Jisung Soulmate Fic - Tumblr Posts
The Revival of Hearts

Ⅰ. PAIRING 🤍 jisung x afab!reader
Ⅱ. GENRE 🤍 rivals-to-lovers, reincarnated soulmates, fluff, angst, very tiny bit of reader and jisung being parents
Ⅲ. WARNINGS 🤍 mention of death, bodily injuries, mention of blood, cursing, very hurtful words from jisung… just terrible
Ⅳ. SYNOPSIS 🤍 jisung and y/n were lovers in the renaissance times and every reincarnation draws them together, but something about this life is different and their hearts seem full of hate.

jisung watched the ship sail away with treasures from his stand. the young merchant stared at the atlas in his hands. it was one of the first of its kind having only been published a few months earlier. the words seemed to almost shine, as if it were written in ink made of the purest gold from india. the title stared back at him: “TYPVS ORBIS TERRARVM.”
he laid on the bed he shared with his beloved y/n, holding the atlas up to the sunlight. “an atlas of the whole world…” y/n sighed into his chest as they lay together. “one day, we will see explore this entire map’s worth of land and sea, my love.” they shared a soft kiss and separated with their foreheads still connected. y/n spoke in a hushed tone, “i’ll love you anywhere, anytime.”
jisung had come back with less limbs than when he left for the war and the rush of blood out of where his right arm had been made him dizzy. y/n was struggling between taking care of her beloved jisung and tending to the market to fight off starvation. she came back home after a long day of making delicate pottery to sell. her helpless husband cried which brought her near to tears. “i’m sorry. i promised i would care for you when i brought you into my family and now i’m lying here, unable to properly love you.” y/n’s eyes glossed and she let out a small laugh, “my sweet jisung, i can feel the love you have for me radiate from your heart and it is enough to keep me wishing to wake up another day next to you for the next millennia.” jisung smiled as the pain was reach his heart, “i’ll love you anywhere, anytime.” and closed his eyes.
in their third life together, y/n and jisung tried to live a quiet life together as they raised a son together. they watched their son sleep in his mother’s arms with a smile. “life for him must seem so peaceful.” y/n ran her fingers across her son’s cheek delicately. “he is a symbol of our peace. our foreverness in this one miraculous, young soul.”
y/n prepared supper while her husband looked after the child. “hello, my sweet son.” jisung watched his baby’s small fist latch onto his index finger. an obnoxiously precious grin took over his visage and a tear rolled down his cheek. “jisung, darling, why do you grieve ?” jisung shook his head and looked at y/n, “not grieve, my heart greatly appreciates the two prior empty holes that my lovely wife and son have overfilled with happiness.” the happy family embraced. jisung kissed the head of the two he cherished most. “i’ll love you anywhere, anytime.”
jisung held an atlas in his hands. he was unsure of how it came to his possession but its outdated landmasses served no purpose other than to give him something to stare at. y/n walked in and stared with him. “do you think america will be recognised on maps ?” the wars of the west had been a spread news amongst the trade routes and foreigners who brought information about europe over. “do the matters of europeans really concern us ?” jisung sensed the irritation in her voice and put the atlas away. “what shall we do today, my dearest.” he wrapped his arms around y/n’s torso. “i’d like to lie here with you and leave these politics behind, let it just be the two of us alone with the land and sea undisturbed around us.” they watched the night sky birth a shooting star for the two of them. “what do you wish for, y/n ?” she smiled at the stars and kept her wish to herself. ‘i’ll love you anywhere, anytime.’
jisung was an avid adventurer and brought back many different gifts for his children and y/n. he talked about the open seas and how the water that kissed his cheeks reminded him of his beloved’s sweet lips and the warmth of the sun couldn’t compare to the comfort of his lover’s arms.
he left for another trip and in his mild adrenaline-induced hallucination, he saw the face of y/n in the clouds. he gave the sunset rouge skies a dazed and lovestruck smile. “i’ll love you anywhere, anytime.”
amidst the rallies and displays of pride for his blooded nation, jisung found her. he had found his forever in another lifetime. he was a string tied around her finger like a childish friendship ring, a pure symbol of an everlasting love. this was their last time of their ‘love at first sight’ tale that went on for ages. this was their last ‘i’ll love you anywhere, anytime” before their story of hatred.
jisung was now a university student studying the art of dance. he had stumbled upon the path of fellow dance major, y/n, many times; not a single one of those encounters led to them being completely enamoured by each other’s existences as they had in their previous lifetimes. jisung and y/n were in fact angrily kneeling to god asking why he aligned the other on their life’s journey.
their rivalry hadn’t properly started until the day jisung was bitter that his days of making a choreography for the university’s dance club had been for naught has y/n took the spotlight from under his nose. it was her lazy dance that was chosen, it was her inferior skills that were set to be the focus of the stage. he constantly left negative remarks and snide comments for y/n’s ears only and she could only take so much before she pushed him over in the suite style dorm hallway he lived on while visiting her friend.
