John Constantine X Fem!reader - Tumblr Posts
Dreamscape ( i )
John Constantine x Fem!Reader
"It was hard to believe this wasn't a dream- this wasn't something your brain created to meet your soul's other half. It was real..."

A soulmate AU where you share dreams with the warlock known as John Constantine throughout both of your lives.
Have this posted on my AO3 account, and I felt like posting on here too- with a few minor changes
Warnings for this chapter-- Mentions of John's childhood ab*se, but it's not heavy- small descriptions and talks of it.
Sunlight peeked through the curtains, coming close to hitting your face as you slowly opened your eyes. You could feel his arms wrapped around her, pressing your back against his chest. It wasn't a tight hold, but if you moved it would surely wake the man snuggling up against you.
Not that you wanted to.
You wanted him to enjoy a peaceful sleep for a change. Besides, it was early...
Wasn't it?
You needed a clock. Clock, where are you?
You looked around the motel room, your eyes lighting up with joy upon spotting your phone on the nightstand next to your side of the bed. Thank goodness your dominant hand wasn't trapped at the moment. Which meant you just might be able to get the device without waking him up! Slowly and carefully, you reached over to grab your phone.
Your fingertips barely grazed the cool metal.
Much to your frustration.
"Damn it." You swore under your breath as you struggled to reach it. Why couldn't your arms be just a bit longer? Or better yet, why couldn't your phone be a bit closer? Eventually, your fingers got a better grip on the device, a mental cheer going off in your mind.
You did it! Now to check the time-
A startled noise left you when he felt him nuzzle into the crook of your neck. His stubble once again tickling your exposed neck. You got such a surprise your grip loosened on your phone- said object making a quiet thud as it hit carpet. A shaky breath left you as he placed one or two lazy kisses along your neck, your face warming from such actions.
Funny at that. A grown woman you are, yet this man can still make your heart do funny dances while blushes race across your face and down your neck.
"Something wrong luv?"
"Hmm? Oh no, it just startled me." You confessed, adjusting yourself so you could see him. Your soulmate. You were still getting used to the fact.
There was a gentle expression on his face as he stared at you. His eyes no longer holding in that frustration and sadness you had come to know. There was a light to them now, a light that made your soul sing. "You okay?" You still couldn't help but ask, which earning a sleepy chuckle from the blonde male. "I'm alright." He assured you, kissing your forehead as he hugged you close. "Didn't mean to wake you earlier." You murmured, humming in content as he rubbed little circles on the small of your back. "You didn't." The male muttered lazily.
You hummed under your breath, it was so easy to doze off. It was safe, you knew you were safe with your soulmate. Even so...
"You feel like getting up?"
A giggle threatened to leave you as he let out a tired grumble. You took that as a no. "It's Saturday." The blonde argued. "I'm pretty sure it's Sunday." You countered. It only earned a chuckle from him. "All the more reason to stay in bed." He replied, giving your forehead another kiss. He may say otherwise, but you had a feeling he was wide awake now.
It was hard to believe this wasn't a dream- this wasn't something your brain created to meet your soul's other half. It was real... as real as you and John Constantine lived and breathed. Closing your eyes as you leaned against him, your mind drifted off. Off to the first time you met him.
Everyone had a soulmate, one could meet through the dreamscape. Both you and your soulmate were able to talk and touch within the realm of dreaming. The world created around you was all based on things you dreamt of. Sometimes they were good. Sometimes they were stuff of nightmares.
Part of the reason why having your soulmate in the dreamscape was so important. They helped pull you from the bad things.
You didn't realize how bad things were for John when you first met though.
The shared dreaming didn't start until the soulmates turned thirteen- around that time, you didn't have a lot of friends. Yes you were on friendly terms with some of the girls in your class, but you liked vastly things from them. And while they weren't cruel... there was a good distance between you and them. Half the boys in your grade at the time weren't bad. Although the other half did things that just made your blood boil with their actions.
So on the day of your thirteenth birthday, you couldn't wait to go to bed. You just knew you and your soulmate would have everything in common. Or at least liked a few of the same things.
That was how it worked, right...?
Your parents had similar taste in music, and they liked watching those old films on Friday night. Slipping under the covers of your bed that night, you soon closed your eyes... and you were off.
And it was just as amazing as you thought it would be.
Your eyes widened as you took in the scene around you. It was an exact replica of the outdoor world from your favorite show at the time. "Hello? Hello!" You frowned upon not hearing a response. After a few moments, you headed off down a pathway. Suddenly you came upon a grove of willow trees, and the sound of crying.
"I'm coming!" You swallowed hard as you quickened your footsteps, slowing down when you spotted the source.
