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5 months ago

Match-up with @vai3-writes! (I’m sorry this took me long, I’m finally here!)

I do hope you enjoy!

Warnings: none!

Hello, darling, and welcome! Here’s what I managed to do, I sincerely apologize if it’s not the best thing done, but it’s my very very first time doing a match-up! Thank you for participating, I do hope it’s decent!

(Also, my apologies if there’s any mistakes, this is unedited because my ear hurts really bad and I can’t focus ;-;)

My little speculation over your info brought me to think about...

Match-up With @vai3-writes! (Im Sorry This Took Me Long, Im Finally Here!)

Kento Nanami!!

So— to start off, your MBTIs, INTJ and ISTJ, for what I could grasp on a research, might be a little difficult at first, or, more to say, it have a few challenging moments during the whole relationship, but I do believe that someone like Nanami is reasonable to many things, which won’t make it insufferable for either of you.

Following suit on this kind of thing, even your zodiac signs don’t exactly crash together too well— it does mention a little bit of tension and drama that will though strengthen your bond. One of the reasons I chose Nanami is because I do think that he’d make it work, and I’m sure you would do, as well. However, the main reason I chose Nanami despite these little differences in zodiac and MBTIs are:

Your appearance:

I won’t delve too much into personal things, not wanting you to be uncomfortable, of course! But what I mean with this is that Nanami is a huge green flag— no, a green forest— so he really wouldn’t mind any kind of appearance on anybody, I do see him as someone who would find his partner stunning and lovable despite anything.

Your personality:

You mentioned being comfortable with loud people as long as it’s not obnoxious, and that brought me to think that Nanami is a little bit like that— he doesn’t particularly enjoy loud people at all, but let’s be honest, if he actually hated them that much, he wouldn’t be around Satoru AT ALL. Your loyalty to friends and family is definitely a big yes on Nanami’s terms, considering the person he is and his believes. He is a sweetheart, he cares about you and will definitely put you above anything else— if that’s not loyalty, I don’t know what is! Into the next aspect where you spoke about your wariness and difficulty on trusting people, Nanami wouldn’t push you on anything. He’d wait for you, and give you reasons for you to trust him, no matter how long it would take for you to. For the same loyalty I mentioned before, therefore, I don’t think he’ll ever betray you in any way, so no need to worry over that.

You mentioned how you enjoy talking— and he’ll definitely listen. You also said about wanting to listen, and I’m sure he’ll oblige. He’s the quiet type, but if he trusts you, and if you find a topic of conversation to share, I’m sure he’ll talk to you for as long as you’d like. Your altruism is admirable, and he’ll be sure to show you how he appreciates how kind you are. He would never order you around, I actually see him as someone very respectful of people around him— if something like that were to happen, where someone disrespected you or gave you an order for whatever reason that was pushed too far on boundaries, ergo, coming off as very rude and unfair on your part, I’m sure he’ll stand by your side and protect you, even if that’s not the best term I could come up with. He cherishes you, and wants you to be respected as a person. He would support you all the way through the things you consider important, like your academic projects and achievements.

When it comes to your humor, I believe that sarcasm is what will hold you two together in very funny exchanges of little retorts together. Bullying your friends (affectionately) is something he probably has done when he was younger, maybe he left that side of himself back, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t find it funny when you do it. I think he could be a little bit of a mediator when it comes to you building opinions on people quickly— not in an intrusive way, he could just talk to you and ask why or what you think of that one person and if there’s anything you need, in case that person is coming off as annoying to you, for example. Your sense of justice and the respect you hold for yourself is definitely something that Nanami will be proud of— you respect yourself because you know you’re worth, and he appreciates that.

For the arguments, he would talk things through with you— I see him staying calm, even if you are getting agitated and yelling at him, he won’t complain or get mad at you for that, just trying to find a reasoning for you both to cool off and solve things. He will respect your space— whether you’re with friends, or you need to be alone. No matter what. I chose Nanami because of how you hate obnoxious and arrogant people— Nanami’s so calm and collected, polite and stern, that he is the exact opposite of those things. And honestly, he hates these things just as you do!

The date activities:

What brought me to 100% choosing Nanami were the date activities you mentioned— restaurant and cafes, hiking, exploring cities— overall, staying outside and having your fun little calm time together, I think it’s something Nanami would go for. He would try out new things, I can picture him trying out painting with you, or maybe just assisting you while you paint. He prioritizes you having fun.

Your hobbies:

He finds your love and dedication to music very endearing— I think he would listen to you as you play the piano, it soothes him after a full day of stressing work. He’d read with you, even just reading a different book and enjoying each other’s silent presence through the flipping of pages. He also could help you pick up on some books you bought and then just left there to read them an year later, lol. Maybe he’s not exactly the one for gaming, but I don’t see why he would be close minded and not try out new things, or watch you as you play, or listen as you tell him about this new game obsession of yours. He would LOVE to bake with you. Just spending some time with you as you make whatever sweet food you’re baking, laughing together, eating the delicious things you made and then cleaning up together. He’s housewife material, isn’t he?


He will find your smarts and how you’re fluent with languages admirable— he wouldn’t mind the switch ups, he would actually probably find it amusing and cute, even. He could ask you if you want to teach him a few simple words or sentences, he’s a man of culture.

Song: Young and Beautiful — Lana Del Rey

(You did say you like Lana :3)

Hope you enjoyed!! :) I did my best <3

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