things rarely got solved when the two were in the room and nearly always resorted to an “accidental” shove during practice. it had been months of constant anger and tension between the two that others in the club had felt sorry for themselves that two talents on their team were in a static state of aggression.
when a pair fought as badly as jisung and y/n, things were bound to be monumentally ugly, and a certain incident pushed past that limit. “you know, if you weren’t such a narcissistic attention-seeker maybe people would actually like you.” jisung spat after he stepped on her toes, blaming her for his own miniscule mistake. “i’m the narcissist ? you’re fucking incredible, and i definitely do not mean that in a good way. you are such a pathetic excuse for a dancer. you can’t even get your head out of your ass to admit your mistake !” the blood that pumped in jisung’s veins rushed to his face in a bout of fury. “you think i’m a bad dancer, well you wanna know what you are ? you’re loser struggling to make it big, well guess what ? you’ll never be famous because you’re not just untalented, you’re a walking mistake from god.” that was y/n’s final straw before she punched him. a loud crack echoed throughout the practise room meaning his nose was definitely broken.
jisung had decided to join a dance team off campus to avoid y/n at all costs. it was taking months for his nose to completely heal and he hated every feeling that came with it.
his nose throbbed if he laughed too much, or if he scrubbed his face a little too hard. it was impossible, but it felt like the singular attack had caused his whole body to internally collapse. his legs were jelly straws wobbling in an attempt for balance, and his arms felt weakened; his right arm was so numb it was as if it wasn’t there anymore.
y/n was the most unbelievable person he had ever had the displeasure of meeting. she was ruining his long-standing friendship with the members of the dance club, his aspirations of being in dance, his whole life even. ‘she always makes it physical.’ he huffed to himself. they fought multiple times, but leaving him with a broken nose ? y/n might have just made park jisung a supervillain.
and then came the feeling he hated most of all,
jisung couldn’t stop blaming himself for the timeline he set himself on. he started this grudge over something silly and pushed y/n towards extreme rancour. she was new, looking for friends and something familiar and he ruined that for her. he obviously had to make it up to her and finally apologise.
y/n had not been the one punched, but it felt as if she was brutally attacked and left to wither away. every step felt like a piece of hans christian andersen’s imagination come to life. her hands felt excruciating tingles course through like ants biting her veins. through all of it she loathed the ability to feel.
her pain felt more metaphorical than anything jisung was experiencing. her heart was heavy with the burden of an earth sized trouble, and she was atlas. she would wake up crying from dreams she couldn’t remember. every day since the damned fight felt like another battle where she lost each time.
jisung was insufferable. he was quickly becoming the bane of her existence. if her hadn’t been such a sore loser everything would be fine, in fact, they might’ve even had a chance at friendship. in every scenario that replayed in y/n’s head she was in the right; jisung blew things out of proportion and every time she would have to face the consequences of his childish temperament.
and yet, there was still a voice telling her that maybe she had been wrong. y/n felt she would have been angry too if someone came and forced her to erase all the work she put into something. she had heard jisung talk about dance like it was his life’s only purpose, and she’d seen that boy, he was definitely made for dancing. y/n felt that despite how right she was, she had to see him and apologise.
y/n went to class with little availability to intake whatever the professor was lecturing about. instead, she was shaking her pen and feeling horrendously trepidatious. ‘what if he takes a shot at me and i end up with a black eye ?’ ‘what if he gets me expelled ?’ ‘what if i hit him again ?’ the terrifying thoughts clouded her to her sight as she didn’t realise her class was over. y/n walked over to jisung’s dorm hall, looking over the atlas she was gifted on her 5th birthday to clear her thought. looking at the aged paper calmed her in a way; if the aged parchment stood against time and survived so could she.
y/n was walking through the hallway with a lack of caution and crashed into another body. “i’m sorry, i wasn’t paying attention to where-” and that’s when her vision finally focused. of course, the silly universe had aligned the circumstances so crudely perfect so she would bump into him. “y/n…” jisung spoke with the same tone of shock. the air was neutral, no trace of animosity towards one another in this moment; the aura was akin to a comfortable silence. “i was on my way to say sorry. i held a stupid grudge and ruined your college experience and made you look unprofessional.” jisung finally spoke. y/n couldn’t say she was surprised for that was an understatement. “i came to say i’m sorry too. i’m sorry for making you waste all your hard work and for punching you.” with each apology their pain was alleviated. the glass shards embedded into y/n’s feet were gone and the cuts were healed. jisung’s limbs came back to their senses and he could freely stand again.
he was about to speak again until he saw the atlas and with a connection into y/n’s eyes it all came back. for the first time in all their rebirths had they become aware of their reincarnation and centuries old love story. jisung and y/n’s story had changed that day, it took time to get close after the suffering they put each other through but the universe had written in their futures forever.
jisung and y/n were meant to love each other anywhere, anytime.