yet you're still not here to greet him.
"Thank God you're finally done!" Ari cries, getting up from the couch. "Y/N left for the hospital a couple hours ago! Go!" She tells him urgently.
It takes about two seconds for Jimin to register what she's saying. His mind replays all the little moments he didn't fully pay attention to during the day because he was too focused and excited about seeing ARMY. Jimin rushes to his phone before anyone else has time to move.
"Is she okay?" Jeongguk asks stupidly, not having put two and two together yet.
Jimin grabs Jeongguk by the front of his shirt. "Y/N's in labor, you idiot. Let's go." And without another word, he takes off at a run. He's surprised to find Junghoon waiting with the car ready for him, the back passenger door open and the driver already in his seat with the engine running.
"How did you know?" Jimin asks as Jeongguk climbs in and shuts the door.
"I took Y/N to the hospital two hours ago. As soon as I heard the concert ended I figured you'd want to get going," Junghoon explains and begins to pull away without waiting to be told. He drives as quickly as is safely possible, hoping he can get them there in time, while Jimin tries to reach Y/N on her cell, but she doesn't answer.
"She's okay, right? She's gonna be okay?" Jimin asks his best friend frantically.
"She'll be okay, Jimin. They both will," Jeongguk does his best to assure him.
"But it's early. She's a week early." Jimin can feel his breath accelerating with worry.
"It's alright, Jimin. After 37 weeks the baby should be fine," Guk tells him calmly.
"How do you know that?"
Jeongguk shrugs. "I read about it. I'm not useless. But Jimin, you need to calm down. When we get there, she'll need you. You can't be freaking out."
Jimin takes a deep breath, and he does calm down, but he still can't believe that you didn't tell him you were in labor, and he still can't get you on the phone. He practically jumps out of the car before Junghoon even puts it in park.
When he enters your private room you're standing, but leaning over the bed in obvious pain.
"Oh, thank God you're here!" You groan the moment you see him. "You didn't leave early did you?"
Jimin shakes his head in disbelief as he approaches you. "Is that why you didn't tell me you've been in labor all day?" He brushes back your hair so he can see your face more clearly before resting his hand on your lower back.
"I wanted your head to be where it needed to be. I knew there'd be time."
"You're lucky we made it in time," Jimin mutters. "Or we'd never forgive you."
"You can't stay mad at me," you chuckle just as another contraction wracks through your body and you buckle onto your elbows.
"You should get into bed, Y/N," Jimin tells you because he doesn't know what else to say. But you can't respond while the pain continues and you just let him support you while you wait for it to pass. Once it does you do as he suggests and he helps you climb into the bed once again.
"It won't be too long now, Jimin. They're close together. I need to see Jeongguk," you tell him breathlessly.
Jimin pauses momentarily. Of course, Jeongguk should be there, and he knows that, but there's a jealous little beat in his heart. It passes and Jimin nods. "I'll go find him."
Jimin rushes back out the doors to find Jeongguk waiting in the hallway texting the others. "She's asking for you," Jimin chokes out. The younger man gives him a surprised look but follows him back to your room.
"Is everything okay?" Guk asks when he walks in to find you panting and sweating in your hospital bed.
You nod emphatically. "I think the baby is coming soon. Are you going to be there?"
Jeongguk's brows furrow as he looks at you and then back at a silent Jimin, who can hardly lift his eyes from the ground.
"Y/N…" Jeongguk shakes his head. "It's so nice of you to consider me, but right now, what's best for baby is what's best for you. And Jimin is what's best for you. Jimin is the one you need with you, not me."
You sigh heavily but it comes out as a groan. "Okay, thank God! I was really trying to be nice, but I need Jimin!" You're practically yelling as a team in scrubs come through the door.
"It's almost time, Eomma," the midwife proclaims. "Let's get you down to the delivery room."
One of the nurses turns to Jeongguk and Jimin, the latter wearing a stunned expression. "Which one of you is coming with?" She asks, looking between them.
