John Dies At The End - Tumblr Posts
Your best friend has left their last message for you, lamenting that they are no longer in this world should you receive that last message. It would have been emotional and tragic, had said friend not standing next to you, alive and in good health.
“I got on him, sat on his chest and I started jabbing at his face, cutting, the blade bouncing off bone in his forehead and blood and…So, I wound up—cutting out his eyes—hurting him pretty badly”
Jason Pargin, John Dies At The End

Old Testament (rare) nail bat 1d4 bludgeoning + 1d4 piercing (versatile) 1d6 bludgeoning + 1d4 piercing Made by a low income paladin, this large club covered with holy scriptures, talismans, and nails pack a mean punch, it is useable as a holy symbol and does a bonus 1d6 radiant damage to undead and fiends