Jordan Is So Underrated. Especially Wrt Her Relationship With Emily I Think Its So Underexplored - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

I genuinely don’t get the hate around jordan todd because she was a realistic depiction of what a semi-normal** person be like in the bau. @/frankiebirds made a really good post about it here, which you should absolutely go read.

(this got kind long, the rest is under the cut)

in addition to that post, I want to add the jordan had very little training. she shadowed jj for a bit (but didn’t actually shadow her during a case). that’s it. she was thrown in the deep end with no real knowledge of what she was getting into.

and she was put in the media liaison position. over the course of the series, we’re shown just how hard that job is and the toll it takes on jj, who’s been at it for years.

in addition (and as frankiebirds points out in the post it made) the other members of the bau are varying levels of desensitized to the horror they witness. jordan isn’t. she’s completely new to this world and these horrors.

and she’s honest about it. and I feel like people see her as weak for this honesty. when, in reality, most people would be in jordan’s position—scared, unsure, and traumatized.

rossi, one of the team’s most seasoned, tells her that it’s okay to not be able to do the job. and I think she finds deep relief in that. enough relief to not feel like a coward for leaving.

criminal minds is gray area central and people just Can’t Handle It for some reason. why jordan catches all the flack is beyond me (besides the fact that she’s a woman of color who breathed).

anyway. rant over. thank you for coming to me TEDtalk.

(**she did work in counterterrorism, so she likely had some interactions with the dark & disturbing, but not like this)

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