Jimin doesn't answer right away, so Jeongguk gives him a little shove with his shoulder. Jimin looks back at him, his mouth ajar.
"Go on. You'll see me after," Jeongguk smiles.
Jimin doesn't hesitate anymore after that and steps forward to follow the nurse's instructions as they prepare to move you. Jeongguk exits the room quietly and goes back out to meet the guys just as they arrive in the waiting room.
"Did we miss it?" Taehyung asks anxiously.
"No, they're just getting ready now. It might still be a little bit. We just have to wait now," Jeongguk tells them as he sits and sinks into a chair.
"How are you doing?" Namjoon asks when he takes a seat next to the maknae.
"I'm not the one who has to give birth," he chuckles nervously.
"True," Namjoon nods. "But you're about to be a father. How does that feel?"
Jeongguk sighs. "Honestly, hyung, I'm scared, but I'm glad I have Jimin to help."
"Really?" The leader asks in shock.
"Yeah, Jimin's going to be a good dad. He's much more nurturing than I could ever be. He always seems to know what the right thing to do is. I think the baby will be lucky to have him. And Y/N, of course."
Namjoon rests an arm around the younger's shoulders. "They'll be lucky to have you, too, Guk. You'll learn to be a good dad."
"You think so?" Jeongguk looks up with his large doe eyes.
"Of course. You love your baby, I know. And everything else you have to learn on the job. And we'll all help. It's gonna be fine."
Jeongguk takes a deep breath and sighs. "Really wish we could have had this talk like four months ago, hyung."
Namjoon huffs and shakes his head at himself. "Yeah, I know. I'm sorry. Let's just add it to the pile of ways I've failed you."
"You haven't failed me, hyung. Like you said, it's gonna be fine."

You let your head fall back on the bed as you take a rest from pushing.
"You're doing great, Y/N, take a breath," the midwife instructs you calmly.
"You're almost there, love. I can see her head," Jimin smiles as he holds your hand. You squeeze it hard even though you should be saving as much energy as you can. "You swore you wouldn't look!"
"I can't help it, Y/N!" He winces at the pain.
"Well, you better. Please. I want you to still be attracted to me after this!" You groan as all the muscles in your body feel spent from the last god knows how long of pushing, but you still have a ways to go.
"Don't worry, baby. This isn't going to change a thing for me. You're blowing me away. You're doing so amazing, right now." Jimin presses a sweet kiss to your forehead.
"Ugh, just keep your eyes up here, buddy," you grunt as another contraction begins. Jimin only laughs because you have no idea how endearing you are to him right now. He doesn't know why either. He just knows that he's right where he needs to be, and he isn't going anywhere.
"Okay, Y/N, here we go," the midwife encourages you. "Big push, eomma."
You squeeze Jimin's hand tight again as your eyes shut and you bear down with all your might. You lack the energy even to cry out as you give everything you have to bring your baby into the world. "There you go, push, push, push. I've got baby's head," you hear the woman's excited voice tell you.
"Oh my god. Is it over?" You wonder desperately as you rest.
"Almost, Y/N. I need you to help with one more little push to get the shoulders, okay? Here we go." You do as she says and a moment later you can hear the first cry from your newborn.
"I told you so," Jimin whispers in your ear.
"Huh?" You wonder as your muscles collapse in exhaustion.
"You have a precious baby girl," the midwife informs you.
"I do?" You ask, feeling delirious and more tired than you've ever been in your life. "Where is she? I want her," you mumble.
A nurse comes to your other side to open the top part of your gown so the baby can be laid onto your bare chest. You take your hand away from Jimin's to cradle her against your skin and her crying settles a bit.
"Mochi," you coo softly, with tears clouding your eyes and making it difficult to see her. "You're finally here, baby girl. I've been dying to meet you." You press your lips as gently as possible to the soft skin of her head as she fusses. "Everyone is going to be so excited to see you. Right appa?"
You look up at Jimin to see him hiding his face behind his hand as gentle tears fall down his cheeks.
