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Joel's Biceps

Joel flexing in the gym

Joel Thomas

Joel Thomas is a god in human form. The gym shakes when he is there, smaller men either avoid him because of how inferior they feel in his presence, or they seek him out because the sensation of being a small, weak beta around Joel is like a drug to the cuck. Joel hits a pose like this and the air suddenly fills with androgens, that drive women crazy and make them ovulate, and make men fear for their safety.

Sex. On. Fucking. Legs.
Joel Thomas actually dropped off my radar for a while. But after seeing the kinda size he has been packing on lately, he is most definitely front and centre once again.
That’s what I call steroidal masculinity: two huge legs of roided beef, covered in a network of veins and arteries that have been recruited into ferrying more and more nutrients and more and more chemicals straight to where they’re needed.
This is what a man’s legs should look like.
Recognise Steroidal Superiority and you’ll never look back.

Roids glorious roids!
Pure masculinity, personified.
Steely gaze, delts bigger than his head and so many artificial androgens coursing through him that his veins are about to rupture.
If that doesn’t make you proud to be a man, nothing will.
As the camera guy says: GOD DAMN.
The absolute stunner that is Joel Thomas, reminding us what a real man looks like.
I love the contrast between his smooth, engorged, heavy pectoral slabs and his grainy, dick-skinned abs.
And don’t even get me started on those quad veins! Literal porn.
Join the brotherhood. Embrace the needle.