The boy sitting underneath a willow tree wore pajamas that didn't match. His blonde hair was a mess, but that wasn't your main concern. Your eyes were fixated on the cigarette burn mark on his upper shoulder. And the bruises on his forearms. ".. are you okay?" You were too scared to step closer, would he even let you? You never saw a boy his age cry before... it left an uneasy feeling in your stomach.
"Go away..." His voice was weak, but you could hear the accent nonetheless.
"Just go away." He repeated, his voice a touch more firm than before.
"No-" You froze in place at the sharp glare he went you, his eyes red from crying. "I... I won't go until I know you're okay." You stated, trying to keep your voice steady as you eventually sat down. Not too close though, but just enough to make it known you weren't running off anytime soon.
He glared at you before turning away. A sharp feeling of hurt tugged at your heart, which you quickly squashed down. Something awful happened to him... he was in pain. So much pain... how could you make it go away? Pressing your lips into a thin line, your shoulders sagged as you sighed softly. You told him your name, soon talking about your likes and dislikes. Secretly hoping it helped get his mind off whatever was wrong.
"Am I talking too fast?" You eventually asked when you took notice of him again. His body slightly turned to your direction.
He didn't look you in the eye though, seemingly more interested in the fresh green grass. "... mom keeps telling me I talk too fast." You continued on when he didn't answer. Much to your dismay. It faded quickly though when the blonde soon spoke up.
"... John. My name's John." He soon told you, your eyes wide from surprise before a small smile grew. You liked the name. It reminded you of the Saint, and a famous actor your parents enjoyed seeing. "... you still have a mum?" John soon asked. Your happy feeling soon turning into something more cold... and shocked.
Did... did he loose his mom?
"... I do." You answered softly, biting your lip in worry as you weighed the question. "... what happened to your mom?" You eventually asked. John snatched up fistfuls of grass, angrily tossing them away. "She died. Dad says it was my fault."
Horror gripped at you. "But you're a kid!" You exclaimed. How could someone hurt their own mother? "She died giving birth to me." He soon explained. Your nerves calmed down... somewhat. "... you were a baby, you didn't want it to happen." You whispered, sad, sad that this was thrown at John. And angry. Angry that his father saw fit to blame him for something beyond his control. You scooted a bit closer to him, frowning in worry as he continued ripping up bits of grass.
"I hate him..." He growled out.
"Don't say that-"
"It's true! Ever since my sister left he..." John trailed off as more tears threatened to spill. His eyes growing wide when you gently hugged. It last a few seconds, before you pulled away. "I'm sorry... it's just... you looked like you needed it." You admitted. Getting a hug from your mom or dad always made you feel better. You thought it might work for John. The other teen seemed hesitant for a few moments, before he inched closer to you. And while you didn't hug him again, you were more than happy to simply sit beside him.
"..I like magic." You heard John admit after several minutes passed by. "Really?" You asked in a bit of awe. Most of the boys in your class enjoyed sports or superheroes. None of them expressed an interest in magic.
"Can... you tell me more?" You asked again, a smile appearing on your as John started explaining the magic he was always looking up in his spare time. Suffice to say, it wasn't the magic you had in mind. It sounded spooky and scary... but magic itself wasn't bad- it was bad when bad people used it. Like the villains in your current favorite shows and movies- the good guys used magic too to fight back. Well maybe not all of the good guys, but a good many of them.
John seemed a lot better too, his eyes were still red from crying of course. But the sadness from earlier seemed to be disappearing a little. "I'm going to use my magic to talk to mum." He explained. You... weren't quite sure how that could work. His mother was dead.
But magic could be very powerful- he could find a way. Surely he could! "I bet she will be very happy to hear from you." You soon replied, a startled noise leaving you when you saw the world around the two of you start to fade. "No- no wait!"
You snapped out of your past when you heard John call your name. "Knew you didn't want to get up, you were nodding off there." You flushed at the teasing tone and smirk John sent you. "I wasn't nodding off." You countered, grumbling faintly as he chuckled.
"Sure you weren't." John countered playfully. Your grumbling continued as you reluctantly slipped out of his embrace, earning a groan from him. "Come on luv." He hid under the comforter when you tossed him his clothes. "It's only...." You trailed off as you picked up your phone.
"9:37 AM." You answered, going about the room to pick up your clothes from last night. Setting them aside, you went through your bag to pull out a t-shirt in your favorite color along with some jeans.
"Too early." You heard John call out, earning a faint giggle from you. "I'll be in the shower if you need me- to talk." You were quick to throw in at the last minute. Not missing the way John pulled himself out from hiding. He sent you a smirk that was anything but innocent.
"And if I wanted to talk to you in the shower?" He asked.
You responded in kind. A glare that held no real bite to it as you entered the bathroom, promptly closing the door behind you.