"Do you want to hold her?" You offer, even though you aren't sure you'll be able to let her go.
Jimin shakes his head, but lowers himself so he's closer to your level. "I can't. Not yet. She's yours for now. She's perfect." When you look in his eyes you know exactly why he's refused, and even though you think it's unnecessary you don't argue because you're enjoying having her in your arms too much.
It's merely minutes, yet it feels both timeless and an instant before a nurse is at your side again.
"We'll take her to get washed and do a few checkups and we'll have her back in a few minutes, okay, dear?" The nurse explains gently as she comes to take your baby. It's hard to even imagine them taking her from you, but you let the nurse lift her away, hoping to have her back all the sooner. You notice for the first time that the number of people in the room has lowered considerably while you were enthralled with the little girl.
"I miss her," you whisper to Jimin.
He laughs lightly at you, wiping a few tears from his face as you do the same. "She'll be right back. Don't worry."
"I know," you reply in a watery voice before you manage to calm yourself with a deep breath. "You should go tell the boys."
"You'll be okay?" Jimin brushes your hair, back with his fingers, not ready to leave you either.
"I'll be fine," you promise him. He still seems hesitant when he leans in to press his lips to yours. He can feel how tired you are in the lazy way but heartfelt way you kiss him back.
"I'm so proud of you," he whispers before he leaves the room with a smile.
As Jimin enters the waiting room all the boys jump to their feet.
"Is everything okay?" Jeongguk asks first.
Jimin nods happily. "They're perfect. The nurse said just to give them ten minutes or so to get cleaned up and you can see them."
"Well?!" Taehyung jumps in. "Is it a boy or a girl?"
Jimin grins smugly at the taller man. "You owe me fifty thousand won."
"Aw man. What's her name?" Tae continues.
Jimin looks pointedly at Jeongguk. Y/N had decided that he could be the one to name the baby when it came, but he hadn't given her any ideas or suggestions yet. "Mm, I'll wait until we meet her to tell you."
Jimin sits down with the others while they chat excitedly, biding their time to be able to see the two of you. Yoongi asks Jimin questions about things he'd read about childbirth while Namjoon has to wrestle Taehyung's phone away from him to prevent him from posting a post concert selca.
"If you post a hospital picture everyone will know where we are since it was leaked in that article and then every ARMY in Seoul will be here," Namjoon reminds him.
"Fine, fine. Gimme back my phone," Tae whines as Namjoon puts the device in his own pocket.
"Family of Y/N?" A nurse calls from the door, clearly surprised when all 7 members of BTS stand to answer. "Um, she said you can come back now," the girl continues, clearly flustered, the red in her face only deepening when Hoseok winks at her as he passes by.
Namjoon reminds him to be quiet as they enter your room. It's late and you're exhausted and the lights have been dimmed, but you're still excited to see them and to have them meet your little girl.
"Well done, Y/N," Jin tells you when you tear your eyes away from the newborn in your arms and show your beaming smile.
"Aigo, she's so small," Hoseok coos from behind Jeongguk.
"Can we hold her?" Taehyung can't seem to stop himself from asking, receiving a swift smack to the back from Yoongi.
"JK needs to hold her first," Jimin says matter of factly. "And then I call dibs."
"You haven't held her yet?" Jeongguk asks, surprised. Jimin shakes his head. "Y/N, can I?" His eyes are pleading, as if he's afraid you'll say no. You smile and nod at him, inviting him to step forward. He reaches to pick her up as gently as if she was made of something even more fragile than glass. He must have studied because he looks like he knows exactly what to do and how to hold her, cradling her so protectively in his arms. For a moment he can't say anything at all.
"The name," Hoseok whispers. "What's her name?"
Jeongguk smiles a sweet smile down at the precious girl in his arms. "Everyone say 'Hi, Bora'."
A chorus of 'Aw's and 'hi, Bora's fills the room
"That's cute, Guk," you nod happily at him.
He shrugs subtly, trying not to jostle the newly christened infant. "I wasn't sure at first. But she shares our birthday, so it seems fitting."
"A real ARMY brat," Yoongi murmurs.
"Yah! I wanted to make that joke!" Jin hisses at the man next to him. Even you manage to chuckle as you lean your head back. Your eyes feel so heavy.
"Okay boys. I know everyone wants to hold the baby, but Y/N's had a long, hard day, and so have all of us. We should let them rest. We can hold the baby tomorrow," Namjoon says in an attempt to get them all out of your hair.
"Aw, hyung," Tae whines playfully.
"Come on. Get," Namjoon shoos them. "You need to rest for night two."
"Can you get them to go and rest too?" You ask Namjoon as the others begin to retreat. You can already tell that Jeongguk doesn't want to leave, and Jimin is still chomping at the bit for his chance to hold Bora.
Namjoon looks between the two men and scoffs. "Not a chance. You two can stay, but make sure you get some rest, alright? We still have a concert to do tomorrow."
Both men nod before their leader walks away.
Jeongguk smiles as he dips his head to kiss Bora on the forehead, smelling her head in the process. "Oh my god," he sighs. "I've always heard people say babies smell good, but it's so true." He smells her again, smiling giddily as he looks at Jimin. "Have you smelled her?"
"No." Jimin can't quite keep the pout out of his voice. "I haven't even held her yet!" His hands shake with anticipation and Jeongguk just laughs.
"Guk, please. He's been really good. He wouldn't hold her until you got your chance. Let him have a minute?" You plead on your boyfriend's behalf.
Jeongguk smiles again. "Well, you are her father."
"No, Jimin, you are. I know you are, and I'm glad. You love her as much as I do, I know that. Besides…" Jeongguk pauses to look into Jimin's eyes and poke out his index finger. "You are me."
An ecstatic smile breaks across Jimin's face. "I am you," he sings back, connecting his finger to the other man's. Jeongguk passes the tiny girl over into Jimin's arms, watching carefully to see that she's safe.
"Hey, Mochi," Jimin coos at her while they both look on at her adoringly. A moment later both men's heads snap to you when they hear your sudden sob. "What's wrong?"
You shake your head and cover your face with your hands. "Nothing! That was just so cute!" You sob while they laugh.
Whether it's the sound or she's just hungry, all attention turns back to Bora as cries erupt from her tiny mouth. Sooner than you'd think possible a nurse appears beside Jimin.
"Do you want to try feeding now?" She asks and you nod, so Jimin hands the infant over to you.
"I think I'll go," Jeongguk says as the nurse helps you get situated, opening your gown.
"Guk, you don't have to leave," you assure him. Not like it's anything he hasn't seen before.
"No. I'm beat. And she's good here with the two of you. But I'll be back tomorrow morning, before rehearsal," he promises as he backs out of the room.
"Gukkie, wait!" Jimin grabs the man's arm and pulls him into a hug. "I love you," he says quietly in the other's ear.
"I love you, too, Jimin," Jeongguk smiles as he squeezes him back tightly. "And thank you."

Taglist: @halesandy @burningupp-replies @lilacdreams-00 @minclangyyy @yoongiofmine @yonkimint @wholockian1 @cbgdoll @babycoffeefire @theatren3rd @bri-mal @armytwist @hwayne2294 @kazufuyusluv @n4mina @juju-227592 @mickmoon @yoongicenterofmyuniverse @likeshatteredrainbowglass @softforpj @chimchimsauce @arikimtanapon @outro-kook @ellesalazar @somewhereinthestarss @cscam @svgahigh @defcv28 @shydestinyyouth @bbl32 @eternally-writing-main @craftymoonchaos @chimchimmarie @sweetcheeksdna @lovelytaes-blog @mwitsmejk @cursedcursives @ncizen @elliegrace1999tvd @miffy1997 @borahae-reads @mattsunsupremacy @brit97 @heyjiminnie @natalie-rdr @lovergirl1316 @agustpark @lalisala @blueeyedlove-blog1